MyLot earnings is dropping? Or I'm just less active?

@tech40 (23128)
August 22, 2016 9:27pm CST
I tried using myLot since couple of week and I still noticed that I only earned a little? Unlike before that everyday I can earn over $0.2 but nowadays I only earn $0.04?
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6 responses
@magallon (19280)
• Philippines
23 Aug 16
I don't know how much I am earning each day. I just keep on interacting.
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
23 Aug 16
I see but you still manage to earn good amount than $0.04?
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@DarkDancer (1011)
• Dayton, Ohio
23 Aug 16
Hmmm, I don't know, I seem to be doing pretyty well, bumped up like 2 cents myself the other day. Guess it all depends one how people respond....
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
23 Aug 16
Let me check your discussions to give me hints or idea so that I have idea how many interaction I need to earn $0.2
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• Dayton, Ohio
23 Aug 16
@tech40 This discussion has a fairly good response rate, I imagine you will get a little better bump this time.
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
23 Aug 16
@DarkDancer I don't know but I'm looking for an answer to motivate myself..
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• United States
23 Aug 16
I've been less active lately so I haven't noticed.
@sjvg1976 (41239)
• Delhi, India
23 Aug 16
It depends how much you interact on your discussions.
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@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
23 Aug 16
Yeah I'm interacting from time to time..
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@skysnap (20153)
23 Aug 16
Last 5 days dropping for me too it seems.
• United States
23 Aug 16
ya must be less active i reckon. such seems to fluctuate anyhow, 'r that's what i gather from readin' others discussions 'bout such.