I am really getting fed up of the cold callers on the phone

@joystick (1675)
March 21, 2013 7:07pm CST
Nearly every day I get at least two phone calls a day asking me about PPI, pension, surveys, electric suppliers, gas suppliers plus many others. I feel after seven phone calls in just one morning from these people it is getting out of order pestering people all the time. I mean you have scammers, then there are people that say they can save you money on your bills, I have tried to be polite to get them off the phone, but most of them do not get the hint.
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9 responses
@kprofgames (3091)
• United States
22 Mar 13
I don't like them either...if after the first 'no thank you' I just tell them I don't need light bulbs and hang up on them.
@joystick (1675)
22 Mar 13
I did try to be polite to them, like you say, you tell them that you are not interested, yet they still carry on thinking that some how they will get you to change your mind.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
22 Mar 13
Do you have caller display on your phone? If not you could ring BT to trace the call and get it blocked.
@joystick (1675)
22 Mar 13
I do have caller display on my phone, but these calls are from loads of different numbers, I have already blocked with held numbers and feel that was a total waste of time.Even when you tell them that you are not interested they still carry on. I anm also not in the phone directory, I know people have to earn money, but this is getting beyond a joke.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
12 Apr 13
What you do is to get caller id, and do not answer the phone unless you know the person or have their number as well as the 1-800 or whatever number of the businesses you know. Of course, they do not listen to you, they want to keep you on the phone. Just say 'no thank you' and hang up. I get this stupid call from B.C. all the time and I live in Manitoba and it is not from my brother, or my sister-in-law, so I do not answer it.
@celticeagle (163204)
• Boise, Idaho
23 Mar 13
There used to be a number you could call to be taken off 'the list'. Try www.donotcall.gov. Is this on your cell phone? The do not call site is one where you can get on a registry and also complain. Just thought it might be of help.
@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
29 Mar 13
I have experienced that a few times, but not everyday.. I do get annoyed sine some of them really want t sell you something even though you are totally not interested. Sometimes i just let them talk, or if they start asking personal questions, then i say goodbye and drop the phone or something.
@TLilly12 (1229)
• United States
22 Mar 13
Those cold callers use to call my cell phone, so what I do if my phone rings, and I don't know the number, I don't pick up the phone, it's as simple as that, and when they call my cell phone, the ringer of my phone is on vibrate, so I don't hear my phone ringing.
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
22 Mar 13
I always say those people shoulkd be traced and fined. Those calls should be against the lkaw. We have our phones to have them available for our own needs. Those people want to sell us things we don`t want. In my country, at election times, the people who are running for different offices place machines with their voices telling us yet other false things that they will not do if they are elected.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
22 Mar 13
I can see your point. And it is one thing that I really prayed not to do when I was working at a call center. I'd rather pick up calls than call people to pester them. Coz I now how it feels to be disturbed by those calls especially when you have urgent things that needs to be done. On better days, when these people call me up, I could be polite. But if one company calls me twice in a day, they would sure be hearing from me!
@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
22 Mar 13
Well, I also get a couple of these. Thank goodness my phone have this application that can block calls from certain numbers that I choose to block. I can see that the same numbers have tried to call me again a couple of times. They usually stop trying after 3 attempts to call again.