Red Wedding Dresses

@ladym33 (10979)
United States
March 28, 2013 9:38am CST
There is a new fashion trend that is trying to make its way in to the US markets and that is for red wedding dresses. Designers like Vera Wang have started designing red wedding dresses because they feel that Americans are being more and influenced by Chinese fashion. One of the dresses that Chinese women wear during their wedding day is a red dress because it signifies luck and prosperity. I think that is a wonderful statement, and their gowns have more traditional which I think is lovely. However, I am not big on the whole red wedding dress idea. I have seen some of the photos of the dresses and while they are pretty the models look more like Dracula's bride then a pretty blushing bride. I think if someone wants to choose the red dress that is fine, but if I were getting married I would stick with the traditional white. I think red is a beautiful color for bridesmaids, but not brides. That is of course just my opinion though. What do you think? Do you like the whole red wedding dress trend? Would you wear a red dress if you were a bride? What are your thoughts?
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12 responses
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
28 Mar 13
Paula Yates In Famous Red Wedding Dress - Late Paula Yates In Red Wedding Dress
Red is my favourite colour but I would not (and did not wear it) on my wedding day. I nearly bought a blue wedding dress but all that fell through so I ended up with a colour of dress known as Champagne Organza. I still have it in its box and I remember wearing it like it was yesterday..although it was only April 2008, so not that long ago. One famous wearer of a red dress was the late Paula Yates. I don't think anyone is going to top that...and it proves it's nothing new either.
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
28 Mar 13
Wow, that was quite a dress. I don't like the red veil though, again it is like Dracula's bride. I think that photo would have been even more stunning, if the guys had, red ties on. Still a beautiful dress. My wedding dress was very white and very princess like. It had a big hoop like Cinderella. I got married in 1990 though and big dresses were in at the time.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
28 Mar 13
Certainly very tailored.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
28 Mar 13
What I love about wedding dresses is that they fit perfectly don't they? The bodice on mine was brilliant..and comfy too. It's a shame not all dresses are made to fit er..properly.
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
28 Mar 13
Hmm, I can understand the signification behind the red dress, but I agree that it just wouldn't do. Now I wore a red shirt! haha! Uhm let's see, perhaps incorporating red somehow, maybe more red flowers in the bride's bouquet? Or perhaps a red hairclip? Isn't it more of the color then of it being significant to which article of dress actually has the red?
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
28 Mar 13
I would think so. I think having a whole red dress is overkill, but like you said, red flowers would certainly be nice or some sort of red accent piece, or maybe even a red garter, although that might mess with the blue tradition or perhaps red undies. I don't think anyone has to actually see the red. LOL
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@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
28 Mar 13
I was thinking of the something borrowed something blue tradition myself. I wonder if makeup (rouge blush) would be considered?
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@MoonGypsy (4606)
• United States
28 Mar 13
i don't like red, but i do like the idea of going non traditional with wedding dresses. they must be beautiful, though.
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
28 Mar 13
I am more traditional when it comes to myself, but if others are more bold in their choices then who am I to say their wrong?
@hmkoct5 (2065)
• United States
9 Apr 13
I think I would stick with the traditional white, for a first wedding. I don't really like the red dress idea. Red traditionally stands for power (at least in American culture). Wearing a red wedding dress would signify to me that the woman is going to try to have the power in the relationship. I believe a relationship should be 50/50, so I wouldn't want to signify that. Of course, to each their own. I wouldn't knock anybody for doing it, I just wouldn't do it myself.
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
9 Apr 13
I never thought of it that way as the woman wanting to have the power in the relationship. That is an interesting thought. To me red means passion and anger. So I would not want to look passionate or angry on a day that is supposed to be pure and full of love. I do like their custom though and what the red dress signifies to them, but it is not for me either.
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
28 Mar 13
Originally a wedding dress was white if the bride was a virgin. I think in many cases this is not a fact anymore. I would never wear a white dress. BTW my dress was emerald green. I think if it comes to the colour red it depends on the kind of red but also the person who is wearing it. I would not pick that colour since I have allergies and my face/skin can look very redisch as well, so I would not feel great wearing it. Also I would not see a bride in red dress like Dracula his bride (I think these brides would wear white since Dracula loves the blood of young people which is way healthier so there is the whole idea about the virgin again).
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
28 Mar 13
Maybe I should have said willing bride of Dracula. Most brides still wear white these days and I know most of them are not still virgins. I was not when I got married but I had only been with my husband in that way so to me it still counted. LOL
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
28 Mar 13
I'm not too huge on red wedding dresses, either. I mean, if it is common in someone's culture, that's fine. But I live in Europe, where white dresses are the standard. And I guess I'm quite conservative that way, because... well... for me, white really means purity, and all good intentions. Red, on the other hand, is too violent of a color for a wedding. I mean, I'm okay with pastels on a wedding, especially if someone marries for more times. I would definitely wear a white or ecru dress for my wedding. But as you said, it's just my opinion , and in no way I judge people who wanna wear a red dress.
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
28 Mar 13
My husband and I will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary in two years and I would love to have a ceremony and renew our vows. I would not wear white though. I would wear a light color though maybe a cream color, or a really light green, blue, or pink. I think it should be light in color though.
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
29 Mar 13
I think it is quite interesting that different cultures have an effect to each other The color red means good luck in Chinese culture. So in the past it was quite important that everything will be red in the wedding ceremony. Of course the bride would also wear in red. As time goes by, we are affected by the western culture and this is why the bride will wear white wedding gowns in western style. And after that, they will wear the traditional Chinese red wedding gowns. Namely the brides will wear at least two kinds of wedding gowns. Now it is the turn for Americans to wear in red in wedding and I think this is very nice.
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
28 Mar 13
Red wedding dress is cool, but if I were to choose- I won't wear one. Maybe for the bridesmaids or flower girls red dress would be fine. I might consider having red flowers for bouquet or maybe a pair of red shoes :)
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
28 Mar 13
Now I think red shoes would be really cute.
• Marikina, Philippines
2 Apr 13
Red wedding dress? Well, people are the ones who give label to the color like red is for draculas, black is for darkness, white is purity while other people perceive red as luck and prosperity. I think the reason why some people choose the traditional white gown for wedding is because since child, we have already familiar with white dress as a sign of purity and of course, we've already grown and used to it. I think it is fine if the trend is red wedding dress. There is nothing wrong with it. It just depends what fit you the most.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
29 Mar 13
When I got married it was either white or off-white that was commonly used. I really wanted to wear a white wedding dress, but this know it all aunt of my husband told me that I should not wear white when I already had a son. A bit insulting, right? I got hurt but had no choice , coz my mother in law said that using an off-white gown was the "IN" thing. Yeah right! But now, with all colors being used for a wedding gown, I really wouldn't mind wearing red. Hmmm.... maybe I'd even prefer lilac.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
31 Mar 13
My husband's Aunts dress was white with red pieces in it, but they also got married on Valentine's day. Red to me is a power color and not something a women should be getting married in, but then again that is American custom.
28 Mar 13
No,I wouldn't because I saw a drunk bride with red face wearing red dress and bright red lipstick.It was vulgar.Red wedding saris look good on Indian women,red traditional dresses on Chinese women, but for western women it's not that great.I prefer white,champagne,ivory.
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
28 Mar 13
Me too. I think red saris are beautiful and traditional Chinese gowns. I don't think red looks classy in lace.