What are the main habits to make my life happy?....

By sri
@gamyam (530)
Hyderabad, India
April 7, 2013 1:41pm CST
I always questions myself about the happy moments in my life throughout the day... But till now i have not received any sort of the best answer for the happiness in my life. Actually i never utilizes my valuable time to get more benefit all the day... I don't know how to utilize my 24 hours time for happiness... Money is not giving me a sufficient happy for me... Relatives and friends are also not giving me... I confused to get an answer for 'what for life?'
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35 responses
@savypat (20216)
• United States
7 Apr 13
You are looking in the wrong place. Happy comes from within not from without. Remember in every situation there are many points of view, if you train yourself to see the happy ones all of a sudden you will find you are a happier person. Train your mind, you are in charge.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
8 Apr 13
I also think that happiness comes from inside not from outside.
@tinayu (214)
• China
8 Apr 13
Happiness is a very subtle thing,sometimes a song, a joke ,a call even a picture can make you happy. but sometimes lots of money even a diamond can not make you a little happy.what's the reason? i think that depend on what you feel and what you want.make your life simple,little happy will comfort you.
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@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
26 Apr 13
My main habit is going to the gym three times a week, it keeps me healthy, fit and my body looks good, I am building muscle slowly and losing fat, so I feel so much better about myself, it helps my self esteem and confidence. I also love gardening and that also keeps me busy and happy too!
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
26 Apr 13
I've got advice from someone, if you want to be happy, you should be grateful with what you have.
@kokomo (1867)
• Philippines
30 Apr 13
Just do what makes you happy. Only you can satisfy yourself and it is just in your hand where you can find happiness. Be with someone you love. Do your hobbies that entertains you. Be with the jolly persons and do stupidity sometimes, it would make you laugh. lol. Happiness is not a chance, it is a choice.
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
7 Apr 13
while money can make our lives more convenient and easier, it will never make us happy. we are affected by our family and friends, whenever they're happy or sad, we emphatize with them. this is just temporary. our own happiness is determined by our own minds. reflect on your life. try to ask yourself what you really want. are these possible? can you get what you want? if not, then maybe you're asking too much from yourself that is why you're never satisfied and happy.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Apr 13
It's all about attitude. Be thankful with what you have, be happy and enjoy what you have...it doesn't have to be a lot - it can be a small thing. Choose happiness, choose, delight. Appreciate your surroundings and all the positives in your life. If there are negatives in your life...find the other side, the positive side, it's always there.
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
8 Apr 13
I suggest in your home you have possessions which you treasure. I recommend that you have some hobbies in your life that you do regularly which make you very happy. I believe music can uplift down feelings and improve the mood. It is helpful to look at old photos and remember happy memories. We have a credit crunch at the moment and money doesn't make a person happy. When you feel burnt out then have a relaxing vacation. Good luck making your life happier.
• Japan
8 Apr 13
Happiness is a state of being good wit your SELF. If you are in agreement and harmony with your SELF, you are a happy person. If you don't have conflicts within yourself that state is called a happy state. Please understand that happiness is a relative term. When the I in yourself and the You in yourself can go together that is enough for life. The happiness within is what we see outside. If the world inside is in order, there is order in the world outside. Unfortunately our education systems do not teach us how to become good with our SELF. Parents and teachers take care to instruct us how to be good to others. The secret of happiness lies in our SELF. Happy mylotting.
@narnia007 (1050)
• India
14 Apr 13
First of all, figure out what happiness you want in life. For some people, achieving in their profession will be happiness, for some being respected by people, for some being loved by people and so on.If you like to be going upwards in your profession, work hard and struggle and get to attain the status you like. If you want many friends around you, start socializing with people, but remember all people won't have similar mindset like your and hence all would not come in your wavelength.It will be your ability to adjust and blend in with your friends to have this happiness. I would suggest having a soul mate for love, care and affection in stead of expecting it completely from friends and relatives and adjusting to one soul mate is easier than many friends and relatives.
@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
17 Apr 13
Hey Now!!! Well, I think what you are describing here is instant gratification. Instant gratification is not happiness. Yes, we can become happy for a moment with things like money and a few words from friends and family. But to be truly happy one must be content with themselves. You need to be happy with yourself not with things or other people. If you are really happy within yourself, all the things and people are added happiness. So don't dwell on how to become happy with things. Work on yourself first.
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
14 Apr 13
Do you want some drastic advice? Something that will always remind you to be happy? If so, give away some of your money to the poor - whether it is for a poor person on the street or two old ladies or helping someone who needs a wheelchair. These small acts of kindness will make you feel good about yourself. And what will it really cost? Not much. If one has money one should help the poor. Maybe some kids need books for school, or you need to raise funds for someone. It will not only make you feel good, you will have lasting happiness as you are sharing. Why not give it a wholehearted try? We are tested all the time by God to see how generous we are, whether we give, whether we are selfish. This is a quick and tried and tested recipe for happiness.
@rubyroy (824)
• India
8 Apr 13
Love your Neighbor as yourself,Help him in his need,and forgive him as the Almighty forgives you.Love your Maker,with full all your strength and love.
@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
13 Apr 13
There is no secret to happiness. Others have found their own happiness when they are not searching for it while others found it in either big or small things, sharing, reaching out to others and all other stuffs they can put their hands on. Happiness is a state of being. This is not something you can always have for a long time. When something or someone makes you smile for a short time, that is happiness already and then all of a sudden your emotions change because of the different situations you are into and then you are again in pursuit of something quite illusive. Stop searching for it...let happiness find you! Do not depend your happiness on others and things or put it into someone else's pocket...it is yours for the taking...
• Philippines
8 Apr 13
Maybe you need contentment in life, because if you are not contented with what you have in life, there is a tendency that you look for more and you will not happy. But sometimes we don't understand, we are looking for something but we don't know what it is.
@rog0322 (2829)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
8 Apr 13
Hi, Sadly my friend, happiness is not found in external things. It is a futile attempt to seek happiness elsewhere, putting conditions to this elusive state only makes it more so. The pursuit of happiness does not depend much on the acquisition of material things, it is a false impression of it, a passing feeling as a fog in the night, vague presence which is gone with the first breath of the wind. If one like to be happy in the real sense, it entails sacrifices, a process of doing the necessary things in order to achieve what the soul desires, not on the satisfaction of the physical body. That should come later. By giving priority to the spiritual needs, it is only then that true happiness is achieved.
@mohkanari (1957)
• India
8 Apr 13
Sort out and develop your habits that give peace to you and main persons related to your life. It can bring happiness to your life. Thinking about more happiness itself cause unhappiness in your life.
@lsjapdoit (651)
• Indonesia
8 Apr 13
You could try this "exercise". Every morning you wake up you say this in your heart and try to mean every word you say "Thank you God for this lovely morning, I am going to have a happy day today." Try this out for one whole month. This is actually one way to change your mindset into a happy one :)
@ErikaD (21)
• United States
8 Apr 13
you must live in the moment to truly be happy... enjoy the sun on your face, the smell of flowers in the air, the refreshing wind striking your face, the taste of your favorite dessert... love the moment you are in, and you will be happier.
@beta715 (57)
• Australia
8 Apr 13
Actually,sometimes I have the same feeling like you. I should admit that I have a bad time management, which not allows me to work efficiently, and I aways postpone everthing until the deadline.I do hate that. However, it is a bad habit,but I think if I cannot change that,I have to adapt to that. I need to release myself, which may let me happier. So do you, why do you give yourself a hard time? What is the point to find the happiest moments in your life,just want to share or describe it? Life is not something that only can be shared. I think you need to enjoy,not just find the best answer. Lif expectancy is obvious not long enough. I will tell myself I havn't wasted my life when I am old.That is enough for me.