Is mobile phone's loudspeaker is good way to avoid the ear problem?

Talking on mobile with loudspeaker on - Click on loudspeaker and start talking
March 5, 2013 5:07am CST
I read health experts prove the now a days ear problem are increasing due to mobile phone because people talk on mobile for long time but I got an idea to avoid this we can use loudspeaker. But I observe when loudspeaker on means we can't hear the voice properly and understand what the other person is saying so I feel we cant talk on mobile for long time on loudspeaker. What you think we should start loudspeaker or leave the habit of long time talking.
10 responses
• Quezon, Philippines
6 Mar 13
hi surekharathi, yes we can use loudspeaker on mobile. your right its not easy to understand what the other saying if you use your loudspeaker, for me i better use earphone so its easy to talk to others. and also you can adjust the volume.
1 person likes this
• India
6 Mar 13
Hehhehe....friend ear phone is not put in my ear and whenever try slips so I use loudspeaker but yes not hear the voice properly so avoid some time loudspeaker also.
@hotsummer (13835)
• Philippines
6 Mar 13
But i don't think is practical to use loudspeaker when making calls but for making or listening to music, is just okay
1 person likes this
• India
6 Mar 13
You are right practically we cant use loudspeaker every time but if ear problem is increasing then we should follow this way.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
5 Mar 13
These experts seemed to have been into a lot of researches but they are not able to come up with a concrete proof of their claims. They have studies yeah but what else other than these claims? I agree that it's hard to always talk on the v speaker phone. Aside from the unclear sound, when in public it is not avoidable that there are other people who might be disturbed too. It is also not the truth that every person who have cellular phone is using it and talking all day long. There are those who uses phone to text or to browse b the net.
1 person likes this
• India
5 Mar 13
Friend I am not saying for everyperson I am saying specially school college boys and girls. Few exception are always exist.
@prashu228 (37525)
• India
5 Mar 13
Hi surekha yes even i heard about this. We can minimize the harm to some extent.But yes some phones have this problem. If we keep on loudspeaker the voice will not be clear. I wont talk on phone too much so no problem. But people who are on phone for more time should take care.
1 person likes this
• India
5 Mar 13
Ohh means you have same experience like no clear voice if loudspeaker on. Your habit is nice like me hehehe...just kidding.
• India
5 Mar 13
Hey surekha, First of all I would like to congratulate you on the way you are taking care of yourself. But to address to your question that if you start using loud speaker it causes disturbance to others, and you cannot have a healthy discussion always as you may not want to disclose all information publicliy. I would suggest you to use headset of your mobile phone to avoid the issue.
• India
5 Mar 13
You are right loudspeaker on means surrounding people also disturb and I not think about this thanks for remind me. Hmmm my information is not secret because talk only with relatives or family members like mother, sister, hubby and more.
@markIT (134)
• Philippines
5 Mar 13
You're right surekharathi. Turning on loudspeaker sometimes make voice unclear. What I usually do is I used earphone instead, because I opted to hear it on my own than other will hear anything our conversation. lol! Though turning on loudspeaker can be one of many ways to avoid ear problem, because, as what I know, there is a recommended time for your ear upon contact with any gadget that produces sound.
1 person likes this
• India
5 Mar 13
Ohhh ye voice is uncleared so finally I stop the loudspeaker and touch the phone with ear. Hehe...earphone not sit on my ear always goes down.
@artemeis (4194)
• China
7 Mar 13
Sure, if you do not mind the whole world listening in to your telephone conversations. I don't think you would ever want to chat extensively on your mobile phone for obvious practical reasons. 1. Miss call You may miss out on your important calls getting through when you talk extensively. Even if you have second call service, you may not be able to interrupt your current call. 2. Hazard Since the phone is highly portable and mobile, your attention should be on the road (even walking) than on the phone conversation. A shift on our attention is simply very dangerous to others and most of all, to yourself. 3. Call Charges I am sure a mobile phone call is pretty expensive and it is just not economically sensible to engage in long conversations however meaningful or important. Honestly, I am sure you can think of many other reasons here to convince the other party and you to shorten the conversation on the phone. You can always suggest to meet up in person to have a more personal and undivided setting to whatever matters you all want to discuss. Or, make an appointment to video chat on the computer in the safe confines of your home or office or a place where you do not have to be attentive to traffic and walkway. If you must and seems to have a lot of calls due to the nature of your work, then I would suggest an investment on a good Bluetooth wireless headset to facilitate safe phone conversations.
@ifa225 (14364)
• Indonesia
8 Mar 13
Hi sure, it is a better way but there is another option of avoiding ear problem just typing it will avoid the unproperly voices and we can re read it over and over again when we don't get the meaning of a conversation
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
5 Mar 13
Surekha: meeting you after a long time. I agree with your suggestion we can use loud speaker while talking over phone. The problem is others nearby us can also hear what the other person is talking and what we are talking. Instead it is better to use head phone and talk so that we can hear properly. It is advisable not to talk over cell phone for a long time. We must talk for not more than twenty minutes per day. good day.
• India
5 Mar 13
Hellooo uncle how are you? I was absent from mylot full Feb month you are right everyone should avoid to talk on phone for long time. Because ear and headache both problem may arise and if necessary then should use loudspeaker.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
5 Mar 13
surekha: I am ok. Nowadays I am busy with my college classes. Also guiding people through my blog and also facebook for recruitment. a few have succeeded from North India-- there is a candidate from Gwalior also. yes. we should try to avoid using cell phone for a long time. good day.
@Ghajini (776)
• Philippines
5 Mar 13
I personally prefer using loudspeaker especially if it would be a long conversation. For some reasons, I feel that talking to someone for a long time via the cellphone's earpiece can be really exhausting to our ears, also I don't feel comfortable that my cellphone that emits some levels of radiation is placed directly to the side of my head. Hence, as long as it's possible to talk to someone using my phone's loudspeaker, I would do so. However, there are limitations as well, since setting your phone to loudspeaker will allow the people near you to hear more details of your conversation.