Can you help me figure him out?

Rochester, New York
October 22, 2013 9:40pm CST
Meant this guy in April of 2012. Asked for my number and to hang out and we did. Had a great time. Later asked if I was looking for a relationship I said yea, but we never did because summer was coming, we are both in college. Sometimes he would stare right at me and other times ignore me like he didnt know me. Well summer came and went and we stopped talking. Even though he knew I was crazy for him and fell hard for him. Hes 22 and Im 20. School started again and he finally talked to me again in October 2012. We hung out. He never treated me right though. He said we were fwb and not actually dating even though we acted like a couple. We would go hiking biking out to eat, etc. And other times when I saw him he would ignore me as if we were never we. After a month of Christmas break he would text me every night saying good night or I miss you. And in the morning when he knew I was still sleeping he would text me good morning =). When we got back to school we hung out were super excited to see eachother and then the next day he said we should just be friends. He needed to fix his relationship with God. I stopped talkng, couldnt believe it my heart crushed. I had never loved someone so much. He later posted on fb "I have been up here on campus for a week and still havent hung out with a good friend." Meaning me. I texted him about it and he told me to stop. I cut off all contact and then 2 weeks later he came back, and said he was sorry. I took him back but was super cautious. We still hung out, went out to eat, our normal stuff, watched movies together. I spent the night with him once and I loved listening to the sound of his heartbeat. And yet again he would just fall off the face of the earth. I had a meeting once and I didnt want to go and he was supporting me telling me to be positive and that it would be okay. Again I backed off losing interested of him pulling back again. He came back and we talked, I said I didnt want to see him and he said he didnt care he was coming over anyway. He said he wasnt a perfect person and I was worth fighting for. I was super hesitant, and he wanted a hug. I refused. But he snuck one in anyway and apologized up and down. How sorry he was. I stopped talking after that. But he wanted a picture of me and he took of off me anyway. And then another time he came back and said he wanted a relationship. He was sick of immature relationships (he had been with so many girls). He was a junior now and wanted something real. Wanted me to be there for him. He was drunk though so I didnt know what to believe. He mentioned it another time when he was drunk. I moved on this summer and one day this summer 2013 he got a new girlfriend (of course it never lasted and again he got someone else). I caught him staring at me the other day though. Why would he get with this girl so quickly when he never wanted to be with me? This semester i saw him in the hallway and he quickly grabbed a girls hand when he saw me. Whats the deal? They didnt last either.
1 response
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
23 Oct 13
If you truly moved on, is there a need to worry about it? My guess is that he hasn't even figured himself out yet and doesn't know what he really wants.