What are you having for dinner?

@quantum2020 (12040)
Ciudad De Mexico, Mexico
October 6, 2016 6:01pm CST
I´m getting a little hungry and I´m thinking on the food that awaits me today when I get home. I will probably have a dish of refried beans with bread and a piece of chicken in it. A cup of coffee and sweet bread will suffice for today. What are you having for dinner?
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6 responses
@zap_81 (1019)
7 Oct 16
last night was chicken salad and tonight seems to be brown rice with some lentils. What did you have ?
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@quantum2020 (12040)
• Ciudad De Mexico, Mexico
7 Oct 16
Last night, a hot soup and a glass of hot milk with bread. Today coffee and sweet bread. I may include something alse for complement, usually protein.
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@quantum2020 (12040)
• Ciudad De Mexico, Mexico
10 Oct 16
@zap_81 I usually don´t include too much protein. A light meal before bedtime works perfect for me.
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@zap_81 (1019)
10 Oct 16
@quantum2020 protein is good. I dont know if a lot of protien should be included in your last meal though.
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@teenspirit (1597)
• Israel
7 Oct 16
chips and salad
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@quantum2020 (12040)
• Ciudad De Mexico, Mexico
7 Oct 16
That´s a very light dinner. It must be good.
• Israel
7 Oct 16
@quantum2020 yes..=)
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@NJChicaa (117604)
• United States
6 Oct 16
I just had grilled shrimp and steamed green beans.
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@quantum2020 (12040)
• Ciudad De Mexico, Mexico
6 Oct 16
That´s delecious. I love steamed food
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@rina110383 (24495)
7 Oct 16
I ate my leftover roast chicken and rice for dinner.
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@quantum2020 (12040)
• Ciudad De Mexico, Mexico
7 Oct 16
That´s wonderful. It should have made a good dinner.
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• Agra, India
7 Oct 16
Well it is my breakfast time and I'm still thinking what to make for Hubby's breakfast
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@quantum2020 (12040)
• Ciudad De Mexico, Mexico
7 Oct 16
I hope you find something to cook for breakfast.
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• Agra, India
7 Oct 16
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• India
7 Oct 16
i am doing my breakfast!
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@quantum2020 (12040)
• Ciudad De Mexico, Mexico
7 Oct 16
That´s great! I hope you enjoy your breakfast.