The Boat

My Boat ( I wish) - This is the boat I work on
@sulsisels (1685)
United States
March 23, 2013 9:54pm CST
Hi guys...Many of you have asked me for a picture of the Bon Vivant (the boat I work on) Well here it is..
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9 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
24 Mar 13
Wow, that is the boat you work on? It is more than double the size I imagined, it's beautiful. Do you even get a chance to just "enjoy" the boat or is it "all" work for you?
• United States
24 Mar 13
Wow, that is beautiful, but your hours stink, I don't know how you can do it. I guess I should stop complaining about my hours, from 6:30 AM to about 9-9:30 PM.
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
24 Mar 13
my room - This is my room not that I get to spend a lot of time there..The room next to mine has a small swimming pool in it..super nice.
Hi Carm..Yup, that's the boat I work on. That picture was taken when we were in Mexico a couple of months ago. No, I get very little free time. My day starts at 3am. I do breakfast, lunch and late dinner (9pm) I only have one seus chef this season so the the work is doubled. I'll attach a couple of pics I took of the salon..
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@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
24 Mar 13
small saloon - Very comfortable..most of the crew hangs out here.
This is the small living room..My galley (kitchen) is at the top of the stairs. I spelt it wrong..its not a saloon but a salon..haha
1 person likes this
• Philippines
24 Mar 13
Nice boat! Good on you, you work on such a beautiful boat.
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
24 Mar 13
Yes it is..Wish it was mine!
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
24 Mar 13
That is an awesome boat, something like that would really be great in our country where there are hundreds of islands.
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
24 Mar 13
Yes, that pretty much what my boss does..Island hops throughout the Caribbean.
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
24 Mar 13
i have seen it but not completely and the thing is his attire is attractive at parts
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
24 Mar 13
Not to sure what you are talking about here?
@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
24 Mar 13
Awesome yacht! Your employer must be some seriously rich family!
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
24 Mar 13
He is..He owns Princess House crystal company. They have a similar methof of operation as Tupperware, home crystal parties. They have been around since Christ was a Baby..Nation wide as well as in Europe
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@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
24 Mar 13
Hi, It is very nice boat. It would be very nice experience for you to work on boat. Water is everywhere around you. How do you feel while working on your boat?
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
24 Mar 13
I'm the executive chef so I have no time to think about anything except cooking. I got used to the motion of the boat in my first year..The bigger the boat, the less rocking and that's pretty much what this is.
@GardenGerty (159036)
• United States
24 Mar 13
Do you have work pretty much year round? Where does your boat go?
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
24 Mar 13
The work is pretty much limited to the winter which of course is our "season" in Ft Lauderdale..We pretty much island hop all through the Caribbean. We've gone as far as Venezuela. During the summer, the owner takes the boat up to the northeast and anchors in Maine.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Mar 13
wow sulsisels thats a really gorgeous boat and I hope you really enjoy working on her too. good luck and thanks for sharing the picture she is really some boat.
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
24 Mar 13
Hi Hatley''''Wow, long time no talk..Hoping this finds you well. I love he job. It is my first job as an executive chef and I love it. It's long hard hours, starting at 3am. I only have one seus chef working for me so we have much to do. We have fun however, trust me!
@Dias14 (176)
• Indonesia
24 Mar 13
Remarkable. Of course very pleasing work in a boat like that, because it may be deeply felt comfort. How long you been there every day? Someday who knows i would make boat seprti that, hahaha: d
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
24 Mar 13
I am the executive chef so I work day and night..I serve 3 meals a day plus happy hour food. I work very long days and only have one seus working with me. I'm in my second year, almost 3rd.