I am about to start seeking for a week of vacations soon.

@marguicha (218639)
March 10, 2013 9:53pm CST
Next week I have my lymphoma treatment and will be free from hospitals for 2 to 3 months. I am planing on spending as much time as I can having fun. And part of having fun is traveling for me. Up to now, I only have a partner to go to the South of Chile with me. There is a special program for seniors and they give the air tickets, the lodgings with meals. It is quite unexpensive. THere is a place in the very south where we can see the eternal icebergs and we can eat the typical lamb barbecues. It should be cool. I hope this works. Do you plan out vacations and start having fun with them before they take place? Share!
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12 responses
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
26 Mar 13
I will be taking a trip to Thailand at the end of April or early May for about 6 weeks. My brother wanted me to go for about 2 months, but my oncologist wanted me to go for only six weeks because I had to start in treatment again. I will give more details on that when I get a little more time. Talk to you later.
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
26 Mar 13
That will be a wonderful trip, I hope, Deb. You need to see different things after all the boring and painful cancer treatments. I just want to have fun on a day to day situation. I try to go somewhere at least for a week between treatments. Have fun and relax.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
27 Mar 13
I was last there in 2008 before I left China the first time. I just wish I could go more often, but it costs a lot to go there. I might look into "medical tourism" to see if there are more successful treatments available that what is available here.
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
28 Mar 13
When I started my chemo, I chequed online all treatments and discovered that my treatment was exactly the same one they were giving at the Mayo Clinic. I talked to my doctor and she said the protocol for a certain cancer is about the same everywhere in the world.
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@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
Hoping you well. About vacation, yeah I and my family are planning for a vacation and we are excited about it. Vacation for us is a from of rejuvenation and an opportunity to think about things and decide more intelligently on matter of life. Have a wonderful vacation my friend. God bless
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
11 Mar 13
I`m sure they will be wonderful. I already have a friend who will go with me on this trip.
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
11 Mar 13
Thank you friend. I am always planning for vacations, no matter how small. These ones are a week but I will see part of my country I would never think of going to.
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
May your short vacation be filled with fun and wonderful learning and of course become a healing to you as well. I guess you are ready now so take care and have a wonderful vacation.
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
11 Mar 13
Good luck with your lymphoma treatments my dear friend Marguicha. It is excellent news to hear that you will have 2 or 3 months free after that. I hope that you will be able to travel to the south of beautiful Chile. Seeing the eternal icebergs would be very exciting. I hope that your travel plan works out. Today I booked the train ticket from my home station to London Waterloo. From that London station I will take a bus to the Euro Star train station. It will then be a journey London to Brussels. That evening I will travel Brussels to Koln before getting the overnight train to Prague. I am still waiting to book the overnight train from Prague to Krakow. It is such fun to plan my trip to Eastern Europe. Good luck and happy planning with your trip.
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
11 Mar 13
Hi Maxine, I never thought I would go there at all. But there are these special treats for seniors that the government has started. Hotals are happy to be able to keep their doors open during all year and we, the not so young, can see our country at very low prices. The entire week to Coyaique (flight, airport fees, hotel and food and a tour) cost a little over US$400. If I add that I will save on bills for that week it`s even less.
• United States
11 Mar 13
I hope it works out for u to go. I know how much u love to travel. Behave yourself,.
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
13 Mar 13
I`d love to find a way of not behaving. But it seems I`m too old to be naughty
@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
That's an exciting plan, ha ha. Love the way you described your destination, and that food sounds inviting. Am envious! No vacation for this mother, till my girls are both free from work and school. I told them I'd like to have a road trip to as far as where the beaches are.
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
11 Mar 13
I think that I would prefer having my kids with me instead of being alone now. Even if I could not have vacations. But then, you cannot know that beforehand. If you can go to a beach with them even for a day, they would have lots of fun and so would you
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
13 Mar 13
Our family hasn't had the opportunity to take a vacation for several years because of financial issues and then also my husband's treatments as well. However, it is our hope that we are going to be able to take a vacation this year. What we really want to do is to take a trip to the beach as that is somewhere that neither of our children have ever had the opportunity to visit. However, I'm not doing the serious planning yet because I still need to wait and see our financial situation and also what is going on with my lawsuit from the accident that I was in last year.
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
13 Mar 13
I hope you have some time to take some days off. I have always thought that vacations are great healers, for body and soul.
@ElicBxn (63307)
• United States
11 Mar 13
I don't really care to have too much structure on a vacation, but I do love to make lists when I'm not on one. I have to say that I really enjoyed my trip to England in 2003, and had fun setting up my tour to Stonehenge with the roomie. In fact, the most stressful thing about the trip was finding the place to meet the tour. When I had gone with my mom in 1995, we got picked up at the hotel, but we weren't staying at one in London proper, or rather, in Westminster proper...
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
11 Mar 13
I have not had good experiences with big tours in general, but I suppose that there are some places where you can`t go by yourself. It happened to me when I was in Cancun and went to ChichenItza. I booked a tour and the guide was very ignorant. Later on we rented a car with friends and went to Tulum. We put together money for a special guide and the lady had been trained and was awesome.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
That's a good plan. You deserve it! Yes, my whole family with some extended members would take a vacation also and we will do that this Holy Week. I thought we could have at least 3 days vacation starting with the first day of Holiday which is Holy Thursday but I was so disappointed to find out that almost all the best hotels and resorts in our country are already fully booked. So it is just a two day vacation for us, Good Friday and Black Saturday. We have to go back on Sunday so we could attend the Church.
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
11 Mar 13
Many people go out in my coutry for the Holy Week so I prefer to stay at home then. Buses and accomodations are a lot more expensive then. But after that I will start checking.
@dainy1313 (2370)
• Leon, Mexico
11 Mar 13
Vacations at Acapulco Bay - We are planning to spend next week at Acapulco with my mom, my family and my brother´s family.
Hello dear Marguicha, I hope that you are fine, I´m very pleased to read you. Mmmm lamb barbecues! And air tickets? That sounds great! We are planning to expend next week at Acapulco, my mom got a great offer with her shared times package. And she is planning to meet us and my brother´s family together at Acapulco. I´m so happy! But I had an accident a month ago, and I broke my nose and my jaw, so I´m not sure if I could go on vacation. I have to go to the doctor´s office tomorrow morning, and I´ll have his advice. But lamb barbecues! And air tickets? That sounds great! Enjoy your trip, you deserve it a lot! Good luck. Take and share photos! Blessings Marguicha... dainy
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
11 Mar 13
I went years ago for a week to Acapulco with my husband using our timeshare. We had lots of fun although the Pacific Ocean is not exactly friendly. I live by the Pacific Ocean but would not dare go in as it is too cold. In Acapulco the temperature was better. I remember that the best beach there was where the mexicans went. Then there were the more elegant beaches for tourists and they were far worse. I hope you can have your vacations. And I hope the doctor will tell you what not to do and then let you go.The lamb barbecues in the Patagonia are out of this world. They place the whole animal to roast. YUMMY!!!
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@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
11 Mar 13
I have not have a vacation for years! and I miss it very much but I Am planning a vacation to South America[ Uruguay]where my family lives maybe next year Oh I hope so in the mean time I wish you a very good and fun time on your vacation and enjoy those lovely evenings with a typical barbecue South American style!
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
11 Mar 13
I have friends who have ived in Australia and their problem is that air tickets are so expensive to all the rest of the world. Yet it seems that wages are better there too, so it is easier to save. If you come to this side of the world, remember that you have a house in Chile.
@tkonlinevn (6437)
• Vietnam
11 Mar 13
I love to have a vocation. But it's expensive. It's great because you can enjoy it free. Wish you're fun and healthy.
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
11 Mar 13
I don`t have it free, but it is less expensive if you plan for it. I save all my online earnings for vacations.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
11 Mar 13
Looks like you'll be having one great fun on your next vacation. Just enjoy and have fun. I wish I could have vacations as often, too.
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
11 Mar 13
I try to make the most of my time and have as much fun as I can while I can. I live alone, my daughters are married and there`s only enjoyment for me to do.