My new Obsession Is Mug Cakes!

@irishmist (3814)
United States
November 11, 2015 10:18pm CST
So ya my new thing is Mug cakes. Have you heard of them? You can make your own personal cake for one in a mug. All it takes is a good sized mug, couple of ingredients and 1 minute in the microwave, and there you have it, and you can pretty much make any flavor you want. So far I have made chocolate cake, and tonight I made a banana mug cake, and it was so good warm. Check out pintrest for some great recipes or just google mug cakes. Oh and I'm thinking about adding nutella to the middle of a cake while it is still nice and warm. Have you tried them, and if so what's your favorite?
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7 responses
@katcarneo (1433)
• Philippines
12 Nov 15
I've seen several how-to videos and they do look enticing and quite easy to make. I just haven't gotten around to starting. I have never been inclined to cook or bake, even the ones as easy as mug cakes. But I'd like to eat them, haha!
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@irishmist (3814)
• United States
12 Nov 15
Well come on over I'll put on a pot of coffee and make you one.
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@marlina (154156)
• Canada
12 Nov 15
It sounds very tempting, I might try this soon.
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@zebra2222 (5269)
• United States
13 Nov 15
Sounds very tasty. I never heard of this before.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
13 Nov 15
I have not tried this! Wow, what a great idea. I think I will try making my own.
@star4u (90)
• Quezon City, Philippines
12 Nov 15
I also love doing cupcakes but just heard of this mug cakes. Sounds so interesting to me. I'd like to try this too.
• United States
13 Nov 15
@irishmist I have seen lots of recipes for them, but have never made one. I bet that would be neat to mix in a cup with direction and give as a small gift!
@irishmist (3814)
• United States
13 Nov 15
Yes it would be a perfect little gift. Just add milk and an egg.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Nov 15
@irishmist I am going to check this out more for some Christmas gifts this year. I love getting all the great suggestions for gift, always looking for something a little different!
@lrglara (1334)
• Philippines
12 Nov 15
i have tried the brownie mug cake... it was disgusting. I must have done something wrong. I like baking... I do bake when the mood strikes but i only eat it for myself. so maybe i'll give mug cakes a try.