I deserve something more!!

July 3, 2013 2:13pm CST
As the clock ticks one two three four, When time that runs seems to exist no more, Fun and entertainment is something I do ignore, To achieve the dreams in my hearts deepest core, for my heart says I deserve something more. Even while living a life steered by a broken oar, At times when I forget even my daily morning chores, The problems that I faced never seemed to bore, Fueling my desire to always even the score, For my heart says I deserve something more. Luck and destiny never let me pass their doors, Even fate seems to treat me like a whore, But with God's blessings ready to pour, Like a raging bull am ready to gore, For my heart says I deserve something more. Sailors often wish to conquer the seas they adore, To them the sea gushes only at the shore, As super-powers are not limited to heroes like Thor, The Lion in me is itching to roar, For my heart says I deserve something more.
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