A half Scottish US President

hail donald
Dundee, Scotland
November 11, 2016 7:19pm CST
Who would have ever believed that America would ever be ruled over by a half Scotsman? I reckon America is lucky to have someone who will bring Scottish attributes and values to its house of power. In Scotland if we dont like something or someone we get rid. Ask all the Unionist Party supporters!!! Anyway. What or who do you think Trump will get rid of first? I reckon Mexico. Save him building a big wall!!!!
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5 responses
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
12 Nov 16
I tried to imagine Trump with a Scottish accent and he sounds like an angry Scrooge McDuck.
1 person likes this
• Dundee, Scotland
12 Nov 16
i heard him do a scottish accent once and he really shouldnt have bothered. och aye the noo!!
1 person likes this
• Dundee, Scotland
12 Nov 16
@sharon6345 certain people here opposed to his new golf course would change the d in duck to something else to make it........
@5thHouse (1678)
• Sheffield, England
14 Nov 16
I think there's a very high chance that someone will try to get rid of him and may well succeed.
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• Dundee, Scotland
15 Nov 16
I seem to recall back in 2008 that many people thought Obama might have been got rid of also. Donald will simply play his trump card if threatened. What that is though I have no idea at all.
@connierebel (1557)
• United States
12 Nov 16
I didn't know that he was half Scottish, but I think that's pretty cool. I like Scotland and Scottish history, even though I'm from Italian ancestry myself (with a little bit of Polish).
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• Dundee, Scotland
14 Nov 16
I think its done Scotland ok. And he really loves Scotland so we will be safe.
• Philippines
12 Nov 16
He's like our President here after all...Unpredictable. Because the media isn't telling much about his good deeds, always the scandals. Good luck with him.
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• Dundee, Scotland
12 Nov 16
here in scotland he is seen as a good enough man by the golfing community. i am a golfer and a golf watcher and i am certain that the course mr trump had built 10 miles from here will become one of the great c hampionship courses and bring much money to our once great city. if of course he doesnt blow the planet up first.
@Tampa_girl7 (49704)
• United States
12 Nov 16
Only time will tell.
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• Dundee, Scotland
12 Nov 16
i just hope his finger stays away from the nuclear button if he gets pissed off with anyone. i have seen him whack a golf ball when he was in a bad mood!! i wonder if we will see as much of him here in aberdeen scotland now that he is indeed the big cheese.