Why cant other people just mind their own Business?

@zip12ph (179)
February 18, 2013 8:45pm CST
I woke today feeling happy for a new day, as usual i did my my daily routine. Assisting my son to be ready for school,then study my own lesson for school today since my younger son still sound asleep. I do this 24-7, not minding people around me since i'm so busy coping up with my family and school life. I just get out of the house when its time for me to go to school but out of this busy life of mine, my neighbors still cant quit talking about me. I just cant help thinking as to why cant they keep their own life busy and just mind their own. My fellow mylotters how do you deal with this kind of environment? Thanks .
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17 responses
• Philippines
19 Feb 13
that's what people do when they have nothing to do... its a fact of life.. we cant avoid it, but we can choose to ignore it and go on with our lives
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@Raine38 (12250)
• United States
19 Feb 13
I agree. Those who have nothing better to do opt to meddle in someone else's life or gossip about it. Why? It makes them feel better about themselves. It is their own twisted way of affirmation that they are far off better. Well guess what, they are not and the only way to prove them wrong is to ignore them and let them eat their own words. Just do what you do best, and concentrate on your kids and your studies. You don't need the approval nor the support of these kind of people.
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@zip12ph (179)
• Philippines
22 Feb 13
Thanks Sharon and Raine, Ignoring them had been a part o my daily routine, from sun up to sun down, but I guess there are people who really don't quit, maybe meddling with my life is also part of their routine. So i just say my little prayer for them. Happy mylotting.
@MoonGypsy (4606)
• United States
19 Feb 13
i don't deal with this kind of situation very well. it makes me very nervous and paranoid. if i were you, i would probably move.
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@zip12ph (179)
• Philippines
23 Feb 13
Hi MoonGypsy, I had consider moving out before, but then if i do that, then i consider it as a defeat on my part, and moving now a days is hard, especially that i have kids with me. Oh well. I cannot really control my neighbors but I need to go on with my life, someday, somehow, things will be on my side. Thank you.
@djoyce71 (2511)
• Philippines
19 Feb 13
There are a lot of them in this world. People who just cant mind their own business. Actually, that's their business, minding other's life. From your post, I think that you're doing your role as a good parent and housewife, doing house chores and stuff. I guess you just have to ignore them. What matters is your family and your good life. Continue taking care of your family. Good luck.
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@zip12ph (179)
• Philippines
22 Feb 13
Thanks Djoyce, I think Luck is really not on my side. But i'm still thankful for people who don't really know me, but respect my feeling. I'm thankful for people who try to meddle with my life cause they really inspires me to strive harder for my family. As what they say, we can't really avoid people who thinks that their life is better than ours, but i'll prove them wrong, someday. Thanks for the inspiring discussion.
@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
19 Feb 13
Either confront them or ignore them...If they are talking about you behind your back, they most likely are jealous of you in some way...So just feel sorry for them, send off a little prayer for their souls and carry on...
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@zip12ph (179)
• Philippines
22 Feb 13
Adoniah, thank you so much. Yes, i always resort to prayers, especially at times when i feel the burden inside my heart. There is this one time, when I'm on my way to school, then one incident happen that really affected me, I usually,go straight to the library before my class starts to study, But due to this incident, no matter how i concentrate, the burden keeps on bugging me, so what i did, i listen to a christian music while praying, suddenly i found my self crying to God. It really did Good for me.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
19 Feb 13
Because they live very sad and empty lives, zip. If they can't find anything else to talk about. That or they really love you so much that they cant keep your name off their lips. Don't pay them any attention. Its not worth it.
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@zip12ph (179)
• Philippines
22 Feb 13
Hi Cupkitties, reading your comment, makes my feeling lighter, i guess your right, they are living an empty and sad lives. Then i should not feel sorry for my self cause i'm luckier than them. Thank you so much.
@tyleremy (170)
• China
19 Feb 13
Hello! You can't shut their mouths up but you can choose not to listen.I know its kinda hard to get that out of your busy life,buy you have to learn how to cope with conditions like that.Hope you would be fine soon!
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@zip12ph (179)
• Philippines
23 Feb 13
Hi Tyleremy, I guess i choose not to listen, i realize, it won't do me any good if i'll let myself be affected with all their nonsense, beside i'm more blessed. I just depend on God to do things for me. Happy Mylotting.
• Philippines
19 Feb 13
Some people just have this thing on talking about other people's affairs. My say is just ignore them. Continue with your daily life. They will eventually get tired of talking about you especially if you don't give them any reason to do so. Just let them be but don't let them get into your nerve and ruin your day.
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@grkelly (1206)
• Malta
19 Feb 13
I am the kind of person that does not know how to ignore such comments unfortunately. However I am trying my best to manage to do so because as long as I am happy with what i am doing then there is nothing to worry about. Regardless of what you do, you will always find people talking and debating about you and your life. You must try to ignore them and live your life as if they did not exist.
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• Philippines
19 Feb 13
I have to say that these situations are inevitable especially if we deal with a lot of people, we work with them, etc. Neighbors, friends and even co-workers can be cruel at times and they tend to talk about you behind your back. I can proudly say, that even though I may not have overcome getting irritated with these types of people, I can at least ignore them and go on with my life. I have slightly outgrown this annoying feeling when I know that others are talking stuff about you. I just put my mind to what's important, and I always think that these people don't deserve to be thought about and that I don't need additional stress in my life. You should try doing the same. It might not solve your problem, but at least, and I hope, it can help make things feel easier.
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@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
19 Feb 13
I have just learned not to be affected with those kind of people. I know that some of them have not quit talking about me. But who cares, right? They want to be problematic with how I am and that is their problem. Just do your thing and ignore them.
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@zip12ph (179)
• Philippines
22 Feb 13
Hi Jenny, I really don't care, I've learned to pretend they don't exist, but there are times when ignoring also comes to stop, and somewhat feeling affected, especially if they include my little angels, there are times when I liked to confront them but i really thank God, that every time i'm on the edge of doing it, God reminds me to stay calm. Happy mylotting.
@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
19 Feb 13
You cannot control what they say or how they say things about you. However, you can control how you react towards those things they say. Regardless of what they say, act positive. You have kids to be a good example too. If you react to them, they will be delighted and say more things. Show them it does not affect you and they soon realize they are wasting their time. Focus your energy on people and things that matter to you, not on those gossipers. You need not hide from them, you have every right to go out or wherever you want. Stand tall and walk straight past them. Take care.
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@jadoixa (1166)
• Philippines
19 Feb 13
some people are really like that, also we are human, even though we try our best to be positive and don't mind this kind of people, it is normal to get affected by it. it can really affect us but in the long run as long as we know the truth and what is right, that is all that matters. just try to ignore these kind of people, i'm sure soon they will get tired of minding your life instead of minding and focusing on their own. just stay strong and positive no matter what.
• India
19 Feb 13
I really feel not good when people interfer and talk behind each other is the poorest act of humanbin base on their poor culture and poor knowing what life is about. I really avoid those sort of peope who do not mind their business and If I would able to cut the respect that I give people just for my husband , If I was living just for myself maybe I could tear their mouth as I hate kind of people that for not doing anything they waste their time to interfer to people life.
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@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
19 Feb 13
First it is just rude that people can't mind there own bussiness as if they don't have something better to do with there lifes no matter what what we do on our own or as a family behind our closed doors is our own business and no one elses 2nd i want to give you 2 thumbs up as i read this your a mother with a child in school you take the time to get your child ready plus i am sure you do all the cleaning and the cooking and other house hold things but for the most part if i understand your in school too that is great you are doing this all at the same time while taking care of your family 2 thumbs up keep up the great work
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@MissPiggy (1748)
• Indonesia
19 Feb 13
Oh, I so understand what you've been through, and I have some coworkers who do just like your neighbors do. But see, life won't be beautiful without them. I think we have to thank them, because they think we're worth the talking. You know there's a saying that when people are talking behind your back, it's because that's where they belong to: behind your back. So ignore them, and keep showing them that we're so much better than them!
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
19 Feb 13
Don't worry about it. You help them by making them busy. Yes, according to our friend, the best way to do is to ignore them. Have a nice day!
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• Philippines
19 Feb 13
just don't mind them, ZIp. don't bother yourself listening to what other people say about you. don't listen to them so you wouldn't get depressed and upset. someday, those people will get tired. but, don't you just love that? people talking about you? when people talk about you, that means you are POPULAR!! LOL.
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