What would you do if you have a private jet?

@ko31024 (492)
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
March 20, 2016 1:34am CST
What would you do if you have a private jet? i wouldn't just travel around the world i will fly to some another start a business
4 responses
@kataomoi (708)
• Japan
20 Mar 16
If I had a private jet, I probably would be rich enough to not have to work, lol. So I'd just travel the world and relax.
2 people like this
• Calgary, Alberta
20 Mar 16
I will use to seduce some gold digging models 8 years younger than me.
@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
20 Mar 16
If I have a jet plane, I will sell it. Then I share a particular amount of money who needs help. I think it is better to live in a simple life.
• Canada
20 Mar 16
Pretty much use it to travel! join the mile high club lol...