Dogs, dogs and more dogs!

our Belgian Malinois (don't mind my hubby in the middle! lol)
@jazel_juan (15747)
June 16, 2016 7:48am CST
2012 when hubby told me he wants to have a dog. Nope we're not buying one as that's not an option and part of the budget financially. His friend owns a pincher he can't take care anymore. hubby who LOVE dogs offered to adopt her. Her name is bubbles. I was skeptic at first as I wasn't much of a dog lover, i love looking at them but i find it hard to take care of one. It's like having a baby lol.. but one that bites. So, we were given the dog and I fell in love with her. She's small and just cute. Chocolate brown in color and she's fierce BUT protective of us! When we transferred to a new home last 2014, we brought her with us...and a few days after we transferred my husband told me he was given 2 more dogs..1 dog that's a year old and 1 that's 3 year old... and they are Belgian Malinois.So yes, I am scared and skeptic because those breeds have vicious reputations!! But of course, I know he loves them so we accepted and I again fell in love with them. The female one, Chanel was trained for obedience and rescue while the male younger one, Pepe (named after the guy who gave it to us) was trained for sniffing for k9!! So fun to watch them.. and we love walking them. They need to be walked because we don't want them to be obese! AFTER a few months..Chanel gave birth and all the pups were given and some sold and one was swapped to a new dog.. (yup another one again!) which is a Labrador named Cairo. I love him too because his fur is like that of a stuff toy haha and Labrador are just so gentle! My husband trained him too. Then after a few months we were given another labrador named Poochie, a chocolate labrador...and just recently, we have a new one named Samson, who is a Beagle. so yes, our house is now filled with dogs and they can be handle. My husband and I just adores them now and the kids too. All are gentle and I feel safe and secure knowing we have loyal dogs guarding us ;) All are vaccinated and with anti-rabies shots. We make it a point they bath atleast twice in a week... except for the labrador who loves to get inside the bathroom and just play with water!!!
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6 responses
• Philippines
16 Jun 16
You are definitely protected by them. Which is very important now a days, it's not satisfied to just have a CCTV, which is even more expensive than dogs.
2 people like this
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
17 Jun 16
True! Plus with CCTV you need to monitor them frequently. :)
1 person likes this
• Philippines
17 Jun 16
@jazel_juan with dogs they can detect strangers better than we do. All they need is love and food
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
17 Jun 16
@Letranknight2015 so right! I actually feel quite secured.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
18 Jun 16
Looking at your husband with his two Belgian Malinois , i can say that he really loves dogs. Imgine having those lots of dogs , wow they are expensive to maintain. Just like your husband , my husband is a lover of dogs too. He has a pug, tsih tzu and French Bulldog. But we only have the pug which is a crossbreed of a pug and tsih tzu at home but housed outside in the garage . Him together with 3 Aspins guard the front and back of the house . For the other dogs he lets his cousin take care of them . He provides the foods and vitamins.
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
19 Jul 16
Yes, he even wants to put up his own kennel in the future! they're hard to manage sometimes because they're big dogs but we eventually got used to it too. We love pugs, a family friend of ours breeds pugs..they have like a collection of pugs! hehe they are cute and lazy dogs.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Jun 16
so you now do love dogs souinds l ike you have a really nice mix of breeds too
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
27 Jun 16
Yes Ms. Patsie, quite a lot. Love them now too.. :) They're fun to be with. Just yesterday, we had fun giving them baths. lol
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
16 Jun 16
wow your house is a kennel. must take a lot of money for them .i just have coco and she is expensive . so you came back because I mentioned on FB, huh? how you like the new mylot? I like it better because you can make money just as much without posting. just reading and commenting others posts.
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
17 Jun 16
Yes!! Thanks to you Bunny!! Soooo glad you mentioned it. I really didn't know mylot is back! :) Yeah the dogs are expensive but they give us joy. My husband for one, that's his outlet.. he loves to play with them and walk them around.
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@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Jul 16
I guess you have more dogs than kids now. They must cost quite a bit to feed.
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
19 Jul 16
Hi Judy, yes..they're a bit expensive to manage but we love them like family now :)
• United States
18 Jun 16
Dogs are very expensive and do take a lot of love and care
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
18 Jun 16
Yes they can be!