Getting together from around the world...

@snurgr (147)
Mumbai, India
April 7, 2016 7:14am CST
Mylot is certainly the only website i've every been to where everybody from different parts of the world are sharing their lives openly... Nobody is afraid to talk to anybody irrespective of where he or she belongs from... people from all different age groups... and the best part it is not that sophisticated and intellectual talks... most of the posts are talking one's mind... sharing what they did today... talking about their families,, just gives an awesome feeling that world indeed is a small place... everybody is out there to help you in whatever way they can and its pretty awesome!!
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7 responses
@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
7 Apr 16
People don't judge here and are very patient. No one is abusive and offensive. If they are then admins take care of them effectively.
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@snurgr (147)
• Mumbai, India
7 Apr 16
yeah i did not think about it that way.. no abusive language for a change...
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
7 Apr 16
@snurgr A refreshing and welcome change from fb for sure.
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@LdeL0318 (6402)
• Philippines
7 Apr 16
That was exactly what I like here in myLot.
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@LdeL0318 (6402)
• Philippines
7 Apr 16
@snurgr True. I like how we interact here.
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@snurgr (147)
• Mumbai, India
7 Apr 16
Amazing... Its like having your people around the world...
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@shaggin (71823)
• United States
7 Apr 16
It does make us feel more connected. With all the wars and everything its nice to be able to come here and talk to others of other nationalities and us all get along. There are a few bad eggs in every bunch. That goes with countries and people. I find mylot to be a great way to learn about others cultures. I love mylot! I see you are new here so I am glad you are enjoying mylot as I have been for many years.
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@snurgr (147)
• Mumbai, India
7 Apr 16
I am truly enjoying.. More because the medium lets me talk to all the people in the world..!
@annierose (21384)
• Philippines
8 Apr 16
Mylot has been a very excellent site for everyone. Even though it just pay cents for each day, the benefits it give to its users are something to be thankf ul for. Mylot opens doors to many earning opportunities, new sets of friends, beneficial information and comforting pieces of advice.
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@snurgr (147)
• Mumbai, India
8 Apr 16
True true..
@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
7 Apr 16
@snurgr,I agree with you.Mylot is a platform on which we all belonging to different countries and cultures share our thoughts,experiences and feelings.All this is simply wonderful.I don't think there is any other site out their on the internet that provides us such a great opportunity.
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@snurgr (147)
• Mumbai, India
7 Apr 16
truly man.. Its good to read so many things from people around the world...
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
8 Apr 16
@snurgr It makes us sensitive and mature.
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@jaboUK (64359)
• United Kingdom
8 Apr 16
I agree - it's a place where we can just chat to each other.
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@snurgr (147)
• Mumbai, India
8 Apr 16
True true...!
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@avi256 (8489)
• Pune, India
7 Apr 16
I feel I now have a better medium than TV to spend some quality leisure time.
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@snurgr (147)
• Mumbai, India
7 Apr 16
Well put!
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