Why is spring my favorite time of year?

My Garden Flowers
@poehere (15126)
French Polynesia
October 15, 2015 9:25pm CST
When I grew up in France and other countries in Europe I loved when spring came. We could go to the market and buy ourselves a paper kite and some string for what I believe is 10 cents in your currency. We spent hours in an old vacant lot flying our kits. I loved to just sit and watch my kite so high up in the sky. I could sit all day in the dirt flying my kite. It was so sad when it started to get late and we had to bring them in to go home. I loved to lie on my back in the dirt and watch the cloud float around my kite. We use to site and tell each other what each cloud reminded us of. Spring was great for the flowers, flying kites, and getting out of the house and running free again. What are some of your fondest memories of spring when you were a child?
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8 responses
@jstory07 (134834)
• Roseburg, Oregon
16 Oct 15
You had such fun with those kites. When I was a child we used to make our own kites and fly them. There was a mean tree that would take our kites sometimes. The kite was so high in that tree we could not get it down.
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@poehere (15126)
• French Polynesia
16 Oct 15
My dad would not allow us to fly the kites around where we lived because of the trees and power lines. That's why we had to go up the block to the vacant lot to fly our kites. There were no trees or power lines there.
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• New Delhi, India
16 Oct 15
@poehere do you guys know? in my country if your kite's string cuts off and your kite falls in some one else's house.. the that kite does not belong to you anymore... it now belongs to the other guy.. in whose house the kite fell!
@poehere (15126)
• French Polynesia
16 Oct 15
@piyushap I'm not sure but I think this is true of a lot of places. I know when we were in Scotland and played baseball in the front yard. When our ball went in the neighbors yard it now was his. He took it and never gave it back to us.
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@Ceerios (4698)
• Goodfellow, Texas
16 Oct 15
Ms Ann ( @poehere ) - Thank you for reminding me of flying kites. One day, a friend and I constructed a giant kite. We used long brass curtain rods for the struts and a giant piece of clear plastic wrap for the body. We got the kite way up in the air from our ground "base" in a big city downtown parking lot. Our string broke and down came the giant kite - right in the middle of automobile traffic on a very busy street. We were scared to pieces that the giant kite would land on a moving car and kill someone - but it missed all of them. Never had the urge to fly kites again after that. By the way, my friend and I were both over 40 years old...
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@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
16 Oct 15
We also fly kites here in North of India but it does not happen during spring. We fly kites during the months of July and August. Most kites are flied and competition are held on 15th August i.e. India's Independence Day. Spring season comes here at the end of February, when new leaves start coming on trees and flowers bloom in full swing to give us a great feeling.
@poehere (15126)
• French Polynesia
16 Oct 15
That sounds like a lot of fun. I love to watch hundreds of kites flying in the sky. They are all so beautiful.
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@celticeagle (161452)
• Boise, Idaho
16 Oct 15
Spring time memories for me are different than my summer ones. I guess watching the things change. I live in an area where we have very definite seasons. Coming out of winter and going into spring I recall watching the wind and rain out the back kitchen window in the door. Helping get the seeds ready for planting. My grandmother kept seeds from the vegetables she had planted the previous season. Watching the crocus builds peep up through the ground.
@poehere (15126)
• French Polynesia
16 Oct 15
Wow that sounds amazing. I think the closest I ever got to this was the two years I lived with my grandma in southern California. The plum tree in the back yard would loose the leaves, spring they grew back with beautiful flower, in summer we ate tons of ripe plums. I love the tropics but not much of a chance to see seasons.
@marlina (154163)
• Canada
16 Oct 15
My fondest memory of Spring time when I was a child must have been the fact that we could finally break out our new skipping rope. What fun!
@poehere (15126)
• French Polynesia
16 Oct 15
That is fun. Great memory and what fun to be able to play again outside after a long winter.
@piyushap (25)
• New Delhi, India
16 Oct 15
My fondest memory is of my summer holidays... when we used to go to my grand parents' house! it was fun you see... their country side house... with a beautiful garden... all my cousins also used to come... we used to play... badminton... we used to go swimming... wow miss those days!!!
@poehere (15126)
• French Polynesia
16 Oct 15
Sounds like a lot of fun and can see why you do miss them.
• New Delhi, India
16 Oct 15
@poehere yeah totally i miss them so much that m gonna go meet my granddad today itself!
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@KristenH (33362)
• Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
16 Oct 15
I love that photo of spring flowers, Ann. I remember smelling flowers and picking strawberries and blackberries from the prickly thorny shrubs outside my backyard's fence in New Jersey. I love flowers, period. Perfect walking weather. I love ladybugs and butterflies as well.
@Hannihar (130238)
• Israel
13 Oct 17
I liked springtime because I could get rid of all the layers of clothes I had to wear in winter and the weather would get nice and it would be close to summer. Summertime I could ride my bike around my facorite lake and enjoy it.