I miss her.....

Bhubaneshwar, India
November 29, 2016 5:52am CST
I never thought I would miss somebody so much....She is not replying my message or mail today, maybe she is having some problem but I am going crazy not talking to her. I know she would be back but the waiting is more painful..... have you ever felt like this for someone ???
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7 responses
@annierose (21384)
• Philippines
30 Nov 16
Yes, I did. I missed my Chinese best friend so much. The last time I saw him was when I visited him in Singapore with my boyfriend. I sent him 2 emails but he has not been responding until now. I wonder how is he now or is he back to Singapore. I hope one day he will go online in Facebook or at least answer my e-mail. I have this kind of feeling. It is like I am being tormented.
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@annierose (21384)
• Philippines
30 Nov 16
@princemaxp That is great. Was she very busy?
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• Bhubaneshwar, India
30 Nov 16
same was with me....I never had that kind of feeling for anyone so it was just a little surprise on my side....but now she is back, I am happy
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• Bhubaneshwar, India
30 Nov 16
@annierose yeah, she was busy....and she tells me that she missed me more than I missed her....
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@Ayuriny (5144)
• Denpasar, Indonesia
30 Nov 16
Yeah....this could be love..
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@Ayuriny (5144)
• Denpasar, Indonesia
30 Nov 16
@princemaxp Yeah...I think it is...
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• Bhubaneshwar, India
30 Nov 16
@Ayuriny maybe it is something naughty like me ....
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• Bhubaneshwar, India
30 Nov 16
yeah this could be love....
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
8 Dec 16
You love her that's why , my friend . Does she know that you love her ?
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• Bhubaneshwar, India
8 Dec 16
yes....and she also loves me...
@skysnap (20153)
29 Nov 16
I think it's time to move past her memories. That's how better life is going to be ahead.
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• Bhubaneshwar, India
29 Nov 16
she is not replying me today....we had chatted yesterday till midnight then we bid goodnight to each other....but in the morning she wouldnot reply to me message.....it's already evening here and I am still trying
@skysnap (20153)
29 Nov 16
@princemaxp oh give her some space then. don't expect her to be always pay attention to you. because you can't be always there when she feels the same way. so give some space to each other.
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
30 Nov 16
Of course I have experienced this feeling, I think we all have felt like this. It's normal when you are in love.
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• Bhubaneshwar, India
30 Nov 16
but who misses whom the most ???? I mean does the the girl miss the boy more or the boy miss the girl more ????because she is telling me she missed me more than I missed her
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@LadyDuck (466074)
• Switzerland
30 Nov 16
@princemaxp It's the same, but everybody thinks to be the one who misses more.
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• Bhubaneshwar, India
30 Nov 16
@LadyDuck did you read this @Ayuriny ??? Thanks Anna !!!
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@Ayuriny (5144)
• Denpasar, Indonesia
29 Nov 16
Are you really missing her so much....?
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@Ayuriny (5144)
• Denpasar, Indonesia
29 Nov 16
@princemaxp ....but I want you to answer my question...please...
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• Bhubaneshwar, India
29 Nov 16
@Ayuriny yes I missed her....I missed you
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• Bhubaneshwar, India
29 Nov 16
do you have to ask....
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• Malaysia
9 Dec 16
I can feel you. She must be very special to you. How's now? Had you tried to contact her?