My Grandparents

@tipay26 (867)
December 2, 2016 5:54am CST
After seeing this picture with my grandparents I suddenly miss them.My mom is always working overseas or is always working abroad as a nurse so I was left with my grandparents together with my nanny.My mom is a single parent by the way and you know how hard it is to be raising your child all alone.That is why I am very thankful that I was able to experience growing up with my grandparents.I miss them alot.
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3 responses
@JudyEv (331988)
• Rockingham, Australia
2 Dec 16
It was fortunate that your grandparents were able to look after you while your mother was away working. I am sure you do miss them.
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@tipay26 (867)
• Philippines
2 Dec 16
@JudyEv yes..very much ., they were able to look after me and my two siblings too.I am their first grandchild .
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@hereandthere (45651)
• Philippines
2 Dec 16
are you living away from them, or have they passed on?
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@tipay26 (867)
• Philippines
2 Dec 16
@hereandthere My grandfather passed away when I was in grade one and then my grandmother passed away when I was in high school.My mom decided to come home after that but went back again to work abroad because I still have two siblings and I was enrolled in a university .
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@tipay26 (867)
• Philippines
3 Dec 16
@hereandthere yes partly correct because we also have our mom's younger brother to look after us since i graduated from college I was able o have a job too.
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• Philippines
3 Dec 16
@tipay26 then you became the guardian of your younger siblings.
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@skysnap (20153)
2 Dec 16
it indeed does look like a good timely picture.
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@tipay26 (867)
• Philippines
2 Dec 16
@skysnap I had a hard time pulling it out of the photo album it sticked on to the clear paper that is on the photo album just imagine if I pull it off immediately it might ruin or it will erase the entire image because it is too old for a picture hahahaha