do you have favorite house clothes you like to wear most of the time?

@missjahn (4574)
April 24, 2013 8:08am CST
i must say that my clothes last for many years and that if i will not give some of it as relief goods, my enough size dress cabinet will be fulled of it and some will be piled outside from it. but this not the real issue why i started this discussion ;) this evening, after having my wash-up; i changed my favorite house cloth to clean one, of course. as i removed it, whew - i torn it! the fabric is not that strong anymore. oh, what do i expect, i had this clothe for i guess, ten years already. and i love wearing this because it is soft and its cloth is cool to the skin. i have lots of favorite house clothes to wear when i am just at home and have it for years. what about you, do you have the same experience as of mine? please share
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18 responses
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
25 Apr 13
Well, in today's day, young people dress up in Sport mode. I see my brother always wearing his suit and sneakers. It is a bit the fashion of young people today! I, not being really young (my next birthday next month, I'm 38!), I prefer a classic clothing. Certainly not elegant, I'll never go dressed in a suit and tie. I only need a pair of jeans, a sweatshirt (until the heat comes exaggerated) and all ok!
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
25 Apr 13
It is always what I have argued in my thesis. How important to spend some money to buy brand clothes, or designer, when you look good even with our clothes cheaper.
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
even if i have money to buy for some expensive clothes, i will still not spend a penny for it because of the brand. i am after with the design and of the cost. i must be wise, anyway expensive or not, it is just a dress to cover our body. so that is the real purpose of it. i just cannot understand, why there is a certain person who like to buy designer or branded products even if the design is just that absurd thanks :)
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
oh yes, right at that alberello. here in the country, the youngsters wear varsity jacket. what is funny is that, they wear it even in the midst of a hot afternoon. i just thought how these young people could bear the heat of the sun. what is that, no matter what, they need to wear it because this style is their trend for the moment. oh no! i am not really a trendy person. i wear what i want to wear, trend or not! what is important to me is that i am comfortable wearing it and the cost as i first bought it is just cheaper ") that is what i am after about :)
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
24 Apr 13
Yes, I have one like you have shared, it is cool to the skin and comfortable to wear . My wash machine caused some tear to the shoulder portion but I patched it up and continue wearing it . I just love this clothes and very reluctant to discard it !
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
i do not use the washing machine all the time. because when you are washing clothes with altogether and in a ton, i cannot smell the fragrance of the soap in my clothes compared if i handwash it. oh yes, it is hard to just threw it because you love it. but if there is not chance for it to be fixed, i will make it as a rug. at least this way, it serve its purpose :)
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
i understand ems - me too, i am not allowed to wash plenty of laundry because i have a bone fracture in my left arm. it will ache if been soak to water for a longer of time and if will carry heavy clothes. it will accumulate gas pain to the part of the fracture. so that is why too, i must take care of it. and my mother would be afraid if my healed fracture will be fractured again. what's that?! hehe thanks emz
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
24 Apr 13
Now I would have no such problems as I bought some netting. I will put all the clothes in each netting before washing them in the wash machine. I could not do hand wash because of my nerve problem on the my hands .
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
Large and roomy polo shirts for me.I could wear them everyday as a uniform but some people things I should put more clothes seriously, it's the most comfy thing ever.
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
good for you! well, we have our own preferences on what we should wear. of course, the first thing to consider is that how comfortable is it to be when we wear this kind of cloth. well for me, like to wear shorts and sleeveless in the house and jeans when i go out :) that is comfortable cloak to wear as for me:)
• India
25 Apr 13
At home, one will usually find me in a round neck T-shirt and half pants. It is so relaxing... Good day!
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
oh i guess you are so comfortable wearing it. thanks ;) good day as well :)
@jiiiiin (586)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
I have two favorite shirts from my older cousin that I always wear everytime it is clean. I am using it for five years and just recently I found holes on it because of the loose threads. Now I didn't use that two shirts because it still have the holes and i don't have time now to fix it but soon I'll fix it.
• India
25 Apr 13
I have many clothes to wear in house.I dont like to share them with anyone. I mostly wear tee and shorts.
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
me either :) i do not want to share my clothes with everyone in the house; you know, for sanitation keepsakes. each of us has ph level and what would happen if we swap clothes from mine to her and vice versa. germs would be passed from one person to another, it has not exception whether if it is your mother or siblings or whoelse living in your house. that is why, we must avoid this kind of habit :)
• United States
24 Apr 13
I love to wear my pajamas when I am feeling lazy and just lounging around at home. I used to have these really comfortable Betty Boop flannel shorts, they fit perfectly and they were extra great because my boyfriend loved the way my butt looked in them . But i wore them so much, and just washing them so much that they ripped in the back :( so I couldn't wear them anymore. I was sad when I had to throw them away.
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
wow huh! a little flirty that is cute :) yes, very hard to discard or throw things that we used to love or give value at. if possible, we should try to keep them all but that is not wise to do for it will just an additional pile in your cabinet without its usage. whether we like it or not we need to discard things that could not be used. :) thanks
@MizzLadyB08 (1174)
• United States
24 Apr 13
Yes, my favorite house clothes are sweats and t-shirts. If I am not wearing sweats and t-shirts I wear some tights with an oversize nightshirt. I do not go anywhere that much and I feel comfortable in those type of clothes.
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
hmm... i guess you have a cold weather in your country that is why you love wearing those clothes on. i also wear leggings or tights when i go out. not so much when i am just at home because the weather in here is so hot. that would be uncomfortable for me, so that is why i wear shorts and sleeveless when just at home. also, like you - i do not want to go anywhere when i am not comfortable with my clothes, if ever i will change my clothes before going out :)
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
hi there missjahn, same as you are, i also have my favorite house clothes. i too like those cotton ones as these clothes are really very convenient. as i don't prefer to wear thick ones even it is rainy season. hence, i really like to wear those thin ones when i am inside our house. and i guess, my clothes are also as old just like what you have...
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
hi aira... i guess all of us prefer cool type of clothing when we are just in our house. we want to be comfortable that is why we are wearing the type of cloth to any kind of weather. i guess too that we are the same in manner, keeping clothes and keep them through the years. cottony clothes are good for the skin and for hot weather. they are good resistant of heat. that is why i preferred wearing this kind of dress because of the weather here in the philippiens. wooly type are just good for those who have very cold weather may seems. so thanks for joining here ;)
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
I have this one shirt that I have been wearing since my last pregnancy, I just feel so much comfortable with it that as once as I have washed it and has completely dried, it is almost the first choice that i would wear.
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
i had a tee shirt before, and the color was green. it was my freshmen shirt and it lasted until i was in college. i already made it a rug before because it cannot be worn already, lots of holes in it. but that was one of my favorites. and lots of clothes that been discarded because of no use at all even you will stitch it or sew. thanks ;)
• India
24 Apr 13
I am always at home and it becomes really important for me to wear comfortable clothes. There are few outfits which I love wearing although they are torn now. Whenever mom would ask me to discard them I would request her to let me wear it for one more time. Even if the color gets fade or the outfit gets a little torn from some place which can be easily patched I still keep wearing them for they feel so comfortable.
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
the same thing here with me. i would like to wear even those clothes have holes and stitches already as long as i am comfortable wearing it. i am not ashamed as well. but one time, i went outside to throw garbage, by then a man is staring at me. i got conscious because i know there are holes in my shirt in the tummy part . he even stared at it, although am conscious but still i do not care. i just cover some portion of it so that it's not that obvious hehe so thanks
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
Hi missjahn! Yes I do have. Hehe. I have a shorts that I'm still keeping and I'm wearing it now. It's been 6 years since I purchased this in Dubai. It's with garter and the fabric is comfortable plus durable. I might dispose it when I leave the country again or I might still bring it as long as I can still wear it. I also have 1 sleeveless top that I enjoy wearing. It's white and made of silk. It's perfect for summer. I can also wear it on the beach.
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
since i am an addict of buying cheaper clothes for the house like shorts and sleeveless, i have plenty of it in my piles. just those type of dresses i want to wear at house. some of it was been given to my friends who want it. shorts are good with garters, we can breath easily with it. most of it were made of cotton. very fresh to the feeling. yes, why not - you can bring along with you the clothes you like when you travel or go to another country. :) thanks
25 Apr 13
I prefer to wear sando and shorts at home and a simple tee plus jeans on simple hang-outs, etc. I don't know, I don't have to wear clothes I'm not comfortable with. I prefer to be simple yet nice with what I am wearing.
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
look at you in your profile picture, you are so cute at it. and i agree with you, i want a simpler outfit but nice to look at. :)
@sorima24 (77)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
Yes! I have my favorites clothes..After i washed them and dry i wear it back hehe,its my habit if i feel much comfortable with that clothes i wear it always. I love clothes that are soft on body the cotton.And odcourse the feeling that your always fresh.
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
:D ahmpt same thing with me. it is similar like that because after taking a bath i will wash my clothes so that i will lessen my laundry. when it was dried, instead of folding it, when it so happened that i will change a cloth, i will wear it again. and that is called, wash and wear . love the feeling of being fresh and having a good smell :)
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
26 Apr 13
I just likie wearing casual clothes, that at one time werre good clothes, but have some age to them, so I just decided to put them in my drawer to be worn around the house each day. Of course in the summer, I will shorts and a top, but in the winter, slcks and a top. They are very loose fitting, as i don't like wearing tight clothes, as they are just to restrictive. since it is getting warm outside, I am wearing a pair of shors with a top to match. Take care, and have a very good day.
@Pegasus72 (1898)
27 Apr 13
I have favorite clothes for sure, but I have learned to get dressed every day because the one day you don't is when you get all of the company.
@RAJASB (109)
• India
24 Apr 13
I wish to put myself in casuals all the time. Just put on Jeans and Tee, that's simple dressing. I wish to wear formals only if it's required though i love formal dressing and if it's party at night, the dressing depends on the type of party i am going to attend or else, it's simple Ts and Jeans all the time.
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
i love wearing tees and jeans when i go to school or even when i am hanging with my friends. but in the house, love wearing shorts and upper cloth without sleeves. you know it is so hot in the philippines that is why i want to have this get-up to feel cool and fresh. we do not have airconditioner at home. :) thanks
@hebeyy (13)
• Hangzhou, China
24 Jan 14
Well,I really think I have a special taste for clothes,it is not because I always go shopping or I own plenty of clothes.Actually,I am a little dainty when I choose the clothes for myself,and my friends usually say that I am too choosy.But in my mind,I love to pick out the clothes one by one until I find the most fantastic one in a shop.And I love my clothes,I fold the clothes by heart.Whereas,I really have a bad habit that a little time after I bought them,I think some of them are out of fashion and I don't like them any more.Of course I mean some of them,not all.In spite of that,I am a big fan of fashionable clothes,many kinds,uha.