i set my mylot payout to 100 USD

@dagami (1158)
Rome, Italy
April 30, 2013 3:36pm CST
i've only been here for a month and a half. like almost everybody else, i came here for the money. a few days after i signed in, i got hooked because i enjoyed the discussions. sometimes, i don't even contribute. i read, read, and read. mylot members have opened my eyes by their different views on single situation. i've learned a lot. when i read from the discussions that mylot has never failed to pay, i set my payout to the maximum- 100USD. i wanted to buy something substantial from my 1st ever attempt at earning online. now i have almost 13 USD on my account so i'm going to get my first and last payment on mylot. i will be here on the first week, that's for sure. i want to see if there will be interesting discussions. however, i think i'll just read most of the time since the money is gone. although i wasn't here for it, it was a great incentive. while it's true that i can earn much more than this amount if i work offline on the hours that i'm here on mylot, i was excited to see the cents piling up in my earnings. in fact, even if i thought my payout was still far, i was looking forward to it.
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13 responses
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
1 May 13
Yeah, I agree with you that one could learn a lot from reading and enjoying the mylotters post, respond and comments. They are very informative I believe you will surely get your payout since you have met MyLot's requirement. All the best to you !
1 person likes this
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
1 May 13
I also think that you will get your payout since you met their requirements.
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
1 May 13
i know they will pay my $13 and whatever else i will be earning until the new site launches. i'm not worried about that because it was clearly stated in their alert.
@tinym8 (420)
• United States
1 May 13
Dagami, Everyone is disappointed about this change to myLot for varying reasons, it seems. I came back after several months away because I enjoyed discussions on here and for the money. Right now we desperately needed extra money and now I can't get it here. I think I'm not going to be able to spend much time here now unless there is some way to make some money...even if it's in a different way than it was before. Most people are just plain sad about it.
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
1 May 13
yes, we are all sad about this news. in fact i was also thinking that even with the money incentive, only a small percentage of the mylot 251Kplus population is active. now that they'll be removing it, how many will stay and contribute?
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
30 Apr 13
I hope you make your last payout and I'm sorry this is happening to you. This is/was an awesome site to get advice, see other peoples opinions and earn a little bit of money. My payout is set at $10 USD and I'm not sure I'll make it by the 15th but will try my best. What a bummer for you!
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
30 Apr 13
mylot said that they'll pay those who have more than 5 on their accounts and have been active during the last 30 days. i'll get mine on the 15th of may but i was willing to wait if they didn't change the policy. i really wanted it to reach a hundred.
1 person likes this
• France
1 May 13
I'm confused about the news and have no clue about what could happen to the website, I'm writing this in a confused state and needs to know if the website is coming down?
@humairaku (2038)
• Indonesia
1 May 13
hi Santosh..mylot decides to discontinue their earning program soon. as far as i know, mylot will end the earning program in May. the members who reach $5 or up will be paid but not for those who reach lower of that amount. then mylot will be usual social network like facebook or twitter. there is no special anymore here in mylot. but they dont explain to us why they stop the earning program. what came on my mind, at the very first time i read the alert, was that mylot goes bankrupt. they have no capability to pay their members anymore. mylot dont turn to scam cos they promise to pay the members this month, but tgey wont anymore next month. they decide to be an ordinary social network site instead of being scam..it's great but still it breaks my heart...
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
1 May 13
The more you can post messages and the more you respond to messages, the more you will earn of course. If you have the time to do it, you can make it. Fore me, with a full time job, the time I can devote to myLot each day gets limited. Best wishes to you !
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@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
1 May 13
i have two part time jobs. one with 25 hours a week, the other 40 mins daily. whenever i'm not doing anything, i've always made it a point to log on here in mylot. sometimes i don't even post, i just read because i find this site informative in the sense that it is an eye opener to the different views of people from different cultures from all over the world. however, for facts, i've always trusted wikipedia.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
1 May 13
That's too high my friend. We actually earn little here so it would take years I think for you to reach 100 USD if Mylot will still pay. Unfortunately it is going to stop paying us starting May 15. It's bad news.
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
1 May 13
I don't know if it's possible but if I were you I would change my payout amount! Mine is $10 and I'm hoping I can make it. I'm only at $3.43 right now and have a lot of work to do to get to $5
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
1 May 13
i knew it would be taking me long but i had forecasted that i would reach this by december. at the rate that i am going i felt that i would be able to achieve this goal. i have an offline job that takes care of my expenses and i wanted to use the mylot earnings on something more "substantial".
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
1 May 13
it doesn't matter now, ctryhnny. they changed the rules with that alert. as long as we have 5$ on our accounts and have been active for the last 30 days, we will get paid on the 15th of may. i read in one of the discussions that tomorrow is THE DAY. it's still 10:45 (mylot time) now so i hope you can reach 5$ until midnight.
@ayeeesha (1127)
• Philippines
1 May 13
The good news is you will still be compensated for the efforts you put in :) And like you, the payment on the 15th is my first and last payout too. It's sad that myLot has changed its rules since I considered the site as a legitimate source of online income.
@ayeeesha (1127)
• Philippines
1 May 13
Good to know that you're staying. I'll probably spend more time on my other online earning sites than go here in myLot. Though I might check it from time to time but my focus is not with the site anymore. It was really shocking though. I highly recommend myLot as a legitimate online earning site then everything else has to change now.
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
1 May 13
yes, i find this change abrupt and it made me sad. however, i will still be here but i won't be posting as much as i do now. i'll probably concentrate on reading through the discussions.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
1 May 13
I am sorry to hear that and I think they probably will pay your 13 dollars that you have earned.
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
1 May 13
i'm not wooried about not getting paid since i fit into their requirements. however, it would have been nice to see those cents piling up in my accounts. i'll still be here when the new site launches, but not posting as much as i did.
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
1 May 13
Hello dagami, You will get the payment at least so it's not that bad, think of the people who did not manage to reach the payout in time :) Someone said the day would be tomorrow and it's about 12 noon by their clock. That should mean that i have 12 hours left, but it's already 20 p.m. now and I have 2,39 at the moment. I do hope they take into account the activity not credited yet but made ! at the time they reset it.
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
1 May 13
as of this minute, (i checked the mylot time) you still have ten hours left. why don't you try doing the tasks? they always pay higher there. maybe you'll be able to reach the 5$ minimum. i think they are unfair in this issue. if they discontinue the payments without due notice, they should pay everyone up to the last cent.
• India
1 May 13
It is always safe to set this at 10$, i think you can reset it at that, though not sure, and get paid. best of luck.
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
1 May 13
the site changed the rules and even if i don't rest it, i'll still get paid because i have been active these last 30 days and i have more than 5$ on my account. i would have been willing to wait until it reached a hundred. it was like i was saving cents every day.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
11 Jan 14
Now I think no payment is made.
@mohkanari (1957)
• India
1 May 13
Now it seems there is no problem whatever be the payout target or minimum. MyLot is going to pay its last cash out to all members having $5 as on today[30th April 2013]. Very unpleasant news indeed.
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
1 May 13
they will pay the accounts that have a balance of $5 and have been active for the last 30 days, they said this. i will get paid but i was willing to wait until mine reached the maximum. unpleasant news, indeed!
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
1 May 13
excuse me.. but... i feel this.. "HAHAHAHAHA... HAHAHAHA" OK done now... how cute you are.. 100USD... hmm should we just sing... Cause it's the Right love at the wrong time Guess we'll have to wait until the summertime Cause it's the Right love at the wrong time Why'd we have to meet each other in our prime Cause it's the Right love at the wrong time but I admire your desire and your intention... hahaha.. cool... so cool.. wish you luck .. and hope for you to find a site like mylot
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
1 May 13
no, i won't looking elsewhere for another online venture. i've had it and i'm burned...
@CuteMandy (162)
• China
1 May 13
You are so lucky to get a pay. I won't get a first pay here. Terrible!
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
1 May 13
i'm sorry to hear this. your efforts were not compensated by money. however, the fact that you're still online and responding means that you enjoy this site too. happy mylotting!