Oooooh the joys of kids!!!

February 19, 2016 2:45am CST
Just come down stairs in my house... to find my daughter has totally smashed up the lemon drizzle cake I made last night she and my dog loved it and most of it demolished by my dog and lots of crumbs and cake evidence spread over my salon carpet! Drat!! Last time she managed to knock over a 5kg sack of bird seed in the garage ! Any other mothers with such story to tell from your little ones?
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6 responses
@JudyEv (329187)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Feb 16
I think anyone with small children would have many stories to tell - and even more if they have a dog as well!
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• Cyprus
19 Feb 16
Judy she can me a black eye last month we was play fighting and them bamm she kicked me in the eyebrow bone! It really hurt little but she didn't know that she did wrong. My fault pinning her and tickling her too much hahaha, I'm never angry at my kids what does that solve shouting. I just change my voice and speak over them if something wrong, still kids need discipline to know what's right and wrong. But I do wrong by trying not to smile or laugh and some things! My son is 12 and my daughter is almost 3, omg she is so mischievous compared to how my son was because he's a quiet lad When my daughter and the dog are together.. oooh they are both little ****s hahaha
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@JudyEv (329187)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Feb 16
@Nikkiahmet My boys were both quiet too but I didn't end up with a daughter as well. Probably your daughter and the dog egg each other on in a way. It would be a bit embarrassing having to admit your daughter gave you a black eye!
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• Cyprus
19 Feb 16
@JudyEv hahaha.. nah not embarrassed.. quite suprised really. She can surely stick up for herself! I didnt get embarrassed really, I'm quite outspoken. I find it a story to remember
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• United States
19 Feb 16
When my boys were young they took up bowling and we went every Saturday. They loved it. They were about 6 years old when their father wanted to buy them a unique gift for Christmas. He bought them bowling balls. I had to have them drilled to fit their fingers and when I got them home we put them in the closet until they needed to use them. One morning I was relaxing in the living room with my morning coffee when I heard the ball roll across the kitchen floor and hit something with a thud. My son ran from the kitchen and up the stairs to his room. Jumping from my comfortable seat I ran to the kitchen to see water running across the floor from the bathroom. Well, he had rolled the ball into the bathroom and hit the toilet and it split the front of it completely off. I grabbed towels, tossed them on the water, and shut off the water valve. I called my uncle, who was a plumber by trade and asked his advice. There is a product that you can buy that repairs the porcelain to make it water tight. It didn't cost much and the repair was flawless. Thankfully, he never repeated this foolish act. He did get a severe tongue lashing and was banished to his room for a week.
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• United States
19 Feb 16
@Nikkiahmet I think that it happened on a day that bowling was cancelled. That is the only reason I can think of why he had the ball out in the first place. Perhaps it was because we were going to go bowling and because of snow it was cancelled. That happens a lot in our area when there is a heavy snowfall.
• Cyprus
19 Feb 16
Ahhhh well a good memory for later to tell him hahaha bless him. And he was excited by the sounds to play with the bowling ball. However accident s do happen with kids too. But sometimes some kids not and they do things to crave attention
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@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
21 Feb 16
oh no so sorry to hear that but they are little so they don't really know or just didn't pay close attention. Atleast it was just cake and nothing harmful that she messed up.
@hexeduser22 (7253)
• Philippines
19 Feb 16
I'm not a mom but somehow I could relate I gave my 2 year old a book.. She said wow and when I turned my back on her, she started ripping the pages off , and said "Daddy I want to write"
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• Cyprus
19 Feb 16
Yes my daughter does this every time when my back is turned. If I'm in a different room and she's gone quiet in another room she is secretly up to something making a plan!
@Shavkat (137310)
• Philippines
19 Feb 16
I guess I am lucky. My little have her own mischievous acts but still managed to control oneself. I am sure you were so stressed cleaning up the mess.
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• United States
19 Feb 16
I have no children of my own. A few years ago I was playing a game with my nephew when my foot slipped into a uncovered vent. He tok one look at me, said "I didn't do it" and walked away. Meanwhile I had to get myself out of the vent, I had a bruise on my thigh as the vent went straight to under the house.