My Son

My Son Johnny
Chattanooga, Tennessee
May 9, 2016 5:22am CST
My son is in critical condition at the hospital, I won't be on MyLot for a bit.. I have been spending all of my time with him. All that believe in prayer and know God hears our prayers, please stand with me in prayer for my son's healing. I do not know what caused all of this, but he is paralyzed from the neck down right now, and don't know what his future will be. But help me pray, pray for God's healing. Pray for Johnny's salvation. This is very important to me and I know God hears us, and God is a healingGod. His Word tells me "Where two or more are gathered in my name, there I will be" and I believe this. Thank you so much in advance. I love each of you.
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16 responses
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
9 May 16
Count me in Tutti, me and my family would be praying for him
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
6 Jun 16
@tuttiharris i am very glad to hear that, being a parent, we all know how it feels when something is wrong with our children no matter what age they are still our babies, God bless you friend
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• Chattanooga, Tennessee
6 Jun 16
@louievill Bless you, love to you and will be back regularly soon I hope.
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• Chattanooga, Tennessee
6 Jun 16
louievill, thank you so much. Prayers are still needed. He has been in the hospital in one month today. some progress has been made. He is still paralyzed and still has many danger zones, and yet, God has worked miracles in his condition. Love to you.
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@1creekgirl (41021)
• United States
9 May 16
I'm so very sorry to hear about your son. I'll be praying for his salvation and healing and that God will give you peace of heart.
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• Chattanooga, Tennessee
6 Jun 16
Vicki, thank you so much, love you and also your prayers are so appreciated... Please do continue.
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@MGjhaud (23244)
• Philippines
9 May 16
awe tutti im sad for you. i'll say a little prayer for your son later before i sleep. i wont forget i promise. take care of yourself too. God bless you and your family. remember that God's help is just a prayer away.
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• Chattanooga, Tennessee
6 Jun 16
Joy, thank you so much for your prayers, and yes, prayers are powerful and so many have been answered, Johnny is still in need of much healing and I can see God working in his life every single day. I love you and thank you again for your prayers, and please continue in the prayers.
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@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
9 May 16
Hi! I'm so sorry to hear about your son. I'm praying right this very moment for God to heal him. Let's try to stay positive.
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• Chattanooga, Tennessee
6 Jun 16
Bless you Toni for your prayers, Please continue. Johnny is still in the hospital and still in danger of many thigns, but I also can see some great improvements. We servea powerful and mighty healing God and I know He hears our prayers. Bless you sweet friend.
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@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
6 Jun 16
@tuttiharris Hope Johnny recovers soon. I will continue praying for him. I have a 12 year old son. When he was 9 years old he had a ruptured appendicitis and almost didn't make it, but he did. It's painful for a mom to see her son suffering.
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• Chattanooga, Tennessee
6 Jun 16
@toniganzon Toni, so true. I really have had my bumps but still so very thankful... I have God and His peace. I lost a son, when he was19. He got the measles and they broke out all inside of his body, he could not fight them. Also, almost lost oldest son, two years ago... which I did write about it on Bubbles, and God spared his life and so thankful for this son.....
@Shavkat (137339)
• Philippines
9 May 16
I am sorry to hear that. I will offer prayers for your son.
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• Chattanooga, Tennessee
6 Jun 16
Shavkat, thank you for your prayers, and please continue with your prayers. Love to you my friend.
@slayer08 (2377)
• Philippines
9 May 16
Tutti you're a brave and wonderful mum. I wish you all the strength that you need. I pray that you will be forever blessed and that all you need will come straight to you and your family. I love women like you who never fail to care for their families.. You are a good woman and you deserve all blessings..
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• Chattanooga, Tennessee
6 Jun 16
Slayer, thank you for your sweet love and kind words. Johnny is still in the hospital, and God is definitely working on healing. He is still in some danger zones, and still paralyzed, and I know God will continue to work on Johnny's body. Bless you my sweet friend. Love to you.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
9 May 16
I pray that God will use the situation to Johnny's good and that he will arise stronger than before with a desire to serve God. Take care, Tutti. God Bless.
2 people like this
• Chattanooga, Tennessee
6 Jun 16
AnjaP, thank you so much my wonderful friend. I miss you guys, but have been staying with Johnny every single day. Love you and bless you.
@allknowing (132085)
• India
15 Mar 17
The myLot community is with you. Our wishes for a speedy recovery will surely help your son
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• Chattanooga, Tennessee
15 Mar 17
Bless you always smiling, love to you my friend.
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@Juliaacv (49356)
• Canada
9 May 16
I'm sorry that he's taken so ill. Do your best to stay strong, prayers sent.
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@else34 (13517)
• New Delhi, India
9 May 16
@tuttiharris,How sad !! I can understand your pain,my friend.Now on your son will be in my heartfelt prayers.
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
9 May 16
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry, take care of your son and do not worry about the site. Good luck to both of you.
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• Chattanooga, Tennessee
6 Jun 16
Bless you Anna, and thank you so much for your love. ((hugs))
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@LadyDuck (465996)
• Switzerland
6 Jun 16
@tuttiharris How is your son now? I hope he feels better.
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• Chattanooga, Tennessee
15 Mar 17
@LadyDuck He is still in the hospital, been a long time, bu he does seem to be getting bettter by the day. thank you for your love and support.
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@jaboUK (64359)
• United Kingdom
5 Jun 16
I hope the situation is better by now, and that your son is well again. Thinking of you.
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@jaboUK (64359)
• United Kingdom
6 Jun 16
@tuttiharris I'm glad that he is at least off the ventilator Tutti. Sending you and him lots of love.
• Chattanooga, Tennessee
6 Jun 16
Jabo, Johnny is still in very critical condition. He has come a long way and still has a very long way to go. It has been one month today that he was admitted in the hospital. They have finally taken him off the ventilator...and hoping he will be able to stay off of it. He still is paralyzed from the neck down.. and we are truly hoping rehab and therapy will improve this. God has been so wonderful in answering so many prayers and healing Johnny to this point, and I have faith God is still healing. God's timing is not our timing, and I trust Him and completely. My son is in His healing hands. Please continue with the prayers and please pray that this terrible fever that keeps cropping up, the cause will be found and be taken care of ... I thank each and every one of you for your prayers and your love. Please continue. Love you.
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@amnabas (13742)
• Karachi, Pakistan
9 May 16
My prayers are with you. May Almighty help him in speedy recovery.
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• Chattanooga, Tennessee
6 Jun 16
Bless you amnabas, and thank you so much for your prayers. Please continue to pray.
@destry (2572)
• Kirkwall, Scotland
9 May 16
My thoughts are with you, your son and family.
2 people like this
• Chattanooga, Tennessee
6 Jun 16
Bless you Destry. thank you so much.. Love to you and I appreciate all your love and prayers.
@marguicha (218652)
• Chile
15 Mar 17
We´ll do our part.
@Tampa_girl7 (49704)
• United States
20 Sep 16
Just saw this. I will say a prayer.