If I Had a Do-Over

United States
October 26, 2015 10:08am CST
When I moved into my house a few years ago I had to buy a new refrigerator. I went to the store, picked out one I liked and had it delivered. It wasn't until the water filter needed to be replaced that I realized that it was at the bottom of the refrigerator and not where I could reach it. To replace the filter you have to lie on the floor, take off the bottom kickplate and reach under the fridge to get to the water filter. What a crazy and inconvenient place to hide it. I can't bend down nor lie on the floor anymore so when the filter needs changing I have to rely on my son to do the work. He is young and nimble and yet he has trouble too. Thankfully he's coming this weekend to bring the grandchildren to trick or treat for Halloween and little does he know he's in for a trick!! Yup, his Halloween surprise will be to change my filter. Next time I have to buy a refrigerator (even though I hope it's not for a long, long time) I'll make sure the water filter is easily accessible.
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25 responses
@marlina (154163)
• Canada
26 Oct 15
Thanks God for sons.
4 people like this
• United States
26 Oct 15
Amen to that Marie my son is always willing to help even though he lives more than an hour away.
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@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
26 Oct 15
Mine is that way too, and you are right, it is hard to get to. I will be buying a new refrigeratior hopefully before to long, as this one is getting old, and it does need to be replaced.
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@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
26 Oct 15
@Marilynda1225 It certainly is, and at my age, if I get down, I can't get back up again, so I won't even try it.
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• United States
27 Oct 15
@rosekiss LOL we'd be like that commercial for life alert....help!! I've fallen and can't get up
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• United States
26 Oct 15
Isn't it crazy how hard it is to change it!!
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
26 Oct 15
I have never had one that makes ice, so I haven't needed to worry about the water filter. But it sounds like bad planning for them to place something that often needs replacing in such an inconvenient spot.
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• United States
26 Oct 15
Yes, mine makes both ice and has filtered water to drink but I never thought to check where the filter might be located. Crazy and very inconvenient
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@Juliaacv (49019)
• Canada
26 Oct 15
I think that we have a similar thing on our fridge, but it is for the automatic ice cube maker. We never plumbed the fridge so it is not in use.
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• United States
26 Oct 15
Yes, it's not only for the ice cube maker but it also has a filtered water dispenser on the door which I love. My son is a plumber so he was able to hook it up for me when I got it
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• United States
26 Oct 15
The fridge in this house has an easy to get to filter, but its super expensive. We have a whole house water filtration system, so we don't really need that filter, so we had to leave the 'old' filter in place and tell the computer we did change it to by-pass the system.
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• United States
26 Oct 15
@Marilynda1225 Ours says change twice a year. I like paying $0 better.
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• United States
26 Oct 15
The filter can be a bit expensive for the refrigerator but since it only gets changed about 2x a year it isn't too bad
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• United States
26 Oct 15
This was designed by someone who does not understand all the things that can happen in our lives, like getting older. Sheesh. Maybe the Americans with Disabilities people need to give designers a seminar, oh, and AARP too.
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@much2say (54127)
• Los Angeles, California
26 Oct 15
We are due to get a new fridge soon. We've never had the kind for water and ice (my parents always advised not to), so I have never wanted one. But Hubby on the other hand grew up with one and now whats one. Oh, I'll have to keep the filter in mind now (though I hope I can still talk him out of getting this type!).
2 people like this
• United States
26 Oct 15
I drink a lot of water every day so having a filtered water dispenser is wonderful. It only gets complicated when the filter needs changing but I wouldn't not have it
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@sofssu (23662)
26 Oct 15
That sounds like a inconvenient way to place a filter vent.
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• United States
26 Oct 15
You have to be very flexible to change the filter and I'm definitely not LOL
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@amadeo (111942)
• United States
26 Oct 15
we are looking for a stainless steel one.The are pretty pricey
2 people like this
• United States
26 Oct 15
That's what I have, a stainless steel one. Make sure you check where the water filter is before you buy it. My old one was inside right above the top shelf and so easy to change.
@wetnosedogs (1533)
• United States
26 Oct 15
That will be a trick on your son. Hope all will be good then.
2 people like this
• United States
26 Oct 15
Luckily the filter only has to be changed about 2x a year so even though it's a headache it's not too bad. LOL, yes my son will be tricked!!!
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Oct 15
i'm glad yer son'll be there to tend such fer ya. they don't make schtuff where normal folks can tend to e'en the simplest 'f needs these days. who'd think'f 'em puttin' such there?? mercy...my ol' fridge's 'bout 20yrs ol' 'n i dread the day it needs replaced, more so now 'fter readin 'this. enjoy those grands!!
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Oct 15
You are lucky that your fridge has lasted for so long. My grandkids are the light of my life
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@mom210 (9041)
• United States
26 Oct 15
I cannot help but wonder what would happen if you fired off a nice letter the the company. It could not hurt and who knows maybe you would at least get a few bucks for the inconvenience.
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• United States
26 Oct 15
I don't know if they would be willing to offer me anything $$$ but I might just take your advice and suggest that maybe the next model they make won't have the filter in such an awkward place
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@garymarsh6 (23401)
• United Kingdom
26 Oct 15
How daft. I hope you have written to the idiot who designed the fridge!
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• United States
27 Oct 15
From what I understand it isn't all that uncommon. Guess I'm the daft one LOL
@destry (2572)
• Kirkwall, Scotland
26 Oct 15
We have not had a refigerator for several years - we never used the one we had and when it broke we didn't bother replacing it. Now we just save on the running costs
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• United States
26 Oct 15
If you don't have a refrigerator how do you keep your food cold?
2 people like this
• United States
26 Oct 15
Where do you keep your food that needs to be kept cold?
2 people like this
• United States
27 Oct 15
@destry wow seems as if you live an entirely different life that we do where we have to go shopping for our food and store it
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@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
27 Oct 15
I have never changed a water filter on my fridge, makes me wonder I guess if I am supposed to. It is almost 20 years old and still going strong.Mine has an ice maker but no water in the door.
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@jaboUK (64360)
• United Kingdom
26 Oct 15
I've never had a fridge with a water filter, but if ever I do in the future, you've warned me about this.
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@bluesa (15023)
• Johannesburg, South Africa
26 Oct 15
Oh no, that is a terrible rigmarole to get that filter cleaned, I am glad your son is able to help with it. It is horrible when a person buys something and then sees there is a complication they never thought of, frustrates me time and again.
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• United States
27 Oct 15
Since my old refrigerator had the water filter above the top shelf inside and was easy to change I never thought to look when I bought this one. Lie and Learn LOL
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@KnehKnah (3584)
• Philippines
26 Oct 15
Oh! That sounds difficult for me too!
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• Thiruvananthapuram, India
27 Oct 15
Nice to hear that you bought a ref, Hey so when is the party
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@DeborahDiane (40150)
• Laguna Woods, California
27 Oct 15
What a terrible place for a filter! I would never want one down there, either!
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