Do you ever go back to the tourist spots you've already traveled to?

@secretbear (19448)
April 26, 2013 1:21am CST
My friends and I try to travel for leisure to tourists spots at least once a year. I've never thought of going back to any of the places we've been to because I thought, "I've already been there I want to spend my money on another place". I think I can maximize my money more, or get most out of my money if I can go to different places. But just this summer, we went to a place, to a beach where I really loved the water and the sand and I just really want to go back and experience the place once more. If I would have the chance, I think I will surely go back there. :) How about you?
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13 responses
@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
26 Apr 13
I totally get what you mean and sounds reasonable to me. Unless of course you have lots of money to burn on the fare and accommodations. I am the same way but there are couple of times that we visited the same tourist spots simply because we weren't able to do the rest of the activities being offered exclusively there the first time we went there.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
26 Apr 13
Most of the time I choose to visit new places instead of going back to a place where I have already been. I think that there are so many interesting and beautiful places to explore and I would like to visit as many different places as posssible during my life. That is main reason why I usually prefer to visit new places. On the other hand there are a few places that I would like to return to because I didn't get the chance to explore them as much as I wanted. I visited Greece and Bulgaria in 2010 and I was ill while I was there so I didn't get the chance to see much of those countries. I would like to return to those countries in the future. I hopefully I will be able to do a lot of sighseeing next time.
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@williamjisir (22819)
• China
30 Apr 13
I often go back to those tourist spots that I have ever been to because I love them and always get chances to. Take our local scenic spots for example. We have a very good botanic garden, a huge one. Every weekend, people from big cities as well as some neighbouring town and villages come for a visit. There is so much fun there with the entertainment facilities. I have visited it for about five or six times already and have never got tired of it.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
28 Apr 13
Sure, if it was a nice place I would go back over and over.
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• China
30 Apr 13
It is the same with me. You know, each time when I get a chance to go to our provincial capital, Hangzhou, I would love to walk around along the beautiful West Lake for a visit. I love it too much and won't miss it if I am in the city.
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
30 Apr 13
That depends. I've got several places that I've been to quite a few times. Wachau in Austria for example, and lot of tourist spots in Vienna. I've also been to several tourists spots on Iceland several time. I know I'll go back to the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, I just have to wait for it to be slighlty more finished so I see the difference :-) Other places I go to once, Im glad I've been there but I don't think I want to go back.
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@rog0322 (2829)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
28 Apr 13
Hi, I would go back to the same spot once I've tried it and I like the place and ambiance. It would save me the cost of traveling to another place which can be less enjoyable so I don't mind going back again and again to a place I already know. Like this beach in our town just a few minutes away from my house, I frequented it with my family at no cost at all while people living far away had to budget thousands just to be there. I don't take my own place for granted because of that fact.
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@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
26 Apr 13
Certain places like beach resorts and water falls, each time you go, you experience the same happiness and joy. As far as places of sculptures are concerned like Mahabalipuram in South India, which you can see in internet, every time you notice something new in the beauty of the sculpture and it is a pleasant experience to see them again.
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
2 May 13
I usually like to go to new places and only go back to places I have been to before due to them being in the route. For example I will be revisiting Prague and Krakow on my next trip before I make it over to the Ukraine. I would love to return to Australia and feel like it is possible. It is expensive to reach you see and once there prices are high.
• Philippines
26 Apr 13
I think it entirely depends on you. There are some places that is good enough for one visit, and there are other places that you'd love to visit over and over again. My family visits Hong Kong every Christmas season because my dad loves the weather there. I also felt the same way as you do. I love Hong Kong, but I want to visit some other places too. I feel that a lifetime isn't enough to see all the wonderful places on earth! But I won't mind going to a Disney park over and over again. :P
@srisahara (4508)
• Indonesia
26 Apr 13
If I have a lot of memories on the place, of course I love to come back. Sometimes I come back to the same place which the place experience some renovation that look different than I was come for first. yes, I think the place will give me some difference impress.
@tehpau (340)
• Malaysia
26 Apr 13
If the place is lovely and I can afford to go there again, I will definitely go back. Holiday is so hard to come by for me, I appreciate every single day I get to be away. Life is tough.
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@sorima24 (77)
• Philippines
26 Apr 13
its depends if you want to go back on that place.Me we usually go back to the place and we called it our favorite place we hang out there especially if it is a beach.
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• France
26 Apr 13
I keep coming back to Venice, Italy. It's my favorite place in the entire world, it's the most beautiful city I've ever seen, I love being there. I don't want to travel anywhere else. I visit Venice every year - it makes me so happy!
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