I finally found my way back to Mylot

United States
November 27, 2015 1:03am CST
Hello all. I am back from a long recess from Mylot. Last time I was here it seemed like mylot stopped incentives. Now, maybe I am wrong, Mylot is offering incentives again? I am not quite understanding how Mylot works now. What happened to the old discussions? Are they still somewhere on this site?
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10 responses
• Philippines
6 Jan 17
hi there. like you i am also trying to get back, butb with my three kids, i cannot check back regularly.. only when i had free time. and when i am not yoo exhausted from daily task...
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@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
6 Jan 17
Welcome back! I hope you enjoy your time back on here...
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
6 Jan 17
@sishy7 Yes welcome back.
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@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
6 Jan 17
@Bluedoll I haven't been gone (except maybe just for some hours) from here...
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• Philippines
5 Dec 15
I just came back also, this is in fact my first post again... It is a bit nostalgic to see my posts (way back 2007) and realize my priorities then... I never kept any personal diaries or anything like that but mylot somehow served this purpose :) will probably keep using this again :) enjoy!
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
27 Nov 15
Welcome back to mylot. Yes, the old discussions from users hould be there, unless they dleted them. I have deleted a few of mine as they were no long pertinent to me. The way mylot works is that you interact with others, and they will interact with you. You don't earn for anything that you do here. You only earn from what others post on your posts. I love the concept and I am happy that they instutded the interaction. I love the interaction, as it is the best part of mylot.
• Portugal
28 Nov 15
It pays again what is great. I liked mylot a lot but lately I need to work a lot so for some time I didnt come here. It is also good to make friends so Im back ^_^ hope you can earn some good money here.
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
27 Nov 15
If you look on the right you will see "You Might Also Like" many of the older discussions are in there. Welcome back, I sort of remember you, I think??
• United States
27 Nov 15
I'm only here for a short time but it's a wonderful place to be. Glad to hear that you've come back
@koopharper (7577)
• Canada
27 Nov 15
Welcome back. I was surprised to see the new incentive program in place. It's given me an excuse to be active here again. Seeing so many returning friends has helped too.
• Greece
27 Nov 15
I'm back too for just a month after being away for along time. It is different but better and more versatile. I am enjoying it very much but it is quite addictive, I don't think you will leave again.
@marlina (154156)
• Canada
27 Nov 15
Welcome back, I have been here only a few months myself.
@amnabas (13742)
• Karachi, Pakistan
27 Nov 15
Than a warm welcome to you.