Can not get motivated to excercise

@TriciaW (2441)
United States
February 27, 2013 5:08am CST
I am trying to eat healthy and I know I need to excercise but I just can't get motivated. It is sad to say when I know what I need to do but I need that motivation. I don't have the money to go to a gym but my apartment complex has a fitness room. There are no excuses that are really good ones it is just that I when I get home from work I am tired and when I wake up it is too early. Not sure what to do to get my tush up and moving. Any ideas???
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17 responses
@cttolledo (5454)
• Legaspi, Philippines
28 Feb 13
We have the same goal, to find time for an exercise. I was required by my doctor to do some exercise everyday and must do it regardless of how busy I am it is because I was diagnosed with high cholesterol, so it is needed to cut down some calories. But just like you, it is really hard to do an exercise while we have stressful work..You are right we need motivation.
@Strovek (868)
• Malaysia
28 Feb 13
Exercise helps relieve stress. It may be tiring at first but after the exercise, you will feel energized. Too often we take the easy way out and just flop onto the couch or bed but don't get any relieve.
@babyeve (1048)
• Seychelles
28 Feb 13
Setting goals gives you a reason to want to do something! And once you complete a goal, you feel as if you are capable of doing anything once you set your mind to it! Initially, when you set a goal, make sure it is nothing too hard or something far fetched or you'll just find yourself getting disappointed and end up feeling worse about yourself! Therefore it is important to start with small, clear goals! That way they are easier to achieve and you will be setting a platform to accomplishing bigger goals! It can even be trying to fit into your old skinny jeans that were buried far back in your closet! Or you can go shopping and buy a few nice things you've always wanted to wear! That will surely get your juices flowing to exercise!
• United States
28 Feb 13
It is hard to get motivated to excercize, though I notice once I do, I feel a lot better. I start by setting small goals... a few excercizes here, some yoga, a little weightlifting... and then set them higher. I will use whatever I can to help; energy mio, coffee...
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@Strovek (868)
• Malaysia
28 Feb 13
You are right, it is tough to get motivated. The trick is to break the inertia. You can try some of the tricks I use in the following article:
• United States
28 Feb 13
I'm having the same exact problem. I've been wanting to get out and running every day, but the problem is I cannot seem to motivate myself at all. The closest I've gotten to actually going for a run is getting dressed in my running suit, and then I changed my mind. I can't even find the motivation to do some daily floor exercises. It's seriously driving me crazy and I don't know what to do about it.
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• China
28 Feb 13
Hi. In my opinion, if one wants to exercise deep in his or her heart, there will be no excuse. Although money is tight , one can think of ways to exercise. What's more, walking outdoors when the weather is fine is the best exercise. people needn't go to a gym to exercise. If all people go to a gym to exercise themseles , it's boring.
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@momalisa65 (1971)
• United States
27 Feb 13
I just started the same type of discussion yesterday. I'm having the exact same problem. I say that I don't have enough time to go to the gym, but actually if I was motivated I'd find way to get there. I even have a treadmill in my own basement that I never use. It seems like there's always something else to do that seems more important. Hopefully when the weather gets nice and Spring is here, I'll have a little more energy and be motivated. At least I hope so!
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@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
27 Feb 13
Well the best way for you to get motivated is get into a rhythm and schedule of when you are going to exercise that way you will feel more obligated to stick to your routine. Another way to get motivated is to pick exercise that can be fun for you so that way you aren't bored with the ways you are trying to get healthy. My favorite sport is basketball so whenever I play it I get exercise and I have fun at the same time. If you can find a sport or an activity that you find to be really fun it will help your exercising to feel less like work and feel a lot more like enetertainment and fun.
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@Archie0 (5651)
27 Feb 13
Same is here, i really need lot of motivation when it comes to anything in my life. I know this is not right. But i can't help it. I also cannot start with my exercise i need lot of inspiration. I got a manual walker, stepper at home but i still can't do it. Even with my diet. I have been gaining lot of weight. Recently i have booked an appointment with a dietitian and i hope i do well there i have to lose weight as soon as possible it is getting on my life.
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@averygirl72 (37863)
• Philippines
28 Feb 13
I'm not motivated too and sometimes it can be boring and hard to do. However, if you look at the benefits of exercise, it has lots of benefits. Why not try to do zumba dance? Exercise can be exciting and fun. I like when I sweat or increase my breathing and also the feeling when you stretch your muscles.
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@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
28 Feb 13
Excercise is so good for us. I used to have the same problem as you do. I turn music on when I excercise makes it alittle more fun. try it..
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@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
28 Feb 13
start taking walk you will find this will get your blood pumping then try to go to the work out room in your complex another good thing is try to take a walk after each meal this well help you burn of some of the food you just eaten
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• Philippines
27 Feb 13
I procrastinate exercising, too. But I compensate that by eating healthy food. I watch what I eat and on weekend since Im free from work, I try to exercise for thirty minutes and I just console myself by thinking that I already exercise when I do the household chores because you move a lot and it gets me sweating. But still, proper exercise is way better though. Maybe you could try walking or jogging in place for 40 minutes everyday. That's the least we can do for us busy people. :)
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• India
28 Feb 13
try to watch some motivation gym video or place some motivation photos of your wall and do small warm up exercise like walking,jogging,bending down and up. this will help to increase your health by bumping more blood to your heart.
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
28 Feb 13
the only exercise that i do is taking a walk, and I don't get that done everyday, as it is either to cold or raining. I do try to take my walk as often as i can though, as it is good for me, and my dogs need it too. I have never gone to a gym, nor do I have any fitness equipment. I know that exercise is good for me, and that is why I try to walk. I like to walk, as it makes me feel rejuvenated, and it does a body good as well. Take care, and have a great day.
@choconut (297)
• Philippines
27 Feb 13
find something that can motivate you, but it had to be for yourself. Example, you're obese, so the motivation you can have is "I want to be healthy". Another example, you're having difficulty in your day to day activity because you feel lazy, the motivation can be "I want to be productive, i want to be happy or whatever" as long as its for yourself and not for someone else, you can get motivated to finish it. For me, right now I'm planning to lose weight, my motivation is I want to look nice on a dress.
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@miryanag (346)
• Bulgaria
27 Feb 13
What I do is find a picture of the body I want print it and put it on my wall.I set my goals from the previous day for example I will do 30 min of cardio 2 sets of crunches and ect. I increase the chalange evry now and then.
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