Would I go back here?

May 3, 2013 7:09am CST
hello everyone! i missed the discussions....but i really felt sad! that earning which i was really striving to gain to at least add up to the fund i was trying to raise is nowhere to be found. and now, it has really gotten a new look. am having second thoughts....will i still go back here or just keep on blogging in other sites? could somebody please uplift my interest to be back here?
3 responses
@sissy15 (12284)
• United States
3 May 13
The way I try and see it is we got to meet so many new people on mylot. It wasn't always just about the money, and just about the look. Albeit I'm not exactly happy with the change, I actually hate it, but I liked conversing back and forth with people and as long as some people I talked to stay here I will. So if you enjoy talking to people here stick around and you may find you still enjoy coming here just to talk to people. At least that is what keeps me sticking around.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
3 May 13
I also will check out myLot daily since I have been checking it for around five to seven years and try to come as far as possible.
@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
4 May 13
I am also worried that I cannot see my earnings anymore. And there's not a notification or anything from myLot about what happened since they changed the layout and all. The only thing I like as far as the new layout is concern is the speed of commenting. It is now much easier. But it's hard to find discussions. I don't really think I will go back here if myLot says we won't be earning here anymore. Because earning is the main reason why I joined here. Enjoying the discussions, meeting people and all that are my bonuses. :)
• Philippines
3 May 13
I just check mylot daily, because this become one of my routine, but i don't how long it will last, i can feel the silence in mylot. But i can't resist to log in, and check the posted discussion.