Bro. Eddie Villanueva for Senator --- for national transformation!

April 14, 2013 5:30pm CST
To all my Filipino friends, you may know that this May 13, 2013 will be another momentous event in the history of our nation. We will elect another set of leaders for the country (national and local) and the kind of leaders we choose will be detrimental to the destiny of our nation within the next few years. Why do I care so much about elections? I am not an activist or someone who is actively involved in politics. But it really pains me so much to think how negative our government is perceived to be. About 30% of my salary goes to taxes and it really hurts to think what the statistics say that a large chunk of that goes to the pockets of greedy politicians. It feels like I am working my butt off to fill the pockets of all those corrupt people in government! I have heard someone say that the reason why politics is dirty is because the good men are not in it. Then I believe it's time to make a change. With that, I would like to encourage you all to step up to this challenge of becoming a change agent for national transformation. This election, choose your leaders wisely and guard your vote. Also, please take time to study the background of Bro. Eddie Villanueva. He is one of the few good men that I believe should be in the government. With his qualifications, I believe he is more than qualified to be a senator. After two failed presidential bids, many people ask me, why do you still support Eddie Villanueva? Honestly, I do not have a logical answer to that. All I can say is that I believe in him and his platform for this nation. Good people like him should be in government to be the frontliner for national transformation. So this election, please do not forget to vote for #31 Brother Eddie Villanueva for Senator! ~~For national transformation!!
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9 responses
@yahnee (1243)
• Philippines
15 Apr 13
My list only includes 4 senatoriables and among them is Eddie Villanueva. I like his platform and I want a change from the traditional politicians we keep on voting for. They have filled their pockets enough with the money that is supposed to go to the Filipino people. On the other hand, in spite of qualifications, do you think Bro Eddie stands a chance? Looks like people are voting again for the popular surnames. Just look at the survey results. They are conditioning the minds of the electorate that said candidates belong to the Magic 12. Once they lose, they claim they have been cheated.
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@rsa101 (38076)
• Philippines
15 Apr 13
I am actually considering him to be included in my twelve senatoriables. I think he could start from there to endorse his agenda for good governance and we will see how he will fare from the election.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
15 Apr 13
I voted him twice already and I did not expect him to run again for senator. I don't know what really motivates him to continue the race even if he lose twice and even if people would say separation of church and state. But anyway, we are all entitled to our own opinion. I have nothing against Bro. Eddie Villanueva because just like you, it was his platform that made me convince to vote for him. Although it was really sad people would vote for popularity and charm. I would not mind voting Bro. Villanueva for the third time around whether he wins or loses. What is important for me is his principle and his very character and what he can offer to do for his country. I'm so tired and sick of voting family clans. I like to give chance to others who are just fresh in line of course with good background check. Happy Mylotting.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
16 Apr 13
I have noticed Brother Villanueva since the 2005 elections, but i never really believed in him. i simply have trouble believing in his rhetorics in some issues that was ask of him during the forum interviews.there are some answers which impress me and some which made me doubt him enabling to make good laws to the country.
@iluvusabado (2560)
• Philippines
20 Apr 13
my cousin is a member of JIL and he's promoting bro. eddie villanueva to us to vote for the coming elections. but honestly i will vote for him. though i'm not a member of his religious sect, i believe he can bring change in the senate. actually, i don't think i will have 12 senatoriables to vote. hehehe
• Philippines
16 Apr 13
count me in!, he's in my list for this upcoming election. I believe and I trusted him because his a Godly man.I will surely vote for this man. Go bro. Eddie!
@shello (964)
• United Arab Emirates
15 Apr 13
If I will be able to vote this May, I would support him too. I believe in his platforms and his purpose too. Inspite of his previous failed bids but still he proved his desire to serve the country and fight for a renewed governance this time around. May God bless his works and his endeavours at all times.
@namiya (1713)
• Philippines
15 Apr 13
Although he has a very slim chance I voted for him in his first presidential bid. Now that he is running for a seat in the senate, he is one among my choices for I believe him to be more credible compared to seasoned politicians and those coming from political clans that are also vying for this position.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
15 Apr 13
I am Christian so my vote goes to him too ( so hard to find candidates to vote) not unless something happens between now and election day that would make me change my mind