If bars gave back...

@shaggin (71673)
United States
June 29, 2016 7:58pm CST
Some of you may remember back in April a local bar did a Bachelor Auction and raised over $5000 for Autism awareness. They only had three guys they auctioned off. This same bar is going to to a Bachelorette auction next weekend. I think they will have more women willing to be auctioned off. I do not know what cause this money raised will go to but I had an awesome thought about a way bars could give back in a really supportive way.... They could donate the money raised to drug and alcoholics recovery! I mean that is where they earned all their money is from these alcoholics coming to their bar and spending money so it would be awesome if they gave back a little like this.
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3 responses
@LadyDuck (462116)
• Switzerland
30 Jun 16
I know that sometimes it's not made for plain generosity, but because it bursts business. Anyway it's a good thing.
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@shaggin (71673)
• United States
30 Jun 16
Ahh you are probably right about that. With this all money raised from drinks went to the charity. It was a great cause and the bar was very kind to do it. They may have drew in some fresh faces so I guess that would be beneficial to them if business is slow to draw in a new crowd.
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@LadyDuck (462116)
• Switzerland
30 Jun 16
@shaggin If that was for a good cause and it also brought new customers to the bar, is a good thing.
• United States
30 Jun 16
That is a nice way to give back. When the guys get auctioned off, whoever is the winner gets to date them for the evening and go somewhere or something?? How does it work.
@shaggin (71673)
• United States
30 Jun 16
That is the idea but I guess it was mainly for bragging rights that even after however much was spent on the guy he is not obligated to actually go on a date with the girl. I would think very low of him if he didn't at least go out with the girl for one night.
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• United States
30 Jun 16
@shaggin Yes, I think the guy should go out with the girl for one night like dinner or something!
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
30 Jun 16
that's true and a great idea since these places often run on donations
@shaggin (71673)
• United States
30 Jun 16
I really don't know to much about them but assumed most are at churches etc.