Sleepless Night

@julyteen (13252)
Davao, Philippines
February 12, 2013 1:23am CST
Many of you aware about my latest update regarding my newly born son. I cannot measure myself the happiness I felt everyday, everytime I saw my son. When I arrived home from my work everyday, I go directly to my room and played him although he can't acknowledge me yet but still he already heard what I say. We are all happy calling him Baby Miguel every morning. Despite our happiness, we cannot avoid that there are some burden that we need to suffer. One thing, I need to wake up early morning or even few minutes after midnight which usually you already have a nice dream because of a nice sleep. Now, my son crying asking for his milk. No choice for a good provider father, need to rise and prepare his milk. Now, how did you cope up those hard things in providing the needs of your children specially during midnight. What schedule did you used to avoid both are tire and lack of sleep within the day? Please share your opinions guys Best Regards, julyteen 02/12/2013 @01:22:37 myLot time
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17 responses
@rsa101 (38117)
• Philippines
12 Feb 13
Yeah I guess you have to deal with the sleeping arrangement with your baby. Some suggest that you go with the flow with your son. When he is asleep make sure you are too and when he is awake you should be too. It is hard to follow especially if this is your first time but I guess that is the best possible way to be able to cope with your baby. That will last until about 18 months up to 24 months but as time progresses the frequency will be lesser but the first 6 months is really gruelling adjustment most parents do especially when one is working.
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@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
12 Feb 13
I cannot go the flow of my son because during evening few minutes after I arrived home we need to calculate all earnings the whole day operation of my shop. I need to know how much our gross and net profit. It will last until 2 hours minimum. I don't know if it's okay to let my wife to do all things during the night until morning except preparing his bottled milk. My wife now don't have anything to do in the house except to take care our baby.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
13 Feb 13
We are selling electronic loads. We own a dealer sim so alot of transactions within the day we need to check and calculate. If I am home, of course I will help my wife. We encode it in my laptop and also we update all loads given to our retailers.
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
12 Feb 13
what is your shop selling or offering my friend? hope you don't mind me asking, hopefully you would be able to to find a way to calculate it the faster way. Computerized or a program perhaps? so you could spend more with you baby. It is ok for your wife to do it all, but as per experience, it can be daunting for the wife too, exhausting even, sometimes the help of the hubby is greatly appreciated.
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@rog0322 (2829)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
12 Feb 13
Hi, I know it is not easy to have a small child, I had two of them. It is not easy to adjust especially those midnight calls. We took turns in providing for their needs, on a two hour basis. When I wake up at midnight, my wife usually took the rest of the time to get up until dawn. I am not a morning person so I took charge of the 10 to midnight watch, sometimes up to one o'clock dawn. Then I sleep all I can until seven in the morning with my wife rising up early. Children usually has erratic sleep patterns but it shall settle down in a month or two.
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@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
12 Feb 13
A big adjustment made. Before I don't care to any disturbance as long as I am sleepy. I woke up most of the time almost 8am even I sleep early. Lately, early in the morning when I heard my baby cried I will rise and get him. I felt hard everyday but because I love my son I never think it a hard task to do
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
12 Feb 13
OH CONGRATS! I have three kids, so i experienced it too, sleepless night, nights becoming day and day becoming nights.. or when the baby is awake i must be awake too.. it was tiring quite honestly, there were times me and hubby would get all stressed especially when the baby is sick but eventually we got through it and my kids are all big now.. phew! during times when we have work, in the morning the nanny and my mom takes care of it while in the night we are the ones looking after, it is stressful especially if work is early but you have to get a grip and face it.. i mean that was the only way i got through it! luckily, two of my kids were heavy sleepers at night, my first one, my daughter was the one always awake at night during her time
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
13 Feb 13
I don't want my wife to go and manage our business like what she did before. I want here to take care our baby the whole day. She can sleep if the baby sleep. No other works to worry. I assign all house chores to some people in the family.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
14 Feb 13
My children are now six and ten years old and I have to admit that there are some times that I miss the fact that they needed me in the middle of the night when they were very small. That said, the best piece of advice that I ever heard from someone when I was the parent of a baby is that you should try to sleep when the baby is sleeping. Now I didn't sleep all of the times that the babies were sleeping, but I did sleep as much as I needed to while the baby was asleep.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
14 Feb 13
I also told my wife to do the same. When our baby sleep she should sleep so that she can recover those hours that the baby awake and need her to play and to talk even to dance so that the baby stop crying
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
15 Feb 13
You don't have any work also during your pregnancy until the baby is born? I give time my wife to relax since 1 month of pregnancy until she deliver our son. She should understand the situation.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
15 Feb 13
In addition to that, I would also say that if it is possible, she should be the one that is taking care of the baby during the night because of the fact that you have to rise early in the morning to go to work. When my children were little, I was always the one that was up with them during the night. I can't think of a single time that I had my husband get up with the children during the night.
• Pamplona, Spain
23 Mar 13
Hello JT, Many congratulations on having your baby that is a nice name Miguel as well. My babies cried most of the day and night and the last one cried hours and hours right up until he was about 9 months old then he started to sleep better at night and then slowly very slowly over time I managed to be able sleep without being woken up several times a night. It was impossible for me to go back to work with that kind of situation. Milupa was a very good baby food then and it helped a tremendous amount. He began to gain weight had more colour all the time and slept much better. I had taken him to every Doctor I could think of and they were not sympathetic saying he would grow out of it. I had several tricks that I used from becoming unwell through such a lack of sleep and I managed to stay very healthy but I had to see all this through by myself I had no help from anyone at all right from the start I was coping by myself. Looking back on that is something that I have not regretted trying to go back to work with only two or three hours broken sleep a night was not a good idea at all so I had to give it up. No baby is ever the same as the other at the start most of them cry and they just settle down right away after
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
24 Mar 13
He is now very clever. He knows how to detect if there are people around him. When he found out that he is alone, he start to cry. So far, after 50 days he sleep tight during the night but during the day he wants to be carried to our arms.
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@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
24 Mar 13
Yeah, he love to be carried always in our arms. He's start smiling now and it helps me to relieve my stress.
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• Pamplona, Spain
24 Mar 13
Hello julyT, At least he is sleeping much more soundly of which I am glad for you as you are having to work so it seems. He is a very good baby then. He will grow out of wanting to be in arms all day as well it might take time but he will want to be exploring things by himself as
@Kmz059 (652)
• Philippines
21 Apr 13
Yes it is so hard to take care of a baby, but with a simple smile and laugh it will vanished all the stress. When my son is still a new born he will sleep at night and wake up in the morning, then sleep gain, cries when they are hungry or they have pee on their diaper or got irritated. It is easy to take care of a baby than the one year old baby, who knows how to walk and run, you will get tired going with him/her.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
24 Apr 13
My son Miguel is very hyper and I know from now my wife will face a big problem when he know how to walk and run.
@djoyce71 (2511)
• Philippines
13 Feb 13
Congratulations for God's blessing. Well, that's a part of the difficulties of being a parent that you have to deal. Every baby is different from the other so I guess you have to sacrifice. Anyways, it won't be long that you'll be doing this stuff. Just take enough vitamins for your health also. There's a good site that could help you. It's It helped me a lot. Good luck
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
13 Feb 13
It's not easy to become a parents but I don't why those people out there have more than 5 kids. I can't imagine myself having that total number of kids. I felt difficult even I have only one. How much more if I will add another 3 or more.
• Philippines
13 Feb 13
hello... there is no good schedule.. you have to be flexible.. i suesd to be a working mom. and im like walking zombie , it's like evryday i only got few hours of sleep, i have two kids, one is 7 years old and the other one is two years old.. when the older kid goes to school that will be me and baby quality time but one sister comes home, its riot in the house.. kids are competing for my attention. i decided to stay at home. my point is, you just go with the flow. i never had a decent sleep since i have my first baby...
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
14 Feb 13
You mean I will expect the worst things with regards to sleep schedule. Well, I am lack of sleep even during the time I was single until new married so I think this thing is not new to my routine
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Feb 13
hi julytee that sure does come with having a bab y but at least in a few months he will grow past the two oclock feeding and you will start to get more sleep.The only thing I can suggest is you and wife take turns on the night feedings and if youi get a chance to nap during the day do take it, Goos Luck and God bless.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
13 Feb 13
I already asked my wife to take the whole night our son and if he needs my help to prepare a bottled milk I will do it even I am sleep. She can wake me up to do that stuff. Well, I observe that 2 days already she didn't disturbed me and my baby didn't cry during the dawn. Only cried early in the morning. It's time for me to carry him in my arms and let him sleep
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
14 Feb 13
Happiness is....having a newborn child. It is such a big, big bundle of joy to have a new baby born in the family. So I truly understand your ecstasy. It was 25 years since I delivered my one and only baby and oh it was like heaven to me. I could not describe by words the joy of motherhood. It is one wonderful feeling only a mother would know. Now the father of course has special share of joy and only a father can say how it feels for them. But indeed through all the joy there are some sacrifices to make. It is hard to raise that infant for he is such a fragile creature that needs tender loving care every moment, 24 hours a day. A newborn sleeps and after an hour or so would wake and then stay awake for some hour, cry when hungry or craving for milk and then sleep again. Even during the night, the infant does not sleep straight long hours like an adult so the mother has to sacrifice or the father could alternate whichever is applicable. But it will not take long, the infant grows very fast and besides isn't it that just seeing his angelic smile is more than enough to erase all your weariness?
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
14 Feb 13
Yes I agree, tender loving care is needed to a very small creature - the newly born baby. They are very sensitive. They need more attention.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
13 Feb 13
Well, that is also my experience when my first and second kid still a baby. I need to wake up early or even after my work I still need to assist her mother to make the baby didn't suffer anything and be healthy...
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
13 Feb 13
Although I am tired still my obligation to help my wife specially during the time she is eating and the baby is crying I need to get and carry my baby while dancing to stop crying
@shibham (16977)
• India
13 Feb 13
Congratulation friend. I have attended mylot so lately. Well, it is really a hard stuff to do specially at midnight. what your wife does at that time? i mean why she does not prepare milk instead of you? Have a nice time.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
14 Feb 13
She can't prepare the milk because my baby don't want his mom away from him. So I need to stand up from the bed and prepare the bottled milk for my baby
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
31 Mar 13
it is quite hard and the mental pressure will make our health get spoiled and more over the thing is our health and also eye feels the most part of the strain
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
31 Mar 13
Yes I agree. You will felt very tire after the night
• Indonesia
17 Feb 13
Children are a surrogate of the creator.we must take care with compassion
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
17 Feb 13
Yes we did, though very hard but it's our obligation to give him cares from his parents
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
12 Feb 13
I think that ever since I became a mom, I have never had a sleep that would last more than 6 hours in a day. I always wake up when my kids needs to be fed and all those times when they are sick. I think that is one sacrifice that mothers have to do.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
12 Feb 13
Really? I thought mommies can sleep more than 8 hours a day despite of feeding time and some chores in the house. Lately I ask my wife to take care the baby the whole night because I am tired from work but if the baby needs bottled milk I will be the one to prepare. There's no other thing my wife did for the whole day, only to take care our baby. Cooking I let my siblings to do it and laundry I help my in-laws to do it. We pay some works done by my friends and siblings. I think my wife been relax than myself.
• India
14 Apr 13
Hi friend, good to hear about your newbie son. I too have two sons and my wife struggled a lot to raise them during their birth stage. Now both of them are grown up a little and going to their schools. We too have a lot of sleepless nights during their early stages. Little babies don't sleep in the night time and they will cry loudly during the night times, we sacrificed a lot of things to our kids including sleep. As a parents we are in need to face a lot of challenges to grow up our kids
• India
12 Feb 13
it is really good to have a happy family. I really wish that I also live very happily and relax with my child.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
13 Feb 13
Why? You mean you are not happy with your family right now? It's different feeling if you have a very nice family that willing to support and understand you despite of your weaknesses