Sorry I have been missing

Chattanooga, Tennessee
October 18, 2016 6:38am CST
Good morning all, I have missed each one of you... I received a wonderful sweet note on my Bible Study Page on FB the other day and was so happy to see I was still remembered on here. If you all can remember, my son has been very ill since May and I have been spending as muc time with him as I possibly can and don't get much of a chance to come on FB other than in the early mornings. I havecame in and read some on My Lot, trying to catch up some, but don't get a chance to comment or anything. I miss all of you and I love each of you. I will be back as soon as I possibly can. And Michael Joseph Ratcliffe, thank you for caring and asking. Love you. God Bless each of you and have a wonderful day. I will try my best to get in here more often. Please help me pray for my son.
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9 responses
@ms1864 (6886)
• Bangalore, India
18 Oct 16
You are so sweet!!! I would love it if you would visit us here more often.
2 people like this
• Chattanooga, Tennessee
19 Oct 16
Manisha, I don't have a lot of time, about the only time I get a chance to get on the cmputer is very, very early in the mornings. Blessings my friend, Love t you... I will be back regular soon..
1 person likes this
@Sasquatchy (1131)
• Canada
19 Oct 16
You once was missing but now you're found! You must be ok, looks like you got a lot of friends here! Good to meet you!
1 person likes this
• Chattanooga, Tennessee
19 Oct 16
Bless you Smelly. I have met so many wonderful people here on My Lot. You have a wonderful day my friend, and blessings to you.
• Canada
19 Oct 16
@tuttiharris And the same to you!
• China
23 Oct 16
I am sorry to learn that your son has been ill.Hope he will soon recover from it!
1 person likes this
• Chattanooga, Tennessee
15 Mar 17
chang.. bless you my friend. Love to you.
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@BelleStarr (61046)
• United States
21 Oct 16
I am so glad to see that all is well with you Tutti, I will keep you and your son in my prayers.
1 person likes this
• Chattanooga, Tennessee
21 Oct 16
Belle, thank you so much. Thank you so much for your prayers, which means so much to me. Blessings my friend.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49714)
• United States
21 Oct 16
So nice to see you. I will certainly pray for him.
1 person likes this
• Chattanooga, Tennessee
21 Oct 16
Marie, thank you so much. Have missed you guys, and still do. Hope to be back regularly soon. Love to you my friend.
@mom210 (9062)
• United States
19 Oct 16
I am sorry to hear about your son, we will be praying for him as well and your family
1 person likes this
• Chattanooga, Tennessee
19 Oct 16
Kimberley, thank you so much. Bless you and Love to you my friend.
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@vandana7 (99681)
• India
18 Oct 16
We remember you...yes, we will pray
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• Chattanooga, Tennessee
19 Oct 16
vanny, thank you so much... Blessings t you my friend, and thank you so much for praying for my son.
1 person likes this
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Oct 16
I'm so glad to see you here, even for a brief time. I will keep your son in my prayers and you as well!
1 person likes this
• Chattanooga, Tennessee
19 Oct 16
Jennifer, thank you so much, for your prayers and love. Miss you guys, love to you, my friend.
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@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
18 Oct 16
That Michael Joseph is one sweet guy with two saint names. Lovely to see you again ma'am.
1 person likes this
• Chattanooga, Tennessee
18 Oct 16
Yes, he is. Surprised me for sure, and made me feel so great.