Yea, I voted for Trump, and now I have a right to say how I feel about the man.

Dallas, Texas
November 19, 2016 1:23pm CST
If Donald Trump gets to do the right things to make America Great Again, I am all for it, but if he creates a great divide between Americans and causes a lot of turmoil I have a right or will have the right to criticize. The thing is, voting gives you the right to VENT your feelings about the one you helped get elected and that means, good or bad, right or wrong, yea or ney, you and I and everyone else who VOTED have the right to give your own opinions about the man who will either lead this country to greatness or turn it upside down in a very short time. I was not sure who to vote for actually as I am sure most of you even felt like not even voting. But having voted, gives me the right to tell it like I feel it when the time is right to do so. In the meantime I plan on doing only one thing, waiting and seeing what happens next. Many will disagree and say it is okay to complain even though they did not even vote. They have the right to complain but what would this accomplish? There are many who like to just COMPLAIN about everything and nothing at all just to hear themselves vent. Already there has been some late breaking news about Trump: From the Washington Post online:
Deal could come despite mogul’s claim that he never settles lawsuits.
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37 responses
• United States
20 Nov 16
I agree. When I was old enough to vote, I didn't want to, politics wasn't something I cared about, but I knew that I had NO RIGHT to complain about any political figure. (That;'s correct, I said "no right" because I was taught that if one doesn't vote, then he or she has no right to say anything) However,as I have "grown up" I do vote (though some local politicians I have no idea, so I guess ) and all I can say now if, Trump is not in office yet and like that old saying goes "don't count your chickens before the eggs" means that anything can happen between now and January.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
23 Nov 16
@Carmelanirel2 There hasn't been "rioting", there's been, with maybe one or two exceptions, peaceful demonstrations and I say all the power to them. It's disappointing to learn that some of those who have been protesting didn't bother to vote but here's hoping they've learned a powerful lesson and here's hoping they have the chance to make up for it in the next election, if we still have a country or a planet by then.
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• United States
20 Nov 16
@Berniezeitler I'm just saying one never knows what can happen between now and then. After all, in all the years I have been alive, I have never seen rioting over an election before, not like this time, people are getting crazy!!!
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• United States
22 Nov 16
your absolutely right i did vote and wasnt for Trump , we shall see if he even gets in office with everything already going on
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@GardenGerty (160355)
• United States
19 Nov 16
I think we are obligated to express our opinions by voting and also by commenting.
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
20 Nov 16
I totally agree with you @GardenGerty.
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@jstory07 (139281)
• Roseburg, Oregon
19 Nov 16
You have more of a right when you actually vote for someone to say how you feel than if you did not vote at all.
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
20 Nov 16
That is the truth @jstory07
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• United States
20 Nov 16
I don't give my respect away for free and I have no hope that he will earn it. And to settle instead of defending himself in court is a cop-out.
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• Dallas, Texas
21 Nov 16
@JamesHxstatic So far I give him a low score but what do I really know about politics? I am just an ordinary American wanting things to get better for everyone. I really hope Trump doesn't prove the greatest single disappointment to us but then like I said, I am not a politician. I am just an American who wants change for the better.
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• Eugene, Oregon
21 Nov 16
I don't believe that Trump has respected the office at all during the campaign or the last 8 years. From the look of his appointments so far, he is not earning my respect at all.
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• Eugene, Oregon
21 Nov 16
@lookatdesktop So am I and it is too bad this is not man to bring it. I am utterly convinced of that and there is nothing in his background that shows promise.
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@RasmaSandra (79093)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
19 Nov 16
Trump is going to be president of my homeland so I am really hoping that things will turn out for the best.
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@Bluedoll (16773)
• Canada
23 Nov 16
? "The 100-seat unicameral Latvian parliament, the Saeima, is elected by direct popular vote every four years" "The president is elected by the Saeima in a separate election, also held every four years. The president appoints a prime minister who, together with his cabinet, forms the executive branch of the government" - wikipedia
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@Morleyhunt (21744)
• Canada
19 Nov 16
I was taught to respect the office. He has a job, let's at least give the man a chance to do his job.
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
20 Nov 16
@Morleyhunt That is the problem with all the protesters, if it is not their way, they think it is wrong, no matter who got the position.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Nov 16
@ramapo17 The protesters think the racism, sexism, Islamophobia, etc. are wrong and they have a problem with an accused rapist and person who bragged about sexually assaulting women being in the White House. I totally agree.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
26 Nov 16
I've always respected the office but Donald Trump has disgraced it before even taking office.
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• United States
21 Nov 16
I voted, but I choose not to say who got my vote. I did think that the bickering would stop or lessen and it has not. I hope and pray that the 4 years that Trump is in office that we aren't led down the garden path and he actually does something to improve our state of affairs.
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• United States
27 Nov 16
@anniepa it is a sad state of affairs.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
23 Nov 16
Well, since his top adviser is a white nationalist I don't see anything improving.
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• Dallas, Texas
21 Nov 16
In all fairness I agree.
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@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
20 Nov 16
I remember being at work back in the '80's. There were these gals in the break room griping about the new governor. I asked: "Did you vote?" They replied: "No." I then told them that they didn't have any room to complain because if they had voted, maybe he wouldn't have won.
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@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
20 Nov 16
You voted, you have the right to express your dissatisfaction with him. That's how it goes.
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@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
28 Nov 16
@granny2015 I've been hearing about recounts to be done in certain states. Haven't caught up on all the election news. It has been tiresome.
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• United States
22 Nov 16
i did vote and im disappointed with the outcome of the election but lets hope he gets better than it seems he is going to be for us
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• Nairobi, Kenya
29 Nov 16
@allen0187 The money should be donated to charity because it wont change anything even DNC has stated..
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• China
20 Nov 16
Donald Trump is a dark horse in this election.It remains to be seen what he will do.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
25 Nov 16
Let's just say if his appointees to his Administration so far are any indication of what he'll do we might as well bend over, put our heads between our knees and kiss our butts goodbye.
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• United States
26 Nov 16
@anniepa Currently he has been focusing on people who will get the job done he promised supposed. Those who will help build the wall. Those who will help the Vets. Those who will help with common core and Obamacare and illegal immigration. I'd say he's done a great job up to this point. The question is can they pull it off.
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@LeaPea2417 (37335)
• Toccoa, Georgia
19 Nov 16
Yes, I have been thinking exactly what you wrote above.
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@valmnz (17097)
• New Zealand
20 Nov 16
From a distance here in NZ I was grateful I didn't have to vote as neither candidate appealed to me, but as you say, if you don't vote, don't complain
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@hostessman (11871)
• Tucson, Arizona
20 Nov 16
the good thing about freedom is you do and vote what ever way you want... it is your choise
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
20 Nov 16
I voted for Jill Stein, so my conscious is clear @lookatdesktop .
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• Dallas, Texas
20 Nov 16
Hmm. I wonder how things might have been only if?
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• Dallas, Texas
21 Nov 16
@nanette64 I really wish I could see into the future and if so I would have to do like that guy on Early Edition, try to fix things before it was too late. lol
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
21 Nov 16
@lookatdesktop That's politics for ya; ya just never know how it will turn out.
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@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
21 Nov 16
Mr Trump will create a divide alright... between the richest 1% money hoarders & the 99% of Americans he backs . I'm very pleased at the outcome of the election. He has given hope all over the world once more. I've not heard anything like those speeches since Kennedy, FDR and Lincoln. If anyone can put a million wrongs back to right, it's him. Already he has made some excellent moves & so long as he continues in that fashion, he will succeed. If only we had such a choice down here between the establishment versus change. We just keep getting "same old, same old"! We're seriously considering moving to the USA! I've seen the article & all I can say is that many a President had skeletons in the closet & it's a good thing that this one actually does something about it!
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• Dallas, Texas
21 Nov 16
Trump has made the right decisions to correct his past mistakes and readily admits to Not being Perfect. I am happy that he has done this and hope he will remain basically transparent to everyone both here in the USA and abroad.
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• Adelaide, Australia
21 Nov 16
@lookatdesktop Trump'd have easily won all those lawsuits had he gone to court, but he now has bigger fish to fry & shouldn't be distracted from the task at hand. I can recall down here being enrolled in something like that maybe a decade & a half ago, but the guy skipped the country & was untouchable, so nobody got any compo for their huge fees. It's really looking up for you guys now... bright future ahead.
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• Adelaide, Australia
26 Nov 16
@anniepa perhaps to the Trump University? This is the item we were discussing here. It was specific; not general. Any good businessman pays as little tax as possible. Why should he support the industrial military complex the USA has become when he wants to avoid war & collaboratively build & trade with other countries? If I was one of those lucky people compensated by that bloke, I'd be over the moon happy about it, considering what I've been through - for nothing.
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@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
22 Nov 16
I obviously did not vote for him. I could not bring myself to do that. I would feel like I betrayed myself and my country. But we now know who won and I am not pleased. But we do have to wait and see if he screws up. Now, the republican party has no one to blame. They do run the house and senate and the presidency. So, when something goes wrong, they are all to blame. Now, lets get back to MyLotting.
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@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
27 Nov 16
@anniepa That is also true. But maybe there is a slight chance they will see sooner than later. The right is not a good thing for any country. I find the republican party more of a communist party.
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• United States
26 Nov 16
@anniepa Like Hillary not owning her loss. lolI said if she ever got into office she would find a way to blame everything on others just as she has throughout the whole campaign. She lost and she's still blaming others. Sad
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@kiff00027 (161)
• Nairobi, Kenya
20 Nov 16
He deserves a chance to lead...he won and people must wait and see how he performs
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
26 Nov 16
I don't think those of us in the majority who didn't vote for him must wait and see how he performs because it's pretty clear how he'll perform. I think we MUST raise our voices and hold him and his team and his party accountable. WE don't deserve to have people lose their health care or to have women and minorities marginalized.
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• Nairobi, Kenya
29 Nov 16
@WendySpickerman When he steps into office
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• United States
27 Nov 16
@anniepa Accountable for what? He's not in office yet. If you want to hold someone accountable you best start with Obama I'm afraid. People have already lost their health care, women and minorities have already been marginalized. It didn't start with Trump.
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@shshiju (10342)
• Cochin, India
22 Nov 16
People elect and select him so hope for the best.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
25 Nov 16
Actually "the people" didn't elect him, he simply won the required number of electoral votes but lost the popular vote by over 2 million.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
26 Nov 16
@shshiju I see you're from India so I can imagine how ridiculous our electoral system probably seems to you. Our system may have made some sense over 200 years ago but it's totally out-dated now. How it works is each state and Washington D.C. gets electoral votes based on the number of Congressional districts it has, which is based on population. A Presidential candidate has to get 270 electoral votes to be elected. In this election Hillary Clinton failed to get enough electoral votes despite winning the popular vote by over 2 million votes and still counting. A good example of what's so terribly wrong with this system is that our state with the highest population only gets its set number of electoral votes despite a candidate winning by a huge landslide while in a state like Florida or Pennsylvania the margin can be very slim and the one with the most votes gets all the electoral votes. Of course, the results aren't really official until members of the Electoral College meets in December and officially cast their votes.
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@shshiju (10342)
• Cochin, India
26 Nov 16
@anniepa can you say the difference between electrol and popular votes
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@Namelesss (3365)
• United States
19 Nov 16
I think it was 49% of the voting population that did not vote in essence saying they were not happy with either of the candidates presented - that in itself is a vote. The majority therefore did not vote for Hilliary or Trump and Trump won't be President Elect till Deciember 19th IF the electoral college upholds their pledge, they may not. This has never happened and likely won't but there is always that possibility. Having said all that I totally agree those who voted have the right to voice their pleasure or displeasure. Those who did not also didn't propose a viable alternative so... I'm like you I'll just sit back now and wait to see what 'actually' happens. I will say I am kind of saddened that so far Trump is surrounding himself with what I perceive to be career politicians (the platform opposite his stated reason for running).
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
23 Nov 16
I'm a lot more saddened that he's surrounding himself with racists than with "career politicians". All politicians aren't bad; all racists ARE.
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@Namelesss (3365)
• United States
24 Nov 16
@anniepa You are right and I actually mis-stated myself or didn't say enough. We'll see though, wouldn't it be wonderful if he could pull those into a cohesive "non-racist" team?
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
26 Nov 16
@Namelesss The thing is, he ran on a racist, sexist, Islamophobic, nationalist platform and added homophobia to the mix when he chose Mike Pence as his running mate. I hate to say this, but I'm going to suspect anyone he puts on his team of being in secret agreement of these things at best. So far most of his picks are openly on-board.
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• United States
20 Nov 16
Trump remains constantly in the news stories. He is not going to have an easy time of it. I am very concerned about what is happening. The hatred is rampant.
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• United States
22 Nov 16
yes theres been so many negative things being mentioned of him i feel its pretty scary too, im not sure he will come out well in the office
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@ramapo17 (30441)
• Melbourne, Florida
20 Nov 16
@LindaCPearson I cannot believe that so many Americans are roaming the street with such hatred in their hearts. They should be concerned about the big issues we are facing and stop being babies.
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• United States
20 Nov 16
@ramapo17 The media, as usual, is not helping. They are inciting and spreading the hate, which is getting totally out of control.
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