New myLot! Here's a bug squashing update...

Kansas City, Missouri
February 16, 2016 6:14pm CST
Hey myLotters, thanks for all the help so far! We didn't get quite as far as we would have liked today, but we did make some progress squashing bugs on the new website. Here are the items that should now be working: You can now see past response #20 on longer discussions Like popup now works on Explore, Follows, etc. tabs Like popup now works on discussions when you're logged out When following a link to a specific comment or response, the page now automatically scrolls to the right spot so you can immediately see that comment or response. Dates are now correct on all comments, responses, etc. Before a lot of them were off by 6 hours Discussions on profiles now show the correct user's discussions once you scroll beyond the first 20. Emoticons now show up in discussions, not just responses & comments There are still some critical bugs that need fixed before we can move this to the main website for everyone. Once we have the critical bugs out of the way, then everybody will see the new website while we continue to squash the less-critical bugs. Thanks again to many of you for finding these for us! In the meantime, feel free to use either website: or and continue to give feedback. THANKS
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9 responses
@JohnRoberts (109848)
• Los Angeles, California
17 Feb 16
I have not had any issues or seen any bugs. Maybe slow loading compared to the old site but that's it.
1 person likes this
• Midland, Michigan
19 Feb 16
Seriously? Most of us have experienced much faster loading on the new site.
@aju007 (1460)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
17 Feb 16
Thats great news. Keep up the good work admins I have another problem with typing the contents for a discussion in my phone. The part where we type the text is moving down past the keyboard as we type the content inside the box. Thus after a certain length we cant view the text as we type as it is behind the keyboard. I have to close the keyboard to ensure that I typed correctly and some emoticons are not accessible for me. But this problem is only when typing a discussion. For comments and responses, they shows the exact position where we are typing.
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@eagletrek2 (5499)
• Kingston, New York
17 Feb 16
how does some one share the post on facebook ? from the new site?
• Kansas City, Missouri
17 Feb 16
This will be added in a future upgrade.
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@cherriefic (10400)
• Philippines
18 Feb 16
Thats good to hear!
@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
17 Feb 16
Thank you for the update and good luck for squashing bugs.
@Jessicalynnt (50525)
• Centralia, Missouri
17 Feb 16
thanks for the updates, esp so I know what got reported, and thanks for working on this!
@allknowing (132070)
• India
17 Feb 16
Ignorance is bliss they say.I never noticed any of this (lol)
@jaboUK (64359)
• United Kingdom
17 Feb 16
Thanks for the update, you must have been working really hard. The more I use the new version the more I like it.
@Lucky15 (37377)
• Philippines
17 Feb 16
I saw the time is now okay. Was confused yesterday and thought of it like a bug of the change you did. And thanking you a lot for this. Now...spending time here using my phone is much...err way much better.