as any one taken an image of new mylot version?

@kai9999 (1700)
March 8, 2013 5:49am CST
most of you may have know by now that admin had started to test new mylot - which is in beta version and also given a chance to use it but unfortunately i missed and now you can see demo. as anyone taken a image of mylot beta , few say it looks similar to twitter. i search with google and mylot and can't find any thing about mylot beta version except the discussion by admin.
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16 responses
• United States
8 Mar 13
They didn't give anyone a chance to use it, actually. My understanding is that they made the new version of the site publicly accessible and it was found by myLot members, who were apparently able to log in and poke around a bit before it was taken down. Several members raised a stink about the fact that they posted our personal information publicly, and that's why we have the quadruple earnings period extending through the end of the myLot day today. Lamb uploaded a screenshot of his profile on the new site at
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@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
Oh wow, as i wait for the page to load, i am excited to see it. heheh :D thanks so much for sharing this photo / link with us.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
hi there kai, hmm after seeing it, i thought it was twitter!! oh my i never really thought it was going to be like that, i thought when people said its mylot that looks like twitter, and it was no under or overstatement at all. haha i would be confused if i had not seen the mylot logo in it. wooohooo i just think the color blue should be retained, it is cool in the eyes.
• United States
8 Mar 13
What I meant was that myLot made the site and put it up, but never intended for users to find it as it was. Unless I'm misunderstanding, and they did invite you to have a look around yesterday?
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
8 Mar 13
The page I saw certainly looked rather like Twitter, however, I believe that it was far from being the final version, so whether it will look anything like it eventually is anyone's guess. You will not find any details of it anywhere on the Internet because all traces of the pages which were accidentally accessible have vanished. Several people have already posted screenshots. You need only search recent discussions to find them. I do have a screenshot (which I posted elsewhere) but I'm not going to repost it because it would be highly misleading to do so. The final version is not likely to be anything like the page I saw.
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@kai9999 (1700)
• India
8 Mar 13
yip i vote down for the new design, mylot had to reconsider the design but change would certainly give a new feel.
• United States
8 Mar 13
If enough users say that they don't like the design seen in the screenshots, they might have to change it between now and the final version...
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Mar 13
There are images available in previous discussions started yesterday in this interest. To set the record straight, myLot did NOT give anyone 'the chance to use it' and whoever told you that is giving you totally incorrect information
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Mar 13
Lamb the topic implied that we were informed of the chance to use it and this user felt they had missed out on something. Personally I am not enthusiastic about a 'new and improved' site looking like something which already exists, especially when I am not a fan of the original. I guess they gave in to all those new users requesting for myLot to look like Facebook and did the next best thing by making it look like Twitter I realise that they can never please everyone and that, if when it arrives my fears are confirmed, there are many other places that I can move to
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Mar 13
That would make it one up on Twitter
• United States
8 Mar 13 I'm wondering if they deliberately left it publicly accessible because they wanted someone to find it and start drumming up interest in the great new design. If that was the intention, can we say 'backfire'?
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
8 Mar 13
A lot if us newer members were asking for a change and I am pleased admin take the time to make it happen . I cant wait to start using it .
@kai9999 (1700)
• India
9 Mar 13
Good to see that people are looking for new things, mylot never made huge changes right from its start. Now they are re-designing entire mylot.
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
8 Mar 13
Thanks for creating this discussion for I am one that has not has the fortune to see or even here about it until now. I am sure we will get more information on this as time goes on but it would be nice to get a heads up in advance - ----- information is valuable.
@Ghajini (776)
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
I agree a heads up in advance will surely be appreciated. Too bad, I am also one of those members who didn't see the demo version. Anyway, let's hope for the best of this one of a kind site.
@kai9999 (1700)
• India
9 Mar 13
@bluedoll : yes this is still beta and this is were we need to raise the voice if you like it or not. admin can change the features which we dislike in beta but it will be hard to change after final release. i rate the new interface as 1/10 - it doesn't even suit the theme of mylot.
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
8 Mar 13
Well beta does mean beta and that means what we see now may or may not be the final result. I really interested in reading much about how the site function differently or if not will see how it works when it arrives. Happy mylotting.
• Romania
8 Mar 13
I haven't seen the image of mylot beta, i wanted to see it but i was absent here few days and i also can't find it anywhere.Hope it won't look like twitter coz i don't like it.I think it is good as it is.
@kai9999 (1700)
• India
9 Mar 13
it looks like twitter - more like a straight rip of twitter. check the best response, he had posted a link to image.
• Romania
10 Mar 13
Hi kai9999, thank you! i checked the link and i saw how mylot will look like...all i can say is that i don't like it and i hope this won't be the final version ..
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
8 Mar 13
I also looking forward to see the image of new version of myLot.
@kai9999 (1700)
• India
9 Mar 13
look at best response comment... he as pointed to image link. it looks more like twitter than mylot!
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
I haven't seen it, too! I just hope I can still open myLot because my browser is outdated. LOL. I'm already excited. MyLot will have a new look at last. I guess a lot of mylot members are expecting this.
@kai9999 (1700)
• India
9 Mar 13
yip , i am one among them and looking forward for new design. i though of mylot like facebook but it looks like they ripped off twitter.
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
11 Mar 13
I also not see the new version of mylot and not know how can take the image from new version. How can I see the mylot new version.
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
8 Mar 13
No not yet and i am ready to have a look at it and also the surprise is on its way,so people we must be ready
@kai9999 (1700)
• India
9 Mar 13
Are we preparing ourself for a war? It is very simple - like it stay with mylot , don't like it look for other sites. The web is freedom and not war... I am sure admin will consider every opinion to finalize new mylot.
@koopharper (7577)
• Canada
8 Mar 13
I did get to see a screen shot someone posted yesterday. I'm not one of the ones who managed to sneak in and get a look directly. I'm just hoping that the site pretty much works the same way as it does now. Just changing the look doesn't really make much difference to me. If it improves functionality I'm all for it.
@kai9999 (1700)
• India
9 Mar 13
I just won't mylot to mess things. A change is good for Mylot which is losing traffic as per Alexa. From 3000 (at peak time) it dropped down to 8000...lot of drop!
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@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
8 Mar 13
I saw it for a few minutes. Looked alot like twitter to me. Cant wait to see the finished one.
@kai9999 (1700)
• India
9 Mar 13
i can't see how they are linking twitter and mylot...
@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
Hello Kai ! Wow ! I can feel seems everyone is excited to see the new Mylot ! Personally , i am not excited about it ! I am so contented with what Mylot have now because if we have new , then again we will adjust and need to study further and i am poor in computer language and in analyzing FAQ . That is why i liked it to be as is but it's like everything we hears in our community are all hearsays ! No formal advisory Mylot have given because they will before implementing.
• India
10 Mar 13
The discussion is great and i am also look forward for the Mylot beta version :)
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
I was unable to have a glimpse of that new look of myLot. I really do regret that I was unable to log in in during that time so I missed the opportunity. I can' wait to see it. I am certain, it will be really wonderful and will encourage us to come and stay longer here at mylot. So let us wait and see!
@patnopy (721)
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
yes as and other discussion that someone already post it