Washing Machine VS Hand-washing

Washing Machine VS Hand-Washing - example photo of laundry washed in washing machine and being done manually
@joizee (502)
April 28, 2013 7:03pm CST
I used to wash the laundry by hand or manually when I'm still single and living with my parents. So it was all hard-work because I have to wash almost six pairs of clothes for a week all by hand. I don't mind the scrubbing and the soapy water but I dread is twisting the clothes to squeeze out the water and the hanging part. I have small hands so I can't twist that much and the clothes become heavier because of much leftover water in it, making it harder to hang up to dry. Ha! So tiresome! But all clothes are very clean and white! After seeing all the clothes are clean and bright, all my hard-work paid up. And when I finally got married, my husband introduced to me automatic washing machine. It runs by itself with a timer and can wash, rinse, and dry all without human intervention. I was absolutely in awe because I can do other stuff (especially myLotting) and just wait until it finishes on its own. So amazing! However, I found some clothes not that clean, especially with stains. So I make sure I soak them in bleach first before going in the tub. It works sometimes but not often because I can only realize it after the washing has finished. I should improve my sorting skills this time. Hehe! Manually or with machine, I still need to wash clothes.
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10 responses
@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
29 Apr 13
well I am doing both right now and well i am 46 now and do most of mine by had right now till i can save up the money to buy a washer they are great to have and I do miss them a lot
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• Mexico
29 Apr 13
I do laundry every other day
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@joizee (502)
• Philippines
29 Apr 13
Oh! I see... Since you're living alone, better wash clothes daily, right? So wouldn't have to wash a tower. Hehe! That would lead to unwillingness to wash clothes especially by hand. Good luck, man :)
@pals101 (2010)
• Philippines
29 Apr 13
Not all stains are removed with washing machines so it's always advisable to do hand washing on some stains that can't be remove easily. To acquire much greater results and faster ways, both methods are recommended.
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@pals101 (2010)
• Philippines
30 Apr 13
That is the disadvantage of having your clothes in a laundry shop. I suggest clothes with so much stain should be wash and clean by yourselves. while the remaining clothes could be done in a laundry shop.
@joizee (502)
• Philippines
29 Apr 13
Hi Pals, I definitely agree with you. But laziness is stronger than wanting whiter and cleaner clothes. Haha! I even sometimes complain when I did my laundry in deliver-laundromat store. I can still see stains and told them to better hand-wash it. They told me, they can't because they might rip the clothes or not use bleach because it can remove color from clothes. Thanks for the response! :)
• Philippines
29 Apr 13
I prefer automatic washing machine. That is I used when washing because I can do other work while the clothes are being washed. Before I had my machine, I spend 3 hours washing the clothes manually. Though the machine do most of the work, I still have some manual things to do before I stock the clothes inside the machine. First, I check the clothes if it have heavy stains. If it does, I remove them manually. I also lightly wash heavy soiled clothes first before i put them in the machine.
• Philippines
30 Apr 13
LOL :d. Letting the machine do all the work huh
@joizee (502)
• Philippines
29 Apr 13
Hi Banned! Ah, that's a great idea. I usually just soak the stained ones but can't get the stain off enough, just lighting it up. But my husband, I think, does manually scrub the stain off before starting the machine, but I'm too lazy to do that (LOL). Thanks for the response! :)
• Philippines
29 Apr 13
I never use washing machine for the same reasons you've mentioned -the stain does not go away. Since I am a busy person, I don't want to spend hours hand-washing my clothes so I avoid buying white clothes.Saves me from scrubbing and bleaching stains lols.
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@joizee (502)
• Philippines
29 Apr 13
Hi Belle! Hi Verna! You're both right in terms of washing clothes twice with the washing machine because you're not satisfied with the results. That's defeating the purpose of using the washing machine, right? So you're right Verna, using the pre-soak cycle is useful to target stains and make whiter clothes whiter. Verna, you brought back my childhood, too! The ladies in the town usually do it in the riverside as well. Well I think people living in the country side and with access to river still do hand washing until now. I can also remember using a paddle bat that they use with pants or bigger clothes instead of scrubbing them. Other use their feet to scrub the bigger clothes. Lots of fun when I was still young! Thanks for your responses :)
• United States
29 Apr 13
I lived in the island of Jamaica West Indies in the Caribbean and in the country as a child and the clothes were washed by hand in a wash bucket also using a scrubbing board sometimes for the heavier clothes, either at home or by the river side. This brings back memories because as kids we loved to go to the river so that we could play in the water and do some fishing at the same time. The white clothes were washed and hang in the sun on the line for the sun to bleach them out and if the clothes were washed in the river they were put on stones or on the grass or a made shift clothes line for the sun to bleach them white. The women would use something called "blue" which is a little blue bar to help the white clothes become whiter and after this process was done then the clothes were again washed rinsed and hung to dry in the sun on the line. I can tell you that they were some of the whitest clothes you could see, especially the sheets. That being said, when I came to the Unites States still being a youngster I didn't think that the the machine could wash the clothes as well as hand washing so I continued to wash my clothes by hand verses the washing machine, but like all good youngster I soon abandoned the idea of washing by hand and began using the washing machine to wash my clothes. Does washing by hand verses washing by machine gets the clothes any cleaner, well sometimes we still have to hand wash some parts of the clothes like the collar, the under arm of a shirt because the washing machine does not do a very good job, and there are detergents that are used to pre-soak the clothes, pre-soak cycle on the machine is also used before the clothes are washed in the machine to make sure that they are clean. I think that hand washing in some cases is better than washing in a washing machine, but that takes time and the machine does free us up to get other things done and it's convenient. It also depends on what you are washing also, and at the end of the hand washing there comes the ironing which I hate to do so there are some positive and negative with both methods. I say that whatever works for you use it but I'm not going back to hand washing my clothes, well maybe a few things once in a while, if I feel like it.
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@cyjh21 (160)
• Philippines
29 Apr 13
I live alone and I still don't have my own washing machine so during weekdays, I mean while staying in my apartment (where I live alone) I do the laundry with my hands... huhu! But anyway, I just like washing my hands and feet with water and soap maybe so I enjoy doing the laundry. I do it so fast, in fact. Then I have back pain after.. Hoho! During weekends (thought really sometimes) I wash clothes in my parents' house (of course, their clothes) using washing machine! Hahaha! It's because I have 3 brothers and all of them are wearing jeans most of the time! Oh my! Even just the thought of washing those jeans with my bare hands... hoho... really tiresome! I can't! So case to case basis... :)
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@joizee (502)
• Philippines
30 Apr 13
Hi Cy! You can also save water by taking bath and cleaning your clothes. HAHA! What you typically see in old Filipino comedy movies. Hahaha! Why not try a laundromat? Just reserve money for that expense and you're off without back pains! Good luck, may the force be with you. LOL! :)
• India
29 Apr 13
This is right that we are not getting very well washing from washing machine. Whenever I see my shirt has a deep stain that time I wash it manually. When I have no time at that time I use washing machine.
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@joizee (502)
• Philippines
30 Apr 13
That's bummer, right Radharani? It's like we're getting enough from the money we spent for the machine. But still it lessens hard work, so we just end up doing double jobs to make sure clothes are cleaner and free from stain. Thanks for the response! :)
• Philippines
29 Apr 13
I usually manually washed my white t-shirt, and machine watch the colored one. Though i'm very busy with my work, i see to it that i have time to manually washed my white t-shirt, i'm not contented with the out come when i use washing machine and i have to wash it again.
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@joizee (502)
• Philippines
29 Apr 13
Hi Jonas, hand-washing gives you the opportunity to concentrate with the results you want to achieve, right? Thanks for the response! :)
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
29 Apr 13
I wash our clothes with an automatic washing machine. If I have something with a stain on it I will prewash it by hand to get the stain out then wash it in the automatic washing machine. I'm surprised by many who still manually wash their clothes by hand. I remember years ago something happened to my washing machine and I had to wash clothes in the bathtub by hand. OMG what hard strenous work that was. Meanwhile before the washing machine that is how people did it. Amazing!
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@joizee (502)
• Philippines
30 Apr 13
Hi Lelin! It really is such a hardwork, I can be a living example to that. LOL! Machines really made our lives easier and more convenient and comfortable. Hopefully, we wouldn't be too dependent on them. Thanks for the response! :)
• China
29 Apr 13
with the development of the society, plenty of matters have been done by machines rather than human ourselves, this is a good sign for the advance of all society and all human beings, however, people seemed to be more lazy than ever before. Once a scientist have said, "the development of the society finally made thousands of lazy guys." In the past, we use just our hands to wash clothes and we aslo felt quite happy especially when our family members had them on,and we would be proud of what we had done for them. while nowadays, the clothes are just the clothes without anything. maybe when we use the automatic machines , our love and kind has also lost in the machines.
@joizee (502)
• Philippines
29 Apr 13
Hi Conquer! That's absolutely the disadvantage of machines or being dependent to machines - laziness and unhealthy lifestyle. Some of the people that uses/depends on technology much are sometimes obese ones. Never getting the chance to have body movements but can get tasks finished (even ahead of time), which what is considered more important. We, humans, should learn how to manage our dependence and use of machines so we can still be in shape while having the tasks done on time. Thanks for the response! :)
• Philippines
29 Apr 13
hahaa, some prefer doing laundry by hand--manually you are assured that all the stains will be removed, but i'm a lazy person, and washing machine is a better option for me, still sometimes i have to wash the stains by hand..still tiring, both works the same for me, ahh, just as long as the clothes are cleaned, i dont mind at all, lols..yeah, we still need to wash our clothes though- to me-- (the best)- is to let others wash my own clothes lols
@joizee (502)
• Philippines
29 Apr 13
Hahaha! Bring the laundry to laundromat and lazy would prevail! Hahaha! Thanks for the response, man :)