My First Day on MyLot: what an awesome community!

Turin, Italy
August 26, 2016 3:36pm CST
Hello guys! I subscribed to myLot 24 hours ago. In this time I already discovered a lot of features, interest discussions and an AWESOME community. That really makes me happy. I tried so hard to find a social network where I could be able to discuss and be paid for that. That's truly a thing I love to do (being social, answer question, post about me and opinions I have) so it's like heaven when I found a website that perfectly match my abilities and my interests. I found myLot an horrible site when I first checked it out years ago. Now it is better, but it's still technically not awesome. The editor is not perfect in my point of view and it can be improved. I also noticed myLot has no social activities whatsover and it makes me sad because a lot of people on the net actually loved this website but they unsubscribed because it stopped the earning program. At the end of the day, I'm really satisfied. I got the type of earning I can get from this, and they're not too bad since what I have to do for them is having fun talking about intersting topics. It's not a stable income, maybe it's not a side income too now, but I think it can become something good in few months of activities. Plus: look at the competitors. You will laugh so hard (even Tsu, who used to pay like 100000 time less than myLot failed). But you're still here :D
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16 responses
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
26 Aug 16
Benvenuto. Don't say anything against admin, they're the best!
5 people like this
• Turin, Italy
26 Aug 16
Grazie! I'm sorry about the mistake. I just judged from a first-day viewed. I edited my post and now it should be correct. Thank you for pointing it out :)
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
26 Aug 16
@resolvingpartner What do you mean with 'contact page'?
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• Turin, Italy
26 Aug 16
@MALUSE A module to contact the administrators to request something or to send tips to them. I might be wrong of that too, so if there is a contact page please let me know. At the time I'm writing now, I'm not able to see a "contact us" page.
@jaboUK (64359)
• United Kingdom
26 Aug 16
Hello and welcome to the site, I'm sure that you will enjoy it. What do you mean when you say there are no 'social activities' here? We socialise with each other through our interactions.
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@jaboUK (64359)
• United Kingdom
26 Aug 16
@resolvingpartner Ok, thanks for explaining what you meant.
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• Turin, Italy
26 Aug 16
I know! I love the site because of the community involved! I will paste the sentence ""MyLot has no social activities whatsover ". It means myLot is not active on social medias like Facebook and Twitter. I'm not a native English speaker so forgive me if that's not the right way to say it. But that was the meaning. And I would like them to expand there because more people means more visibility :) and "old members" back here because the earning program is now as it used to be :)
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• Valdosta, Georgia
26 Aug 16
The admin here are very responsive actually. They usually respond back within a day or so which is really good considering how busy they are! They take care of spammers quickly as well. When they stopped the earnings program things were different but now My lot is amazing again! Hope you enjoy your time here going forward.
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• Turin, Italy
26 Aug 16
I'm sorry about the mistake. I just judged from a first-day viewed. I edited my post and now it should be correct. Thank you for pointing it out :) I'm able to see that, now, myLot is pretty amazing. And I wish I could send some full report of my thoughts about improving it to the administrators so this site could became even better. It doesn't require it - it's good as it is. But I've lot of ideas that I think could be applied to make it better (video-integration, to start). I will talk about that in my next post ^^ I hope I'll see you there Jennifer! :)
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@skysnap (20153)
26 Aug 16
Welcome to mylot. The more you interact the benefit comes to you. So try and comment on others post. Make friends and have a good time.
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• Turin, Italy
26 Aug 16
I'm trying to be active and I really like the way people interact here. It's really good to see useful comments and exchange fun, opinions and thoughts. Thank you for your comment @skysnap ;)
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
26 Aug 16
welcome to our family.If you need help.Check out the guide line or ask someone here.We are family l Capise LOL
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• Turin, Italy
26 Aug 16
Thanks Alfredo :) I noticed you're a great community and you're open to answer questions and fill out the blankets. Really appreciate that :)
@xFiacre (12704)
• Ireland
26 Aug 16
@giorgio I haven't seen very many Italians here, I hope you stay around.
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• Turin, Italy
26 Aug 16
Sure ;) I will :)
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@MKAlubs (455)
• United States
26 Aug 16
Welcome aboard!
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• Turin, Italy
26 Aug 16
M.K. Albus thank you and welcome to my profile :D I'm getting really addicted to myLot ahah, answering comments in like 3 seconds xD
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@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
27 Aug 16
Welcome and I'm glad you're enjoying it here.
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@Deepizzaguy (98033)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
26 Aug 16
I know what you mean. After and myself parted ways I tried to work with and Persona Paper before they could pay me or shut down their sites like the latter.
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@Deepizzaguy (98033)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
26 Aug 16
@resolvingpartner Thank u for the kind comments.
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• Turin, Italy
26 Aug 16
I don't think there are other websites as old as myLot around this kind of niche. PersonaPaper now doesn't have an earning program. But I really don't check out these websites nowadays :) i'm here mainly because I noticed you're a really good community. You have the kind of "we earn while we socialize and make friends" I like
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@AkoPinay (11544)
• Philippines
31 Aug 16
We are still here because we are not only after the money I like the SIMPLICITY of this site now and majority of active members are professionals, we could LEARN a lot from them.
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• Turin, Italy
31 Aug 16
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@thelme55 (76652)
• Germany
27 Aug 16
Welcome to this site. We are socialising here and it's fun.
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@JAMTECH (570)
26 Aug 16
Welcome, MyLot is really awesome hope you will love it here.
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@Vblonde (245)
• Macedonia
27 Aug 16
Hello and welcome to myLot, you will love this site!
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@joann123 (127)
• Houston, Texas
29 Aug 16
hi Giorgio, do you know of any other sites to make money on?
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@RubyHawk (99410)
• Atlanta, Georgia
27 Aug 16
I found mylot a few months ago after bubblews failed, then triond. It doesn't pay much but it's a fun place. I hope you like it.
@meowch (2220)
• United States
27 Aug 16
Welcome to MyLot, I hope you enjoy your stay. You are right other social sites failed but MyLot still online and a thriving community of amazing members.