Beyond Tired

United States
October 19, 2015 7:33pm CST
So sadly the only thing I got done today was the shopping. It took much longer than expected. Over all I think today's trip was bad as I believe all that running around has made my cold worse. I am really tired and I can't finish everything that I needed to do today. The laundry is only part way finished and I didn't feel up to folding it so now it is doing a second round it tbe dryer as "it needs more time". I know, that is lazy but I really don't feel too good at this point.
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4 responses
@Missmwngi (12915)
• Nairobi, Kenya
20 Oct 15
Someone our bodies require the rest for it to function well. You should get one and wake up refreshed to do it all
2 people like this
• United States
20 Oct 15
Yeah, I am thinking I might go to bed early tonight. Hopefully I will feel better by morning.
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@jstory07 (139206)
• Roseburg, Oregon
20 Oct 15
@sbttw2003 I hope you will feel better in the morning.
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• United States
20 Oct 15
@jstory07 Thanks, I am feeling much better this morning.
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@LadyDuck (470039)
• Switzerland
20 Oct 15
Do not oblige yourself to do something if you feel too tired or unwell. Listen to your body.
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• United States
20 Oct 15
I ended up falling asleep early, I'm feeling much better so hopefully now I can finish my list.
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@jstory07 (139206)
• Roseburg, Oregon
20 Oct 15
You do what you need to do. Take it easy and take care of yourself.
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• United States
20 Oct 15
Thanks, I had a long list of things I had wanted to finish today but after shopping it doesn't look like that list is getting finished today.
@Macarrosel (7498)
• Philippines
20 Oct 15
Don't push yourself to do all the chores if your are not feeling well. Maybe you have to rest for few minutes to gain back your strength. I can relate to that sometimes too. I am so lazy to do the chores.
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• United States
20 Oct 15
I thought I was much better but after running all over town I see that I was wrong. Guess I am not as well as I thought I was.