a woman should receive help around the house?

October 18, 2015 1:52am CST
I always told myself that I don't want to turn into my mother when it comes to this aspect. she used to do everything around the house while my father would simply lay there watching television. what's even worse is that the raised my brother with the same opinion: his woman has to do everything around the house
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10 responses
@slund2041 (3314)
• United States
5 Nov 15
I think it depends on the situation. If both husband and wife work, they should share the home chores. If the wife stays home, and the husband is out working full time then maybe the wife should do most of the house work. It is always nice when our companions help out. My husband is retired so he helps me out around the house when he can. He cooks once a week too.
• Romania
6 Nov 15
it's true what it's said that men are the best cooks?
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• Romania
6 Nov 15
@slund2041 same thing happened in my family but luckly I've found a man that cooks better than me
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@slund2041 (3314)
• United States
6 Nov 15
@swissheart Well, my man certainly is a good cook. I do not know if all men are. Most men that I know do not cook anything. My brother is a good cook though. I am not use to men cooking though. My mom done all the cooking and baking when I was growing up.
• United States
18 Oct 15
YOur title is a question but it should be a statement. If there are two or more adults - or teenage kids - living in a home they all need to help out.
• Romania
19 Oct 15
yes I think kids should also be involved in doing the chores around the house because this will teach them to be responsable adults
• Romania
22 Oct 15
@AbbyGreenhill same here. my mother didn't ask me to do difficult things but I would have to take out the trash or the dusting
• United States
19 Oct 15
@swissheart Exactly. I had to do chores and did them until the day I got married, so it was good 'training'.
@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
18 Oct 15
Ideally every member of the family should contribute to house work, depending upon his/her availability. Little contribution makes a lot of difference. If one person in a house keeps doing all the work, it could irritating and taxing for her.
@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
18 Oct 15
@swissheart Yes, it could be irritating to see the mess.
• Romania
22 Oct 15
@dpk262006 and should the woman clean the mess or wait for the man so that they could do the cleaning together
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• Romania
18 Oct 15
and you imagine how hard it must be to come home and find the house a total mess?
• Indonesia
19 Oct 15
Chore is not only belong to woman. I always hare house work with my husband. He even doesn't mind to help me cooking and washing clothes. He do it much better than me
• Romania
19 Oct 15
yes it's said that the best cooks are actually men
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• Romania
22 Oct 15
@redvakaurvaki yess indeed. my boyfriend actually cooks better than me
• Indonesia
22 Oct 15
@swissheart I appreciate this fact honestly
@sallypup (58558)
• Centralia, Washington
18 Oct 15
My hubby works full time but he does most of the cooking on the weekends. And cleaning the house is only part of the responsiblites at my house- there's other stuff like making sure the chickens and burro get fed and watered. He helps with that cause of that involves carrying heavy bags of feed.
• Romania
19 Oct 15
it's nice that he's so loving and carrying
• Romania
22 Oct 15
@sallypup he shows that he cares about you
@sallypup (58558)
• Centralia, Washington
19 Oct 15
@swissheart We're a team around here. Hubby checks to see what needs doing and I do likewise.
@shshiju (10342)
• Cochin, India
23 Oct 15
You are lucky to get that kind of mother. Actually people are not with the same behavior. To do our own jobs and help others is correct in a family. If this is not happening there need balancing act. So if Hus is lazy wife have to do the extra job in family
• Romania
23 Oct 15
I have the opinion that if a man loves you and respects you he will help you around the house. it's not easy for a woman to have a stressful job and still do everything around the house
@shshiju (10342)
• Cochin, India
23 Oct 15
@swissheart Ya sure in the side of an woman. But in the same manner in opposite side also. Mutual understanding is better.
@katsmeow1213 (28717)
• United States
18 Oct 15
My husband works 50 hours a week. He gets home from his job very late. Then on Saturdays he goes and works a 2nd job. On the rare occasion that he is home i can't blame him for wanting some time to relax. But he's also the messiest person in this house so I wish he would at least clean up after himself sometimes.
• Romania
18 Oct 15
woow and how can he resist such a work schedule?
@kataomoi (708)
• Japan
18 Oct 15
Unfortunately, that seems to be the stereotype. I don't believe in it though. I think both man and woman should share responsibilities in the house. They don't necessarily have to be shared equally, but one party shouldn't have to do everything. It just doesn't make sense.
• Romania
18 Oct 15
yes indeed and as long both of them live under the same roof than they should share all the things to maintain the house clean
@marlina (154165)
• Canada
18 Oct 15
I think that men should do their part too.
• Romania
18 Oct 15
definitely. sadly many women raise their kids in the idea that the man shouldn't do anything
@amnabas (13742)
• Karachi, Pakistan
18 Oct 15
That's the worst thinking a society has built up.But there are the the men who help their women's in my case my hubby helps me alot.
• Romania
18 Oct 15
yes. I feel that a man who does that shows respect and appreciation towards his woman. after all we're just humans and we don't have the possibility to do everyhting