What Else Is In Your Wallet?

December 17, 2015 9:29am CST
I've been saving my order receipts every time I ate out because I was planning to write about them. There are nine of them now crammed in my 'pitaka' (wallet) collected since August, but the ink has faded on those that were printed on thermal paper, so it's time to throw them away. They remind me of fax messages way back when that we had to photocopy before filing away. Maybe next time I'll scan and save them. Someone I used to work with keeps his spare car key in his wallet. Are there unique, sentimental, funny, impractical, or strange things in your wallet? Or, are there things you never put in your wallet? By the way, some Filipinos also have a coin purse in addition to a wallet for their 'barya' (loose change), such as 10-, 5- and 1-peso coins. Lower denominations are 25, 10 and 5 centavos.
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28 responses
@wiLLmaH (8801)
• Singapore, Singapore
17 Dec 15
This year my boss invited people to go to our office to do a "dragon dance". This dragon gave us "angpao" red packet for fortune. That is with my purse until now. I will toss it to the bin once the next chinese new year came.
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• Philippines
17 Dec 15
i use angpao envelopes, too. all year round, actually.
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@marlina (154165)
• Canada
17 Dec 15
I like to keep a coins purse in my bag.
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• Philippines
17 Dec 15
we use coins for public transportation (bus, jeepney, tricycle). some save them.
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@marlina (154165)
• Canada
25 Dec 15
@hereandthere It's good to be prepared.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
14 Jan 16
@marlina I agree and its a huge pain when you don't find the change when you need it.
• Calgary, Alberta
14 Jan 16
Pictures of my exes.....*hides in shame* I swear I already moved on... I just felt lazy to make a clean up of my wallet.
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• Calgary, Alberta
14 Jan 16
@hereandthere I can build a creepy stalker altar from them.
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• Philippines
14 Jan 16
@captalbertwhisker hahaha! now i'm curious how many pictures there are in your wallet - 5, 8, 12?
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
14 Jan 16
@CaptAlbertWhisker LOL! Just buy a new wallet you lazy thing and leave your creepy stalker altar inspiration at home.
@jaboUK (64360)
• United Kingdom
17 Dec 15
I only use my purse for money and credit cards.
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• Philippines
8 Jan 16
@jabouk it's safer that way @ketage that's sweet (the photo and lucky coin, i mean)
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@Ketage (56)
• Zagreb, Croatia (Hrvatska)
17 Dec 15
I have a photo of my family, ATM cards, ID card, cash and a lucky coin that someone gave me.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
14 Jan 16
@hereandthere Beside some cash, I keep my ATM card and ID. I never ever go out without pen and little notebook.
@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
18 Dec 15
Nicely-kept in my old, dilapidated wallet is a photo of a goodlooking young man some 30 years ago. . . that young man is this now-old-man (but not that so old yet) who calls himself JULITO!
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• Philippines
20 Dec 15
@antonbunot i bet it was a studio shot, wearing your best clothes, and close-up.
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@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
20 Dec 15
@hereandthere Nope . . it was a random shot taken by my wife when I got home after closing a 1 million worth of life insurance. That was when I was just starting as insurance salesman representing big Philamlife.
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@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
20 Dec 15
@hereandthere O, one thing that I don't put inside my wallet - - picture of my first girlfriend.
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@garymarsh6 (23402)
• United Kingdom
17 Dec 15
Only my bus card and train cards plus bank card and note cash.
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• Philippines
17 Dec 15
@garymarsh6 no driver's license or other ID cards?
@youless (112237)
• Guangzhou, China
17 Dec 15
Besides cash, I will credit cards, debit cards and family photos in my wallet. I think it is quite normal and I don't have something interesting inside.
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• Philippines
17 Dec 15
a lot of filipinos also have pictures of their family in their wallets.
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@youless (112237)
• Guangzhou, China
18 Dec 15
@hereandthere I think many people who have families will have this habit
• Philippines
18 Dec 15
@youless i think young people put pictures of themselves and their friends. some mothers put religious pictures.
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@allknowing (130898)
• India
8 Jan 16
I would rather want to talk about my bag as I normally do not carry a wallet. Of the odd things in there I always have some flower seeds picked up from here and there.
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@allknowing (130898)
• India
9 Jan 16
@hereandthere There are tiny pockets where I place my mobile and cash. I just dump the seeds (lol) and that is not often.
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• Philippines
9 Jan 16
@allknowing if you don't carry a wallet, where do you put your money? or do you just carry cards? or do you put them in your pockets? do you have a container in your bag for the flower seeds you pick up?
• United States
3 Jan 16
I try to clean out my wallet weekly. Spare change, I put in my piggy bank and receipts ~ I toss them out or if they're something I need to hold onto, I will put them in a shoe box.
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• United States
3 Jan 16
@hereandthere Will you write down the receipts to keep track on your monthly spendings?
• Philippines
4 Jan 16
@infatuatedbby no, to write about and submit them to paid-to-post sites
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• Philippines
3 Jan 16
i have several food receipts in my wallet again. i guess i haven't let go of my plan to write about them.
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@moffittjc (119140)
• Gainesville, Florida
18 Dec 15
My wallet doesn't have much in it at all, just credit cards and photos of my children! I try to keep it simple!
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• Philippines
8 Jan 16
are they recent photos or when they were little kids?
• Philippines
9 Jan 16
@moffittjc so you have a mini-photo album in your fat wallet. sweet and cool.
@moffittjc (119140)
• Gainesville, Florida
9 Jan 16
@hereandthere Both! Every year I add a new photo of them, but never take out any of the old photos. So I have a wallet full of photos of my kids from the time they were toddlers all the way up to their teenage years!
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@JESSY3236 (19199)
• United States
14 Jan 16
I have money, debit card, and other cards in my wallet. I also keep receipts too.
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• Philippines
14 Jan 16
really? which receipts do you keep and what do you do with them?
• Philippines
14 Jan 16
@JESSY3236 what do you do with the movie stubs?
@JESSY3236 (19199)
• United States
14 Jan 16
@hereandthere just grocery receipts. I am on the food stamp program and I have to keep track of how much food stamps I have left. I also keep movie stubs, but not in my wallet though.
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@ridingbet (66857)
• Philippines
18 Dec 15
I have a coin purse. it is what I always bring. when it is full of coins, it gets fat, and then, it could burst. even paper money, I put it here.
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• Philippines
18 Dec 15
and it's so heavy, right? mine could have up to 50 pesos worth of coins sometimes. but wouldn't the paper money get crumpled with the coins in your coin purse?
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• Philippines
18 Dec 15
@ridingbet my wallet is flat so i fold them in half, also lowest to highest, but the 500s and 1000s are in a card holder with my IDs, atms, etc. happy birthday to your sweet and sweet-toothed 'unico hijo' (only son)!
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@ridingbet (66857)
• Philippines
18 Dec 15
@hereandthere I fold them neatly. in 1/4's. this morning, I and my son went to the city (his birthday) and we had breakfast at Chow King. I paid P500, and there were change of 20's in paper bills and loose coins. they are folded, the least denominations outside, to the highest amount.
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@whiteream (8567)
• United States
18 Dec 15
I am a packrat. I put everything in there and when I go to clean it. I can't believe what is in there.
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• Philippines
18 Dec 15
me, too. there's a grocery nearby so when i go there i stuff my cards and cellphone in my wallet along with the cash. i had a hard time zipping it up last time, that's why i took them out now.
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• Philippines
19 Dec 15
@whiteream it can get embarrassing when you're trying to pull out something and everything spills out! oops!
@whiteream (8567)
• United States
18 Dec 15
@hereandthere I do that all the time, just push everything in there and I hope, I can find it when I need it.
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@marijuana (570)
• Tel Aviv, Israel
18 Dec 15
Most of the time I bring my coin purse which contains some bills and my cards too lol! 've got collections of nice wallets but I hardly bring them. They eat a lots of space
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• Tel Aviv, Israel
20 Dec 15
@hereandthere LOL! yeah maleta haha! Yeah of course there are coins here too. 10s, 5s 1s, 10 cents and 1cents :)
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@scheng1 (24650)
• Singapore
9 Apr 16
I have a coin purse too. I do not like to keep coins in my wallet. The coin purse also holds my keys. I do not have much things in my wallet or purse. The only extra item is the a piece of clean tissue paper. That is for days when I forget to put small packet of tissue papers in my bag.
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• Philippines
9 Apr 16
i always have a handkerchief for my sweaty face. the dry and wet tissues are in my toiletry case.
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@much2say (54094)
• Los Angeles, California
21 Dec 15
Hee hee - I don't save my receipts on purpose . . . they just end up scrunched up in there because I just shove it in there with my change! And then it often stays in my wallet for weeks - til it gets stuffed . I guess my wallet is somewhat of a temporary trash bin !
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• Philippines
8 Jan 16
maybe that's why wallets also have so many pockets, zippers and panels now
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• Preston, England
18 Dec 15
my wallet is falling apart so it only carries a little cash and my bank cards and a few store cards
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• Philippines
20 Dec 15
i also use stuff until they're unusable.
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@OreoBrownie (3755)
• Commerce, Georgia
19 Dec 15
I keep rent receipts, debit cards and pictures in my wallet.
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• Philippines
19 Dec 15
you don't file away your rent receipts?
@LadyDuck (462735)
• Switzerland
17 Dec 15
I only have money in my wallet and the card of the supermarket.
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• Philippines
21 Dec 15
is it a debit card or a loyalty card?
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@LadyDuck (462735)
• Switzerland
21 Dec 15
@hereandthere It's a loyalty card, they scan it every time you shop and every two months they send you cash checks according on how much you have spent.
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@Jessicalynnt (50525)
• Centralia, Missouri
18 Dec 15
Japan does the coin purse too because you carry tons of coins.
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• Philippines
18 Dec 15
what are the amounts of the coins? and where are they used?
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• Centralia, Missouri
19 Dec 15
@hereandthere everything from 5 dollars and under is a coin, and thus they get used EVERYWHERE
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