Payment related question

May 24, 2016 1:42am CST
So.. I have an amount x from last month. It's less than the minimum payout requirement. This month, would I need to make the whole of the five dollars or would that amount be included in the five dollars?
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4 responses
@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
24 May 16
x last month + your earnings this month = Your Earnings
2 people like this
24 May 16
Great! Thank you!! :)
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
24 May 16
Your earnings are always carried over to the next month if you didn't reach payout.
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24 May 16
Thanks a lot for the response, Sir! It's a relief to have the five dollar payout now.. And how exactly are the payments made to us? I'm a fairly new user and if I meet the payout ,it will be the first time I'm being paid on myLot!! :)
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@yukimori (10143)
• United States
24 May 16
@Curlybobby myLot currently pays only by PayPal.
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@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
24 May 16
@Curlybobby All the details are in the Earnings Program FAQs. You need a PayPal account and you enter your PayPal ID (email address) in the appropriate place in your Settings. Payment is automatic once you have qualified.
This is where you will learn all about the myLot Earnings Program
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@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
24 May 16
Included toward the $5 minimum payout...
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
24 May 16
the whole five dollars in total would be good