got a bargain netbook

Dundee, Scotland
November 3, 2016 2:01pm CST
hello. i was getting a bit fed up posting on here using my cell phone. a good cell phone but quite awkward to use on mylot. so yesterday we went into the city and i parked the bike outside cash generators. think i got lucky. got this touch screen 11.6 inch windows 8.1 4gb ram 500gb hdd hp pavilion netbook for £40. my gain is obviously someone elses misfortune. how much do you think they paid the person who sold it to them. its about 4 years old. its clean. and cost about £350 when new. this is my first post with it and i see the advantages of a thing like this to post on here already.
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6 responses
@jaboUK (64359)
• United Kingdom
3 Nov 16
I don't possess a smartphone, but wouldn't fancy using one for here. Glad you got a bargain.
2 people like this
• Dundee, Scotland
12 Nov 16
aye. using a phone on here is not ideal. i did ok with it though. 2600 interactions/posts and even got a payment. funny really that since i got the netbook i have hardly been here.
1 person likes this
• United States
4 Nov 16
That sounds like a great deal
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• Dundee, Scotland
12 Nov 16
i suppose it is a good deal. but the person who took it in and sold it to them got right royally ripped off.
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Nov 16
@saulgoodman yes that is true! but maybe they didn't care or needed the cash
1 person likes this
• Dundee, Scotland
12 Nov 16
@infatuatedbby i reckon they gave him £10. thats a bit sad which ever way you look at it. i was curious as to how much it is worth so i checked ebay and i saw 3 of exactly the same machine all in excess of £125
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@amadeo (111941)
• United States
3 Nov 16
good for you.You will find this much better than the cell phone.Good luck there
1 person likes this
• Dundee, Scotland
12 Nov 16
Hello again alfredo. it really is so much better to use to post on here than the cellphone was. everything is so much easier to see. havent got the hang of caps lock yet but i am sure that that will com e soon.
@RasmaSandra (76340)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
3 Nov 16
Well good for you. Glad you got lucky. Hope you enjoy it.
1 person likes this
• Dundee, Scotland
12 Nov 16
i am really enjoying it. i can sit up in bed and play with it all night. its a good size at 11 inches long. my wife likes it,
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@Mike197602 (15495)
• United Kingdom
4 Nov 16
sounds like a bargain I used a netbook for years before I got this full size one for my birthday in september...I like it as it has a dvd drive which the netbook didn't.
1 person likes this
• Dundee, Scotland
12 Nov 16
hi mike. i think it is a bargain. a bit of cosmetic imperfection but nothing major. i dont think i will worry about it not having a dvd drive thingy as i only own one dvd. south park bigger longer uncut. our bedroom telly has a dvd thingy built in so i can watch my dvd on it.
• Peoria, Arizona
3 Nov 16
Wow, that is actually pretty good for a laptop if it is just for simple use! I think you got very lucky!
1 person likes this
• Dundee, Scotland
3 Nov 16
hi. it seems to multi task really well. why it has 4gb ram beats me, cash generators obviously made an error when they priced it up. the sales ticket never mentioned it is touchscreen. i think that i got lucky right enough
• Peoria, Arizona
7 Nov 16
@saulgoodman That seems good enough to work for the easy stuff haha you did get really lucky!