what happened to my mylot account?

April 19, 2013 9:53pm CST
yesterday i have posted 3 discussion. now its almost 24 hrs over. i am not getting any responses from anybody. is there any problem with mylot
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9 responses
@MoonGypsy (4606)
• United States
20 Apr 13
this has happened to me with a couple of my discussions. maybe just no one responded. sometimes people can be picky about what they respond to on here. it's nothing against you.
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• India
21 Apr 13
mylot developers has to make an option of online chatting is a suggestion of mine to solve these type of problem. am i right what do you say?
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
20 Apr 13
I don't think there is something wrong with mylot yesterday. Maybe when you posted the topic- most mylotters are not online. And we know very well that topic/s and more topic are being posted everyday- therefore your topic maybe gone from page 1 and overlooked by other mylotters. Don't be sad- keep posting and enjoy mylot.
3 people like this
• India
20 Apr 13
ya i too feels so . may be. what will i do if it goes to page 2 . i need to take to to top level. is there any way
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
20 Apr 13
In some discussion we get lots of answers and some discussions we do not get lots of answers. I will try answer to the discussions you have started. I hope you get more replies to your discussions.
@ShyBear88 (59308)
• Sterling, Virginia
20 Apr 13
You can't expect that every time you post something someone is going to responded to you. It just doesn't happen that way. Sometimes you what you right won't make anyone want to say anything at all.its pretty normal part of mylot having zero responses to certain discussions.
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• Serbia
20 Apr 13
Maybe you don't receive the email for the response, it happens to me sometimes. So check under "discussions", "started" to see if you got any responses. If there is nothing, then maybe nobody had anything to say or you started the discussion when not a lot of people were online so others started other discussions in the meantime and your discussion went to second-third page so nobody got to see it.
2 people like this
• India
20 Apr 13
thanks for the reply. i checked in my discussion page. actually i need answers from you peoples. it was a big problem,.i want solution.can you see my other discusions?
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
20 Apr 13
Hope you get lots of answers for your discussion.
1 person likes this
• India
21 Apr 13
hai Ajithlal..thanks for the reply. actually i am not getting the reply to that discussion . i will try to post again in a different style
@Deepak2J (1178)
• India
20 Apr 13
try to start discussions in more general topics which will give more responses. You shouldn't be upset about this.
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@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
21 Apr 13
This happens some times here in mylot. It might be that the discussion you posted in was deleted and you did not receive the confirmation. This happened to me one time when I posted several discussions. It was not credited within 24 hours but it was counted the following day when I was not even expecting it.
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
21 Apr 13
Either you didn't post an interesting discussion, or you never got any notifications that you had received responses to your discussion. Mylot has had problems with sending us notifications in our emails. sometimes, discussions won't get responses, especially if there isn't any interest in them, that others would want to respond. I have had discussions that have just one or two responses, and others with much more. I don't recall not getting zero responses to any of them though. It know it is disheartening, but you can do better next time, and make a more interesting discussion. Just hang in here, and you will responses in no time. Take care, and have a good day.
• United States
20 Apr 13
Hi soorajsrs7srs! People on mylot are very nice and we all help each other when needed. Please dont be discouraged. (: I read a couple of your posts. It looks like you are having translation difficulties. Ask mylot what you should do http://www.mylot.com/o/guidelines.aspx They will have some suggestions. Keep mylotting!