Age is just a number, young is attitude

@secretbear (19448)
April 24, 2013 12:26am CST
Two years ago, I started a discussion that I don't look my age. I was in my late twenties then. And when I turned 30, I began to really be concerned about my age. I know age is just a number but still, I'm one of those who get so bothered with it. :p And last week, I just turned 31, the highest number you can find in the calendar (and when I turn 32, I won't be in the calendar anymore lol :p). I was apprehensive of turning 31 but it made me feel better that lots of my friends tell me that I still don't look my age, that I look younger. I especially felt better because my boyfriend told me that I look younger than my age. :') Anyway, I have a new motto now which I got from my friend, "AGE is just a number. YOUNG is attitude." :)
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21 responses
• United States
25 Apr 13
I can relate a lot to what you are saying. I turned 32 last month, and I still get carded whenever I got to the casino. Most people say that I don't look my age at all. I personally feel that a person is only as old as they feel. Age is truly just a number. There are people who are in their 50's and up, and still are runners etc. It's all a state of mind, rather than a number.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
26 Apr 13
What do you mean with you still get "carded"? What does carded means? (I don't go to casinos. :)
• United States
26 Apr 13
Carded means having to show your ID, so basically they be thinking that I'm under 21.
• Netherlands
7 May 13
@secretbear I am not saying that if you are older you are not able to enjoy the same kind of things young people are, but it's for sure your feelings/experience will be different. Way different. And that is exactly why I tell my childeren not to wait till "later" if they want to do something now. If you like it or not.. fact is a trip around the world is a completely different experience if you are 20 or 25 years old as when you are 50 years old!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
24 Apr 13
That is so true. And they stay young when you hang out with people that are younger of have a happy attitude! I look alot younger then I am fact people are kinda shocked when I let them in on my secret! LOL
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
I agree!! We should not be afraid to hang out with younger people. I have friends who are few years younger than me. We have a generation gap but it doesn't stop us from having fun together. And yeah, having a happy attitude surely helps. Being grumpy only adds wrinkles to our face. :) I won't ask you to let me in on your secret. I already know you're young. ;)
• Netherlands
7 May 13
@secretbear It has nothing to do with being afraid of hanging out with younger people. I am surrounded by younger people day and night. My children (29, 27, 22) plus their friends prefer to go out with me, my younger children (10 and 7 years old plus their friends) prefer to go out and do things with me. All kids (their friends) love to stay (always) at my house. But fact is that many younger people do generalize if it comes to older/elderly people. They find them boring, are ashamed about their parents etc. Many feel even ashamed if they have younger siblings. Mine never did, to them it's normal.
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
The only time i remember being concerned about my age was when people were saying I was 17 when I was already 23 then. I was bothered that they still see me as a kid even though I'm already an adult. I don't really count my age and I've always believed that it's just a number. It has nothing to do with how i look and how i act. Now i'm 35 and people don't believe that when i tell them about my age. They think i'm 27!
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
26 Apr 13
Good for you! :)
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
24 Apr 13
hi dear secretbear I am so glad you are back in mylot. Havent read anything about you for quite some time soooooo a late but heartfelt Happy Birthday to you. The best news about you sure are that you have a boyfriend now. Hope he treats you well and you are happy together for ever. you soooo deserve it.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
Awwww... Thank you so much, RitterSport! :) Actually, I was bored yesterday at work and I had lots of free time so I was able to myLot again. :p And yeah, I have a boyfriend now. We've been together for only almost three months. He's a black American and we actually haven't seen each other because he lives in Chicago. :)
• United Kingdom
25 Apr 13
Hi there! I will be 27 this September. When I was 17, I dreamed that if I could stay my 17 forever. That time, I felt so horrible if some one day I would be 27. But, when time goes by, I seldom felt any jitters about age except every birthday. :P But after I broke up with my ex, my family began to remind me that I would be near 30s, it's time to find another boyfriend, and get married as soon as possible. This bothered me too much. :P But, I have a strong heart! Age is never a problem in my mind. You can never stop time, so I always tell myself that I should catch every moment to do what I want, there is no time to sorrowing over the times of the past. It doesn't matter that I have no boyfriend at present, I can still live with a wonderful life myself!
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
26 Apr 13
I know what you mean! My family does not pester me to get married, but some of my friends do! I don't get bothered with it, though because I know in myself that I'm not ready. I'm not ready for the responsibility of building a family. I know, I know, I should be old enough to be ready but I just don't feel ready. :p And I agree. We should enjoy every moment in our life and we should not waste time regretting the past. I know we have to look forward and I always do my best to do so! :)
@RAJASB (109)
• India
25 Apr 13
It's good that you don't look your age unlike many who look beyond their age. It feels bad some times that you are getting older. No worries, all your friends grow with you as well, it's not just you in the world getting older.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
26 Apr 13
Yeah, that's another consolation. Another would be, I have friends who are older than me. :p
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
24 Apr 13
You are so right about age being a number. I will be the age of 42 years young next month, and even if I say so myself I do not look 42, in the past people have guessed that I was in my late 20s Although only a week ago a stranger actually thought I was 50! I am fortunate in that I have good skin, and I look after it, and I am very healthy with food and going to the gym three times a week, so I do keep fit, maybe this is what is keeping me young. I have known very active people in their 90s, and I have often seen very lazy people in their twenties, so it is all in the mind and the person's perspective.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
It also helps to have an active lifestyle. I think my lifestyle is like that because I don't exercise much or go to the gym but still, I get to burn as much calories. :p And I laugh a lot. ;) I have my funny friends to be thankful for that. :)
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
24 Apr 13
well, I absolutely agree with what your friends say, and it helps me to feel better too. I am about 35 years old, and I am truly worry about my age too. But after I read your post, I felt much better now after think about it. So, if you think you are still young, age just a number, it won't affect you a bit.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
I'm glad this helps. :) Just always be positive and learn to enjoy a lot of things even those that seem childish to a lot of people. There's always a child in all of us. Don't ignore that child in you. It helps you appreciate even the smallest things in life. Also, have an active lifestyle because it surely helps in making you feel young. Go out and have fun. :)
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
I do believe in that too- and the more we think about our age, the more we get stressed and the more we look older. So we should just stop worrying about it since we cannot do anything about it- it is just natural, aging.. All we need to do is eat healthy and take care of our body.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
That's correct. Oh, I need to watch out my diet! :p
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
24 Apr 13
I'm with you and you are right,we need whole new attitude everyday in our life and it's important to keep yourself motived for your dreams,so i believe in it.Good luck and enjoy your own life,cuz age doesn't gonna stop us at anything.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
Thank you. :)
@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
True , age are just figures , it's the attitude that makes us young ! It is the perception that one makes one young or aged. The way we look at life , the way we lived our life is what makes us young ! If we stagnate and lived in one corner with out taking [part in outside world then that what makes us old. So it is not in the age but in how we dance each day with the rhythm of life.
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• Canada
24 Apr 13
You have a good mindset. It will allow you to go much further than the average person who is obsessed with things that are completely irrelevant. As George Harrison said: "All things will pass" and if age is just a number, you will go far with the youth you create in your attitude.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
I'm just hoping my physical body will be able to keep up with my mindset. :p
• India
24 Apr 13
You have amazing Preception there are some people who make fun of old people they try to degrade them but you are truly better than others yes age is just number there are many who die while they are are even young.old age is just a preception you are ever new.don't worry about people laugh and smile then,you will never get old in reality our thoughts our subconscious mind make us old in phsycology it is called autosuggestions and that is the reason of all wrinkles go to any worship place and pray until your eyes are filled with tears let flow out every negativity in as flower love everyone then there is your no reason to be old.enjoy HAPPY MYLOTTING
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
Thank you for the kind words. :) I am doing my best to maintain this perception. I also want to let out all negativity but sometimes when you're in a bad environment, it's just hard to do. I just hope I can be positive all the time. :)
@BSBarnes (10)
• United States
24 Apr 13
I fully agree that age is just a number. I am 61 years YOUNG. Attitude is everything. I think young and I feel young. I am approaching my "senior" years feeling better than I have in a long time. I exercise, watch what I eat, am very active, and lead a rewarding life. I am no couch potato, and don't plan on ever being one. It also helps to be in love! :-)
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
That's good! People of your age should think like you. :) And yes, having an active lifestyle surely helps to feel young. And yes again, being in love is a great factor, too. Love doesn't pick any age after all. :p
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
24 Apr 13
Ofcourse age is just a number but life experiences (mostly it does come with the age) is a fact. Life experiences do change you and if you are older (50 for example) it's not always nice to be with 22 year old people. Although personally I think the other way round, I would not feel great in between people of 50 and 60 years old.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
I'm not saying that "young is attitude" is to disregard life experiences. You can age mentally with all the life experiences but you still can feel young about yourself. If you feel young about yourself, you can enjoy a lot of things, even those things that younger people enjoy.
• Indonesia
2 May 13
Yes, you don’t need to feel bad about getting older. You can still be young in the heart even if you’re getting older like your motto. If you are young but ill, what’s the use of it, and if you’re getting old but still healthy, it’s better, right? I find that not stressed and have a good and healthy diet also help you to look younger than your age.
25 Apr 13
You're still on the calendar. Maybe not on the same month but on the next. Don't worry about your age if you have started at least a bit of your dreams.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
26 Apr 13
When I turn 32, I won't be on the calendar anymore. Only my birth month will remain. :p
@prj786 (27)
• India
25 Apr 13
Yes, that's true age is just a number we should feel young all the time.
• Bulgaria
24 Apr 13
Of course your age is important in life. But I think that your age must not be something bad. For me one person could be 40 years old but with understanding of life like 15 years old teenager. The important part here is that he has a lot of experience and can deal with the complicated situations easily.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
If you're 40 years old and your understanding of life is like a 15-year old teenager, that could not be good. How do you think a 15-year old teenager understands life? I do not mean this with my motto. I only mean that aging is a part of life and that we can choose to feel young about ourselves. Not act like a teenager.
• Philippines
27 Apr 13
I agree. age is just a number. I'm already 26 but I feel I am still at 23. and some people think that I am only 19. all I can say is that your age is your attitude and the way you behave and enjoy life.