Out of idea!

April 8, 2016 5:56am CST
Well hello..uhh yea m a little confused...umm no actually m really confused. I am new to this site, in a hope to earn a little money. Its nothing like that m running out of money or something its just a little teenage dream to get paid!
4 people like this
7 responses
@JonnyRich (157)
• Blackburn, England
8 Apr 16
Welcome to the site I hope you enjoy your stay
1 person likes this
8 Apr 16
lol thnx...but wat do i nd to do exctly ovr hea?
1 person likes this
• Blackburn, England
8 Apr 16
@Anniemaz just make discussions and respond to other peoples discussions and that's all you really need to do just use it as you would with any other social media service.
1 person likes this
8 Apr 16
@JonnyRich and what about the money thing?
@LdeL0318 (6402)
• Philippines
8 Apr 16
Then you are on the right site. I hope you enjoy your stay here.
1 person likes this
@LdeL0318 (6402)
• Philippines
8 Apr 16
@Anniemaz You can start participating actively.
8 Apr 16
hope the same :-)
@akalinus (41635)
• United States
8 Apr 16
Please don't copy anything and post it as your own. It is against the rules. They will delete your account if you do that. Always read the rules first.
1 person likes this
@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
8 Apr 16
Welcome to mylot! First and foremost you should go through the rules snd guidelines. The other thing I would like to add is there is no money earned only just by posting or commenting. Your earnings depend on the amount of interaction you recieve. For example: When you posted this discussion, you didn't earn. You only earned when people responded to it. Like this response I am writing is not earning me anything. Its earning you. Do you understand? So, it is paramount that you interact as much as you can to earn here. Another important thing is to avoid text speak and conversing in language other than English. Hope you have a good time here!
1 person likes this
8 Apr 16
thank you so much
1 person likes this
@snurgr (147)
• Mumbai, India
9 Apr 16
Welcome.. I am also a new member here... The earnings are not great i must say but the experience is amazing...
@newest1 (295)
9 Apr 16
@Anniemaz you have to refer the faq of this site
@JMAndres (702)
• Zamboanga City, Philippines
8 Apr 16
Hi welcome to myLot :) I hope you'll enjoy here. Read FAQ's about this site and interaction with other users are really the secret :)