First time to be here

November 20, 2016 9:54am CST
I have visited this site a lot of times,I found this site when I was looking for some site which is talking in english,for learning english,to see how people speak in english,I didn't know it can also earn money,I never try to sign up here,I am not here for money,just want to read what you say and what you disscuss,suddenly I think why not join you guys here to share my stories,I am from China,fewly visit the oversea sites,live and work in shenzhen city,sometime trade with people from USA or other countries,this is why I speak english,but still have problem with your language,I can't speak as well as native,there are many America perple here,I met some and talk to they,it seemed not so different,but whem it comes to some diffcult words or long sentences,it will be very hard for me
4 people like this
5 responses
@imravi (2337)
• India
20 Nov 16
The more you interact the more you'll learn English.
2 people like this
@imravi (2337)
• India
20 Nov 16
@Vincentliao welcome!
@Julie555 (4155)
• Russian Federation
21 Nov 16
1 person likes this
20 Nov 16
yeah,I think in the same way,put your interests on learning makes you learn faster ,thank you
1 person likes this
@shey816 (234)
20 Nov 16
Good for you! The will to learn is the beginning and practicing it will help you a lot.
20 Nov 16
thanks for that,fail to upload my image,maybe the internet problem
@shey816 (234)
20 Nov 16
You're welcome! You can still try uploading one later.
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
20 Nov 16
Welcome to MyLot. Your English seems to be not bad at all. I hope that you will find the site useful to you in improving your English. I recommend that you read the Community Guidelines. There are just a few things which you should avoid doing here:
This is where you will find out what kinds of behavior are accepted and unaccepted on myLot. When in doubt, remember the Golden Rule!
20 Nov 16
ok,I will read it now,thanks for tips
1 person likes this
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
20 Nov 16
Hi and welcome. Your English is very good, keep reading and writing and your English will improve every day. You have joined a great place. Have a wonderful time here my new friend.
@marlina (154156)
• Canada
20 Nov 16
Welcome to MyLot from a Canadian mylotter.