Blood presure level

@pro_ojha (600)
February 4, 2013 10:16am CST
Hello mylotes Today I checked my blood pressure level it is 130/98. Is it a high by the way my age around 39. Can any one told me what is the normal blood pressure level at this age
8 responses
@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
5 Feb 13
Your Systolic and Diastolic rates for your age group are: 35 to 39 Min. Avg. Max. Systolic Range 111 123 135 and Diastolic Range 78 82 86
@celticeagle (163208)
• Boise, Idaho
7 Feb 13
You are welcome.
@pro_ojha (600)
• India
7 Feb 13
Thank you very much celticegle for nice information .
1 person likes this
@BriannaM (18)
• New Zealand
5 Feb 13
It is slightly high, but I think nothing to worry about :) It should be about 110-120/80-90. But this depends on various things such as your weight, the level of activity you do etc. Don't be too concerned. I am 17 and sometimes my bp is 150/110! :P
@pro_ojha (600)
• India
7 Feb 13
Really , Means I need not worry much more . some told me that u should morning walk every day . Will this help me to reduce my BP Level .
• New Zealand
8 Feb 13
Just try and maintain good eating habits! Some foods will be better for it than others :) Hmmm, staying fit and healthy can definitely have a good long term effect on your blood pressure. But in the short term your blood pressure will be raised if you do too much exercise that your body isn't used to. So going for a morning walk can be good as long as you take it easy and don't work your body too hard! :)
• Dhaka, Bangladesh
5 Feb 13
Hi friend, your pressure is bit high. 120/80 is most desirable but some times it varies with age and type of hard labor etc. Take more water in the morning without taking breakfast and no food within one-two hours. Also take soup of sour fruits. Have a very nice day.
@lifes97 (884)
• United Arab Emirates
14 Mar 13
so what is yoru news, are you taking meds or see the dr for your presure.
@pro_ojha (600)
• India
15 Mar 13
Right now i am not taking any medicine. Should i take medicine for this
@lifes97 (884)
• United Arab Emirates
4 Feb 13
do you have this problem? do you take meds if you do take meds then maybe this is normal, though for the people who do not have the problem this is little hight and warnning also, the normal is less than 130 and les then 90 or if that is the pressure after you sport then its ok.
@pro_ojha (600)
• India
4 Feb 13
Hello friends It is take in evening time
@Nursefrai06 (2498)
• Penrith, Australia
5 Feb 13
Wow, do you use a digital sphygmomanometer? You know those things aren't recommended because they aren't as accurate as having a real human being to check your blood pressure for you. At your age, it is a bit high as the normal is 110/70 some go for 120/80 but 110 is better. Chew on some garlic, it lowers down blood pressure.
• Philippines
5 Feb 13
I'd have to say that that's pretty high. My mom is 55 and hers is only 130/80. You've got to get yourself checked up and ask for medical advise.
@BigMoney25 (1286)
• Philippines
4 Feb 13
should be at 110, exercise more you are near the normal level.