What is the minimum cashout in bubblews?

April 2, 2013 3:04am CST
Hi lotters, i just signed up for bubblews and i posted 3 articles. On my first article I got $1 for it and the 2 others I got a few cents. Now i'd like to know if the $1 was a bonus or what? What is the minimum cashout? How do you enter keywords? honestly, the site is not user friendly I mean compared to mylot its easier to post here and write the keywords. Does it mean when you write longer posts you get paid more?
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5 responses
@Kmz059 (652)
• Philippines
2 Apr 13
Your 1 dollar is your bonus, and 25 dollar is the minimum earnings you need to cash out but even if you reach your minimum cash out it doesn't mean that you can cash out your money easily, no. They will check first all your articles if you violated there rule you will not get paid. That is there rule. If you write more articles you will get a chance to have lots of earnings. But it will depends on your views, likes, dislikes, comments and social networking shares.
• United States
2 Apr 13
It's $25 I think. You get a dollar when you sign up. I did.
@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
2 Apr 13
Hi Candy, the minimum payout is $25. Sorry to say that 3 articles wont get you to payout. You need probably 30 articles before you can reach halfway to payout. I think you have to work hard for a week or two before you can reach the amount for payout. It is a good site to make money.
@AkamaruKei (5219)
• Malaysia
2 Apr 13
Hello I also new in bubblews. I still not start any article in there. I hope I can see you in there. My friend say $1 is sign up bonus and minimum payout is $25. We not get paid more if we make longer post. Our earnings depends on the like / dislike, views and comments.
@jiiiiin (586)
• Philippines
2 Apr 13
Hello, bubblews give $1 to every one that sign up to them. $25 is the minimum, it looks like a high to reach amount but believe me, it is easy to earn in bubblews. About the entering the keywords you just put " + " before the word you want to be a keyword like +this without any following special characters aside from "_" and "-". Writing long posts doesn't mean you will earn more, earning there is about the views, likes/dislikes and comment on your posts.