Caught myself crying

United States
April 22, 2013 7:39am CST
The other night, I caught myself crying so hard. I woke up and tears kept falling and hubby was trying to calm me down and hugging me. I can't remember the detail of my dream but I am pretty sure it was no good. My hubby even had a hard time calming me down because I was so into it. Have you ever had the same thing like mine?
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12 responses
@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
22 Apr 13
I often have the experience, I often dream a bad story about my relationship with my husband, of course i always crying in my dream, even I feel it is like the real. My husband always help me to come down. Yes, bad dream make me crying.
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@Deepak2J (1178)
• India
22 Apr 13
I am not. But my father many nights just screams or shouts in his dreams.
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@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
22 Apr 13
I think i have had the same experience when I was younger. The dream, I no longer remember. Must be really something that was affecting me real bad during those times that it has manifested in my dream.
• United States
22 Apr 13
Maybe our dream was more on "upset" thingy than a scary one. Just like what you said, it affects us real bad thats why were like crying and very into it.
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@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
22 Apr 13
I haven't had a dream that I can recall waking up crying. But I have had plenty of dreams that left me feeling really sad and down throughout the day, where my heart was racing and I felt like something awful had really happened. Dreams like that are horrible. I hope that you will not have another one any time soon.
• United States
22 Apr 13
I really hope that I will not have another one. Its so upsetting.
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@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
27 Apr 13
I also had that same experience before not only once when i woke up crying so hard out of bad dreams which i could hardly remember. Same thing that my husband had a hard time consoling me. I really felt the deep sadness and pains. I think this is quite normal especially if we are thinking or worrying so much.
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
22 Apr 13
You must dreamt something really bad but you could not remembered it . Fortunately your hubby is around to comfort you. I have never had such scenario in my life before .
• United States
22 Apr 13
Oh yeah no doubt on that one. I tried to remember it but cant. Oh well, I just really hope I wont have like that bad dream again. Thanks for dropping by Emily :)
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
23 Apr 13
Omgosh! I've woken up standing at the head of my bed beating on the wall screaming for my mom!! I do remember that dream and it happened when I was just a kid but it was so vivid that it seemed like it was real. My mom came running and turned on the light and that's how I woke up. It was horrible! But thank God it was just a dream!!!!
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
24 Apr 13
Not since I was a kid! I do remember waking up crying when I was a kid. I too can't remember all the details of my dream, but I remember feeling sad and just crying. I just thought of it as a sad nightmare. I haven't been like this though, since I deemed myself grown up.
@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
22 Apr 13
Yes it used to happen with me when I was a child I remember I used to cry in the mid night and my parents used to calm me down. But not now I don't often see dreams these days.
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Apr 13
I have had dreams that were so intense and felt so real like that! I hate when that happens. Usually when I dream like that I remember what the dream was about because it bothered me so much. I hope you don't have anymore dreams like that, they are the worst!
@ShyBear88 (59308)
• Sterling, Virginia
24 Apr 13
No, I haven't had a dream like that at all. I've had dreams where I woke up really sad because my husband left me in my dream. I've had some where I've woken up scared or I couldn't breath so I would start chocking till I would cough awake uncontrollably. Thus the reason I sleep with a fan on as well as have a drink by my bed. Dreams can make us feel all kind of things. It's so crazy since its our brain talking to us.
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
22 Apr 13
Yes blue, that has happened to me b/4...and of course I did not remember the dream either but I felt it was something that was not pleasant which is why I thought I was crying...But I never even tried to remember the dream,,I hope you are OK....