How Important Is It?

@sherryeb (580)
Duncan, Arizona
November 21, 2015 1:57am CST
Drinking water is very important, even in cold weather. With out it you will dehydrate. This can cause health and skin problems. Drinking water is easily forgotten, when there are soda pops, juices and other choices. Do you try to drink the recommended amounts of water per day?
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13 responses
• United States
21 Nov 15
It is necessary for your kidneys...and juice or soda do not replace water as some people tend to believe.
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@shivamani10 (11036)
• Hyderabad, India
21 Nov 15
No juice or Soda. It is only pure water early in the morning.If it is taken with 6 drops of honey and half lemon the effect will be even more.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
21 Nov 15
True, according to health experts we need to drink at least two liters of water each day, more if you live in tropical countries..I drink a lot of water because in India the weather makes you thirsty and water or tender coconut water is the only drink that quenches your thirst
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@sherryeb (580)
• Duncan, Arizona
29 Nov 15
I like coconut water
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
29 Nov 15
@sherryeb In India doctors recommend tender coconut water for recovering patients since it is pure and has no adverse effects ..
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@suzzy3 (8341)
21 Nov 15
I always drink a glass when I get up and one with every meal. Water is very important in keeping your skin clear and your kidneys ticking over nicely. Also it can cure constipation.
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@shivamani10 (11036)
• Hyderabad, India
21 Nov 15
S. I do agree. Actually one has to drink water as soon as getting up from bed. The recommended quantity is 1 ltr. which may of course be not possible for some. But, a regular practice will give good results.
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@jstory07 (137893)
• Roseburg, Oregon
21 Nov 15
Yes I have a water pitch with a filter in it and I take a bottle of water with me when I leave. I drink water all day long.
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@sherryeb (580)
• Duncan, Arizona
29 Nov 15
That is a good idea
@Lucky15 (37376)
• Philippines
21 Nov 15
I do. As much possible more than that.
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@Irving35 (128)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
21 Nov 15
I know that. I love water, and, though I don't know what is the recommended amount of water a day, but I try to drink at least 2 liters. Water is tasty anyway, if you know what I mean.
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@sherryeb (580)
• Duncan, Arizona
29 Nov 15
Water quenches my thirst
@slund2041 (3314)
• United States
29 Nov 15
I think we are told to drink six eight ounces of water a day. There is no way on earth I can get that much water down.
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@sherryeb (580)
• Duncan, Arizona
29 Nov 15
I usually can drink 3 bottles of water a day
@Drosophila (16571)
• Ireland
14 Dec 15
I drunk a lot of water.. I'd say about 3-5 litre a day!
• United States
22 Nov 15
some folks don't seem to comprehend that our bodies're naturally saltier'n the sea. that bein' said, with the crohn's, i've gotta drink 't least 10 glasses 'f water a day. don't mean i gotta drink it plain though, nobody does. i'm quite fond 'f natural vitamin 'n mineral water myself. yepperz, i shove lemons, peppermint, blueberries, strawberries 'n whate'er else i think 'll make it tasty in a big ol' jug'f water. let it sit 'n the flavors meld in the fridge fer 'bout 24 hours 'n its some tasty schtuff.
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@sherryeb (580)
• Duncan, Arizona
29 Nov 15
I like fruit in my drinks also
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@bluesa (15022)
• Johannesburg, South Africa
4 Dec 15
I read that drinking too much water can be as bad for a person as drinking too little. I drink when I am thirsty, and I will drink water, coffee, soda and tea, through the day.
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@Pattitude (1287)
• Newton, North Carolina
22 Nov 15
I have to keep reminding myself to drink water. I had a couple of bouts with dehydration recently that put me in the hospital!
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@sherryeb (580)
• Duncan, Arizona
29 Nov 15
Yikes! You will have to post a reminder and tape it to your fridge
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@hema7213 (3517)
• India
21 Nov 15
i drink a lot actually....i drink around 3-4 bottle of water in a day which is around 10-12 glass of water
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@sherryeb (580)
• Duncan, Arizona
29 Nov 15
3 to 4 bottles a day is about my average also
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@shivamani10 (11036)
• Hyderabad, India
21 Nov 15
Yes...Drinking water earlhy in the morning with just 6 drops of Honey will give very effective results..It cleanses the bowls, gives luster to the skin, make one feel happy and light, a 21 days of regular take will make one slim..also..
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@sherryeb (580)
• Duncan, Arizona
29 Nov 15
Yummy...honey!I will have to try that